The Comprehensive Firebrand Thread: Lab Notes for Beginners (almost done)

Lol, so I went to my typical weekly get together and after I touched my opponent’s first character with firebrand the host was like.

“Oh geez let me play the funeral song, This boy is done.”


I actually got the perfect XD.

I know this has nothing to do with Firebrand strategy but I thought it was funny.

Anyway the host plays that song whenever he thinks someone is gonna blow out the other guy completely.

Firebrand has given me the most perfects in this game since I played Sentinel on point at launcher (y’know, and no one knew how to block). Once I get that first touch, it’s unblockable after unblockable until my opponent’s team is gone.

Yeah, kind of like how Zero just mixes up people until the enemies…oops, that argument wasn’t in this thread.

Seriously though, it’s really not that terribly hard to get a perfect in this game sometimes given how high the damage is. If anyone has a half decent mixup on incoming, they can usually get a kill. But the trick is having enough meter to kill the second so you can blow X-Factor on the third. So, even if he does have amazing unblockables and resets, having a low damage character provide most of your perfects is impressive. Kudos.

Well, I play a zoning-based team, and it’s much more difficult to perfect someone with zoning characters, since all it takes is a semi-random hyper or some chip to kill the victory. So, Firebrand tends to get the perfects, because he’s the only one that can actually pressure enough to kill kill kill. Though I suspect if I played Dormammu on point, I would have a good number of perfects via him.


Yeah, but this is all mostly true. Mostly. All of this is useless cause any character that can stay at superjump height destroys arthur and Firebrand can do that while using fireballs. Arthur cannot do shit to people at SJ height IF he is not in gold armor. If he is in gold armor he can J.H—> Axe for a decent amount of damage. Other than that Arthur cannot do anything. He can try throwing something at SJ height but Firebrand has an airdash to punish him. Firebrand - Arthur matchup is 5.5/4.5 in Firebrand’s favor. If Arthur gets to put him in lockdown enough Arthur should be ok. Sadly in our sets if I actually kill Firebrand I get lvl 3 okami’d to death and then its my doom vs anchor ammy. You know how that shit turns out. Anywho, just stay in the air above jump height, where arthur can’t do shit. And you should be good. Always remember that Arthur has a counter and an anti air that like half as good as Summersault. Have fun.

So how do most you play the Firebrand vs. Cap match? I have a $100 MM coming up and wanted opinions of the match.

The Cap match-up is all about fish baiting. Cap cannot harm you if you stick to the top corner of the screen at Super Jump height. Unless he has vajra assist then you MUST go on the offensive and strap strider in. If Cap has missiles then I suggest switching to a powerful beam character because Firebrand is a baby and he can’t really handle Shield + Missiles.

Anyway, once cap realizes that he can’t shield toss you. Then he’ll go in for the approach. This is where you get tricky, use Firebrand’s “air dashes” to stay at a good bon voyage angle above him. Then swoop in for the kill. Once you have the advantage go to town, but watch out for cap’s godlike cr.L, his grab, and stars/stripes.

The thing about Cap is that he gets big damage off anything he does, so you have to be careful.

Thats about what I figured. I shall play it lame as fuck and do my best to not get hit by the herpaderp Charging Star. Thanks

Be careful in punishing a charging star. They like to super afterwards.

I think these are Firebrand’s top 2 normals.


Your opinion?

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sL is too godlike

All of Firebrand’s air normals are pretty good and all of his ground normals except for maybe his mediums are pretty good

New to Firebrand here. Does the hard tag combo work with Hulk as the partner coming in? I can’t seem to get it, but wasn’t sure if I was doing it incorrect. If someone could verify, I’d really appreciate it!
Also, with Hulks Gamma Quake THC, you can set up the unblockable, it just requires xfactor.

The vast majority of the game’s hypers work if you burn X-Factor.


So dude I have an entry corner set-up where I literally just call drones -> super jump -> Dive Kick.

I either cross-up with Dive Kick and the guy gets hits by drones. Dive kick hits first and I wait for drones to connect before using Bon Voyage for a follow up.
The opponent air blocks so I just do a Hell’s Elevator cancel into a low move and break their defense. Or the opponent push blocks dive kick and gets stunned by drones, so I just use Air Bon Voyage to regain lost ground with massive advantage.

This is the problem.

You shouldn’t be able to get this many fucking options off such a scrub set-up lol. I’m going through my head of a possible way to cleanly and consistently escape the trap. But since Dive Kick hits above the opponent and out of grab range you can’t snatch Firebrand. If you block the dive kick then you have to deal with drones block stun. If I whiff then you get hit by drones from behind. Push block dive kick then you get stuck in drones blockstun. I’m thinking you can X-factor cancel the blockstun of dive kick but then you still remain in blockstun against drones lest you get hit by them.


Please, people at tournies are falling for this and when they ask me how to escape it, I honestly say I don’t know.
It’s not an unblockable but unless your sent/morrigan then you are forced to remain in the corner for at least a few seconds. Which is still awesome for f-brand.

Any ideas for an escape?

Well the dive kick doesn’t hit high. Crouch and push block FB?

You cant crouch block in midair lol. The set up locks you long enough to get hit by drones. Allowing for a huge mix-up opportunity. Its kind of like homebrew tenderizer… Or something.

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It sounds like a pretty general Firebrand mix-up to me. It’s generally very difficult to block dive kicks coming above your head reliably. This is why Doom and Wolverine are also frustrating to come in against. This is why the game has X-Factor - incoming mix-ups on new characters are really hard to avoid in this game when they are done well.

One of the nice things about Firebrand is that he has a good way to make sure no incoming characters fly away!

My end of term economics paper on what big business does to small business.

I like Firebrand vs Morrigan. Firebrand is really good at dodging missiles (Regardless of who uses it) and he can stay in the angles that Morrigan has a hard time dealing with. Just wall cling until you see/hear missiles coming down and then use S to jump off the wall into a block. He also ducks low so he doesn’t take AS much chip when he is stuck in Astral Vision. Dark Fire is also very good at clearing the screen of fireballs when you need to DHC out.

Being such a good partner with Dormammu helps Firebrand fight Morrigan, too