its playing, basically.
yeah kal pretty much handled the combos, i dont need to post anything else really.
a sweep combo i do on alex/remy/necro/ibuki/oro that i do is c.rh x3, jab mgb, c.rh, lk ducking upper.
its playing, basically.
yeah kal pretty much handled the combos, i dont need to post anything else really.
a sweep combo i do on alex/remy/necro/ibuki/oro that i do is c.rh x3, jab mgb, c.rh, lk ducking upper.
yeah i’ve been playing the computer in training mode against dif. characters and i’m just learing ranges that way, like trying to land s. rh in dif. situations. or cr. rh etc. working on landing dart shot(OH) xx super etc.
is that combo u posted corner only or midscreen applicable as well?
Ty man,
corner only, and remember f+rh into super is a link not a cancel.
thanks man, yeah the dart shot super is a nasty link, OMG!!! it’s so much easier to do it now lol.
If you didn’t know, the tapping/piano method makes links easier. You do the qcf, qcf motion, but then you tap all three punches right after each other, like a piano, or like how people tap their fingers on desks sometimes, it gives you six individual chances for the super to come out (negative edge), rather than 2.
Unless you already knew that. ‘_’
yeah piano method is good, ty for posting though, i mean any tips feel free to post i’m always up for learning, even if it’s basic. basics are the foundation to beastage my friend… lol.
How do you guys deal with dive kick happy Akuma players? I can handle them pretty well but I’m looking for some new and innovative ideas I haven’t come up with.
parry the dive kick :lol:.
for demon flip resets, you can EX Jet Uppercut Akuma right before his dive kick hits you. either way, he will get hit because he’s in no position to parry.
kal el good to see u posting , and thanks for helping me get a good avatar, doesn’t it look sexy, yes, yes!!!
okay how do u guys fight oro. i keep getting thrown whenever i don’t block, his double jump get’s me sometimes and his ex fireball is a pain sometimes.
and also what is the best way to manage corkscrew bar, i do alot of ex short swing blow for mind games, then try to sweep next time etc, but i always try to keep one bar stocked.
Sometimes i get going to much and lose the bar altogether.
so what are some tips to stay stocked…
oros forward throw sucks, and you can mash out of it in 1 hit (the elbow smash grab) so if youre in the corner, pretty much the only things he can do to counter your low block are throw you OUT of the corner, or do overheads. i fight oro with lots of s.rh but again it pends on which super the oros playing for your strategy against him. stop using so many ex short swing blows, they are good sometimes, but not absuseable, mainly because kens shippu can reverse it on block, and if they red parry the last hit (and they’re good) they will parry the super you cancel into too… dont mixup with ex short swing/sweep, thats a weak mixup because one its slow becausue of the sweep, and 2 the sweep doesnt counter blocking, which owns up the ex short swing.
wow, yeah my mix up is gay.
i’m now doing lk, lk dash back out of range, or overhead, dash back mix up or duck. etc…try to do a dif. one everytime… at random.
also jab then lk, then a chain. etc.i also like doing sweep when there blocking cause it’s safe, or just dashing back make them whiff duck to catch up upper cause it’s more than one hit against parriers…
tell me some more mix ups…if ya don’t mind…
some mix ups i use:
on standing opponents
after blocked c. short, c. short, i do UOH -> super or UOH -> c. strong x duck xx super.
c. short x short duck -> throw
c. short x short duck -> s. roundhouse x duck xx super (if s. roundhouse hits)
if s. roundhouse does not hit, after the duck walk up and c. short, c. short xx super
blocked s. forward, s. roundhouse chain -> s. roundhouse x duck xx super
on opponent’s wake up
empty jump -> SSB xx super
whiffed twds + forward as they’re getting up -> c. short, c. short xx super (i got this from watching Vic footage)
whiffed twds + forward -> throw
whiffed c. short -> twds + roundhouse -> super
whiffed UOH -> c. short, c. short xx super
whiffed UOH -> SSB xx super
whiffed UOH -> throw
whiffed s. forward -> throw
whiffed s. jab -> s. roundhouse x duck xx super
just a few things to try out :lol:. they work for me.
Kal el u always come with the top notch shit. thanks man it’s really helping me do it up “Dudley Style” ya know!
Those uoh ones are sick, esp after blocked lk lk, really sets up alot more mind games, damn i’m now thinking on a whole nother level again. man that is what i love about this game. Thank you once again man…
no problem, bro.
it really helps when you get to see footage of top level Dudley players 'cuz then you can incorporate some of what they do to your play style.
the one i “stole” from Vic, i found that it’s helped my wake-up beasting tons. whiffing twds + forward on your opponent’s wake-up will more often than not make them block high because it’s a high hitting move. sure you can block it low, but it’s a natural tendency for people to block high hitters high, yeah? so take advantage of that. when they start to expect c. shorts after a whiffed twds + forward, then you mix it up.
vs. one of my buddies here, i had 3 Corks stocked, it was round 3 and in one sequence after a knock down, i whiffed twds + forward as he was getting up -> c. short, c. short xx super = knock down. as he was getting up, i once again whiffed twds + forward but instead of going for c. shorts, i did twds + roundhouse -> super. it worked 'cuz i hit him with lots of c. shorts xx super after whiffing twds + forward. so after that 2nd knock down, i again whiffed twds + forward (getting redundant, yeah?) but instead of doing a high/low mix-up, i did SSB (Kokujin does this a lot) and sure enough, i see him whiff a throw. so yeah, xx’d into super :lol:. just like that, baby!
the ducking set-ups (i got the idea from watching Jima) work really well too. after you do say, c. short x duck and attempt to throw, first few times you will probably throw them, but after a while, they’ll start to get “smart” and they’ll try to tech it. for this doing SSB right after is excellent. however, sometimes they’ll try to poke you low after doing a duck, so SSB will get hit by it. this is where you do the s. roundhouse after the first ducking sequence. s. roundhouse will outprioritize pretty much anything they try to poke you with (a c. strong or c. jab most likely) and if you see it hit, CANCEL INTO A SUPER!
First post here on site, was just looking for basic Dudley info…wow. :wow:
Anyway, now I got my work cut out for me. I’m lovin’ Dudley’s style, but I’m seeing so much more here that I have yet to play around with.
Oh, and as for that Akuma dive-kick thing posted earlier…I use EX Cross-Counter against that often. sure, I’ll take a hit, but he’ll pay for it. :badboy:
heh, but who am I to even think about giving advice? I’m new here…I’ll get out of your way now. :wonder:
hey just read through this thread and lots’ of knowledge will be yours
and ask questions never be aftaid to ask a question even if it sounds dumb, but do read through this thread first that is the first step to getting good with dudley.
ok, well, you asked for it. here’s what most (meaning: all) of you might consider a ‘dumb’ question.
what the heck do you guys mean when you say “rh”? I’m thinking roundhouse…but you guys seem to put it a few different ways. As if, there’s different punch and kicks versions. Maybe I already know what you guys are talking about, but just don’t know the abbreviation, or even what to call it! Or maybe I’m just up too late right now and can’t process what ‘rh’ could stand for…
other than that, I think I understand the rest. Can’t wait to see some Midwest tournaments actually happen.
rh=roundhouse=hk=hard kick=heavy kick
just keep hustling man!
yeah knowing terminology will help alot, just keep asking man, no prob! :tup:
this thread is gold, i’ve read through it twice now, b/c even i forget what was put in here and i ask shit that’s already been answered. :tdown:
so don’t feel bad, keep up the playing and hard work…
What’s forward? eg. 1) s. roundhouse x EX MGB -> forward Ducking Uppercut
Is that like mk there?
Another thing what are
as in RH x EX MGB
SSB xx SA3