Short= weak kick
Forward=medium kick
Roundhouse=heavy kick
Jab= weak punch
Strong=medium punch
Fierce=heavy punch
I have no idea why forward and strong relate to medium strengths, but that’s just the way it is.
Short= weak kick
Forward=medium kick
Roundhouse=heavy kick
Jab= weak punch
Strong=medium punch
Fierce=heavy punch
I have no idea why forward and strong relate to medium strengths, but that’s just the way it is.
sorry for the confusion.
forward = medium kick. the old school American SF cabs have those written on top of the buttons.
when i put “x” i mean a regular cancel, like doing s. roundhouse into fierce Jet Uppercut.
“xx” denotes a super cancel, i.e., a special move (like Jet Uppercut or SSB) getting cancelled into a Super Art.
just as a sidenote, “->” either means a link or a juggle.
Anyone here integrally hit confirm c. mp & s. mp? Is it worth it or are there better choices? I’m looking at range, Trying to beef up the strats got a tourney on sunday. Ya’ll wouldn’t know about it I’m from lil ole Trinidad in the caribbean nebody ever here on vacation pm me… all the guys down here suck bad except for this one other dude who is also on these forums, Dragon_Light I think is his srk acct. He’s a bit better than me at this point, hoping to beat him at this tourney. and can be cancelled into duck and hitconfirmed into super.
hey epsilon u coming to last tourney on 20th. i’ve missed the last four as i’m moving to tennesse, gay!!!(the missing tourney part)
but umm any way the question of the day, i"ve heard about some video vic made where he does 3 uppers in the corner or something, any tips on finding it etc. and is this true or just heresay.
::::::::::::::TEH EDIT!!:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
NO such video exists, it was just some combo videos scrub yapping.
Umm Im a mokoto player but dudleys c.rh combo’s is the hotness but I cant do em to save my life. Can some one really explain to me the timing or additional imputs if needed to do the c.rh x 3 or 4. like do you need to walk forward after the initial c.rh or how fast do I need to imput the next c.rh.
it’s dif for some characters. like some fall faster etc. yes u need to move forward after every 2 to stay close. or u can do it less maybe i don’t know that’s just what i do. and if ya wanna know about adding in lp machine gun blows or ssb and all that just do them when there at the apex of the juggle state.
on the lp mgb’s u only want the last hit to hit, so 2 whiffs a hit and another juggle state, which by the way makes ur juggles look so freaking smooth.
on fast falling characters u can just do it as fast as u can and it will generally work.
But epsilon or kal el should post up to verify my stuff. i might just know all the timings by heart and not really “know the timings” b/c all i do is go in trainging mode lol and juggle all characters at least once a day… This is the only benefit of not having a job :)!!! :tup:
Anybody have tips for fighting a crossup happy ken? Or i guess just fighting ken in general. I already read the ken matchup in this thread, but just wondering if anybody knew a little more. Also, does anybody use ex ssb? Tell me its uses. Thnx, any help is appreciated.
If ken tries to cross you up on your wake up then you have a few options. If you got a super stocked (I recommend SAIII against him) rip it out and cork his mouth shut. If you’re already up then you can use the rh duck to get out of there or duck out and cancel a super hcf+ mk/hk xx Cork.
If you’ve got an ex and you know he’ll go for an attack then you can try an EX jet uppercut.
If you’ve got no meter then another good option is to tap back in parry timing with the attack. The nice thing about this is that if its a fake crossup it’ll get blocked and if its a real crossup you’ll have a parry on your hands to work with.
Keep at it.
Cross counter his corner cross ups and throw lots of roses is a very good anti crossup. its fast, hits above dudleys head, and has good priority, just dont try to do it when hes crossing you up meaty. duck, super works too. so does tap a direction, you will either parry or block. ex dp works sometimes, but its really risky if he does it deep enough so he will land and your dp will whiff and give ken a free dash into whatever.
good shit at the tourney today epsilon_ very nice mix ups and mix up advice. watching u really helped so ummmm fuck yo couch!!
I’ve been getting way back into 3s again lately, though my only competition is pretty much my brother and XBL.
And when I’m playing on xbox, I am usually paying Dudley or Urien… trying to get away from the shoto crutch. But damn, some days I am just giving free win after free win to some of the scrubbiest players and it’s getting annoying. I am by no means Kokujin, but I know the difference between getting outclassed and outmashed.
Anyway, these recent suck-outs have lead me to a few Dudley questions I’d like to share and hopefully get some input on.
Let’s say we’re facing Ken(if the answer to this is different vs Chun Li, then her too). What does a Dudley-III who has less life and at least 1 super stocked do against a Ken with at least 1 stock who is INTENT ON PLAYING KEEPAWAY!? I like to, when I can, play very aggressively(I love you, Dudley)… but it seems very hard to get in to mix up when the opponent is doing nothing but trying to prevent that. I will poke at the air with strongs and forwards or whatever to build meter and inch forward… maybe do some ducking as well. Empty jumps also… but it seems like a lot of that stuff is just fodder for Ken’s pokes and mixups and I keep walking into random shit. I am losing to a lot of sub-par Kens/Chuns because I’m getting impatient or am being waited out by someone with more life. I guess, in a nutshell, what Im asking is what are some good ways to steal the momentum?
A lot of the meaty options Ive been reading about here are right on point… you guys have done an excellent job with the mixup ideas. but a lot of times I am getting supered or DP-ed in these situations, when i go for a dart shot or a c.short x 2 or whatever. I know to fake and block, and that works sometimes… but I hate to think that I shouldnt be able to keep my momentum going on a knockdown. It almost feels like vs Ken, Ryu, or Remy I am UNSAFE attacking on their wakeup, even with roses, and that feels silly to me. And when I do fake then block, they will not attack, and suddenly we are at a stale mate where Ken will then sweep me once I try to regain the intiative again because Im too far to throw. Any thoughts on ways to attack SAFELY against a metered opponent on their wakeup? It’s like… my mixup game is tight… except when it gets me killed lol
Since these seem to be full on paragraphs, Ill make this the last question lol It’s similar to my last question, but I’m wondering about the ducking tricks… like, i know torwards+ forward into ducking, c. short into ducking, and s. roundhouse into ducking are good to lead into throw tricks… but it seems like my opponents just hit me when I try them more often than not… even when I have been successfully attacking prior. Am i just playing poor players who dont realize they should be blocking these attacks? because even when i try to super off the ducking or off a ducking upper or straight, I still seem to get knocked out of it a lot.
Hopefully I was clear explaining these grievances. And while I know Im asking about a lot of basics, discussion of them might help with mine any other players’ ground game and attacking mindsets.
I just hate the feeling that if I simply played as ken, all my worries would subside, because SCREW THAT, Dudley’s(and Urien’s heh) the man!
Thanks in advance to anyone who bothers to read/respond. Let’s fight like gentlemen out there.
Hihihi Jesse.
First off, I want to say that I am a scrub player, pure and simple. I like playing with Dudley a lot, however, so if anyone out there can correct any of the assertions I am making, I would love to hear them. Hopefully, I’ll be able to learn something too.
I had shoto trouble at the arcades when all I did was play on console with my roommate. Console makes you soft. I could do the machinegun blow juggles and the links into super consistently in training mode, blahblahblah, but when it came time to hold shit down in the arcade, I’d get raped. Since then, I’ve gotten a lot better from playing in the arcades, and while I’m still light years from being Kokujin or Victoly, I can at least take out the back-fierce SA1 Chuns and the dragonpunch spamming SA1 Kens.
So, I have one homework assignment for you (take it or leave it). Practice turtling. It’s disgusting and not how you should be playing Dudley, but it’s an excellent exercise for beginning Dudley players who (imo) don’t have the sense to block when they need to.
What turtling will do for your gameplay is rather interesting. It’s not that turtling is the best way to use Dudley (although I find it really effective against back+fierce SA1 Chun-li and fierce-dp-everything SA1 Ken), but that turtling is the way to simplify your game and figure out what it is you need to work on.
Once you start practicing blocking everything when you’re opponent is trying to rushdown (but only actually spamming normals while dashing forward, superficially similar to but very different from the technically proficient stuff you see in high level match play) you start gaining an intuitive feel for high-low-throw mixups. As strangely unrelated as it sounds, for me, learning the psychology and the timing of trying to block everything really improved my ability to psych people out and time the high-low wakeup game.
Turtling with Dudley is really simple. Standing roundhouse link into jab machingunblows all jump-in attempts. Occasionally negative edge the duck under from the roundhouse to throw them off. This really messes up their ability to anticipate and parry, and is good practice for standing roundhouse into duck under super. If they start trying to jump over your head (a la Ken’s jumping forward crossover) dash out or use the duck under to escape. While these tactics don’t work on reasonably competent people, against the XBL scrubs, it’s more than plenty.
For your punishment when people whiff stuff up close, use standing roundhouse negative edge into duck under super. It’s very easy to pick up the rhythm in training mode. If they whiff stuff from farther away, just block it. Let them get impatient and come to you. When they get into throwing range and you for some reason haven’t gotten them with the standing fierce, throw them. This will subconciously make you pay attention to the proper distance for your standing roundhouse and your throw range.
Fair warning–don’t do this to your friends or your brother, unless you don’t want to play them 3s ever, ever again. Even if they’re the understanding type, they won’t like playing you. Do this against the XBL scrubs. You don’t give a fuck about what they think, right?
Lastly, when shotos turtle you, you turtle them back. It seems almost wrong at first, (since you’re blocking everything and eating the tick damage from the fireball,) but it’s a funny thing about all scrubby shotos that eventually, they’ll try to dash in or jump in. When that happens, you either ex jet upper them (if they’re committed to an attack and you can’t parry consistently), standing roundhouse, or throw. It sounds absurd, but it works like a charm on shoto-scrubs who think that the fireball-dragonpunch trap still works in SF3.
I forgot to mention:
My ultimate goal in playing Dudley is NOT to have to turtle. I play that way for now because I’m confident that Victoly, Kokujin, Fujiwara, etc, got good at what they did because they exploited every last advantage they could get.
Dudley is not good for turtling when compared to the likes of Chun or the Shotos, but that’s exactly what I like about Dudley. When you meet someone who is even reasonably competent at 3s, he will FORCE you to do more than turtle and wait him out. Rather than start by learning how to rush down and figure out all the other stuff that high level players can do later (like have a rock solid defense) my philosophy is to start with turtling and branch out from there. Defense first, and offense will come naturally because of the way Dudley interacts with the game engine.
At any rate, I’m winning more than I’m losing against the scrubby quarter-circle mashing kens and the SA1 Chun-lis, so hopefully that means I’m somewhere on the right track. (If somebody can correct my miserable shit that passes for advice, please do!)
Hey man. it’s funny that you would give me such advice because when I am teaching a friend how to play SF(any of them) and they are new to it, I suggest they do exactly that: ONLY block and play keepaway. And pretty much for the exact reasons you mentioned. So that’s pretty weird/cool to have my own advice thrown right back in my face. hehe
But you’re totally right, I think. Playing only defense and running, etc is a great way to slow the game down mentally and dare the other player to find some sort of attack sequence you can’t defend, which 9 times out of 10 they wont be able to do anyway.
While I consider myself fairly knowlegable about Dudley in general(at least in Theory fighter), I actually never thought to anti air w/ stand roundhouse, let alone into jab mgb. Good thought.
And as for the rest of your advice… even if it’s too beginner-ish for the majority of fools here, even myself to an extent, don’t worry… you are 100% on point. And while I would normally consider myself somewhat too experienced/good to revert to such ABC tactics, I also was the one who wrote 3 paragraphs bitching about how scrubs keep beating me LOL So I am gonna swallow my pride and do a lot of blocking! If anythijng just to get myself back into patience-mode and not anger-mode. Thanks
You play against Chun’s that don’t use SA2? Consider yourself lucky. SA2 will make your days playing Dudley much more difficult.
haha a SA1 chun is weak sauce compared to the SA2 version
1.) I stay on the ground and use twd. fierce to poke and see if they get careless with low MK. Dudley’s twd. fierce is very good against “scrubs” who turtle like that. You can also use twd. mp (that’s right, mp) and twd. mk to stop short any kens that get past Dudley’s fierce range. After you hit them or they block these moves, you are close enough to walk up --> throw or walk up --> backswing blow to punish their throw attempt. Also you can buffer Dudley’s standing RH into EX MGB if they stick any limbs (obvious exception – c. mk) out or try to dash in. Remember buffering s. RH --> EX MGB does not protect you if they block the RH. It is safer to use s. RH --> duck in some instances. You want to combine this with a jump-in from fairly close range. When you are fairly close to them, they have much less time to formulate a counter to DUdley’s low, hopping jump.
Jump in using either fierce or RH and be ready to follow up successful hits with RH --> uppercut, RH --> EX MGB, or RH --> duck xx super. If they block you can follow up with RH --> duck --> throw/backswing blow. If they keep parrying it or uppercutting you are being too predictable.
Never keep jumping in. Try one jump in and if it doesn’t work, hang back and play the keep away game for a bit until you get close enough to attempt another short-range jump-in.
2.) If you use the rose, you must time it right. Throw the rose so it hits them just as they get up. Most will simply block it and you may use the blockstun from the rose to set up another attack, either tick short --> throw or tick short --> overhead --> linked super or whatever.
They may also try to do a wake-up move which destroys the rose and goes through it to hit you, however if you threw the rose at the right time, Dudley will have recovered and will just block the attack. If you are getting hit with any wakeup move when you throw the rose, you are simply throwing it too late. Wait for the rose to hit and be blocked then immediately set up your next attack. If they quick recover I would not advise throwing the rose.
As for all the times you get hit with a wake up attack when you do not or cannot throw the rose, that is part of the chance inherent in this game. You should not always attack on knockdown but you should mix in other stuff, e.g. knockdown, whiff a move, then block and punish any reaction, the next knockdown whiff a move, then throw, the next knockdown whiff a move, then tick short, hesitate, short short xx super, or whatever. Avoid constantly attacking on knockdown as that invites wakeup reversals/super etc.
3.) You lost me here. Are you saying people hit you after you they block Dudley’s RH --> duck or twd. forward --> duck? If so they are good palyers, not bad players. New players dont know how to react and usually get thrown.
If your opponent blocks your RH --> duck or twd. forward --> duck or whatever, you can throw, do backswing blow (the throw counter), hesitate then short short or overhead or whatever you want. Assuming the RH or twd fwd or whatever was blocked, good players will typically punish you as Dudley recovers from the ducking, i.e. ken will mp super you for free. At the very least good players will tech your throw if you try to throw after the ducking.
Why the hell would you super off the ducking unless the RH or twd. forward hit them??? You can link super off of a plain twd. forward anyway, and that way you would not leave Dudley vulnerable while he recovers from the duck.
Ducking uppers and ducking straights should never be whiffed, that allows them to punish for free. Ducking uppers and straights are almost always used to finish juggle combos or possibly to chip an opponent near death (then you could cancel super for chip dmg).
Sweet merciful shit that’s long.