The "Check out my Supergun!" thread

Fuck I need one of these.

That counter is awesome. Needs a turbo button for that old PC feel.

Thanks! The counter is the 5V line. Real time, Real Accurate info!

These are going to be even better with the USB boards inside :smiley:

What power supply are u using?

Im so amuetuer. Heres one for you guys to laugh at. I got it all working though. Using the Vogatek MKV i just got with an MVS board. Making the controller cable was my first real soldering project. I got get all of my stuff organized. Just threw it together to make sure it all works. I wanna eventually put the MK V into an xbox 360 shell ala Freedom Gundam.

For that monster hole I guess getting a Switch craft HD15 passthough. And get a DB 15 cable (similar to what used for neo geo controllers) and two matching HD 15 (VGA connector) connector and hood.
Mod your cable so your DB 15 (wider plug) goes to the super gun, and the HD 15 goes towards your stick. It will clean up that Rats Nest of wire you have there. the 2nd VGA connector would be used ont he inside to connect to the panel mount connector.

a Switch craft panel mount HD15 passthough (it installs like a Neutrik connector)

DB 15 cables

Just something random I picked up on eBay, a 5V 6A, 12V 2A switching power supply.

The MK V uses 20pin power supplies. I can’t seem to find one online that looks like it will fit in the Xbox 360 shell. Any suggestions?

I sell the triple voltage PS that actually goes in a cab. They will fig height wise. Probably a little mod for the width.


This is the one I used.

I got a question about Supergun compatibility.

How well does it work with Model 3 games and System 246 games? A local arcade operator is liquidating some of his games, and VF3 and Tekken 4 are on wholesale. I would snatch them up for home use, but I need to find out if they work out well with a supergun.

If that doesn’t work, then I can just lease them out or sell em to a local pawn shop.

I’m not sure if you’re understanding what a “Supergun” is, based on your question.

The Supergun is essentially something that interfaces controls input and audio/video output with an arcade board, and usually power as well.

So essentially, it’s a homemade adapter, in its simplest definition. As such, it technically is compatible with EVERYTHING. Including modded SNES’, Genesis’, etc.

If you’re asking about a very specific Supergun (ie, a Vogatek, or even something custom that Jason Hicks makes) you’re going to have to actually mention which supergun you’re talking about.

Also note that neither System 246 nor Model 3 use JAMMA as their connection standard; System 246 uses a pseudo-JVS (info here), while the Model 3 uses something completely different, if I’m not mistaken.

Got a diagram for wiring that type of supply to a 20 pin connector? Sorry for cluttering this thread. I know it’s more of a “Show n Tell” thread.

Any power supply would work, technically. 20-pin is just a standard PC motherboard Molex connector. Just google the pinout, and build yourself the connector.

For some reason, I was thinking I would have to use all twenty pins on the connector. Got it.

Well, you might, but that depends on your Supergun.

I don’t know how the pins are routed on your Supergun, but if each of the pins (or at least, all the 5V/12V/-5V/Gnd pins) are routed individually to separate points, you might actually need to supply those voltages at those pins; ie, the board might be looking for those voltages at those specific pins, so you’ll need to provide it there one way or another.

On the flipside, from the 20-pin connector on the board, if all the 12V lines are connected on your Supergun’s side, as are the 5V, -5V, Gnd, and whatever else (to other lines of the same type), you might be able to get away with just connecting one line of each type to the 20-pin Molex connector.

Code Name Orange Crush complete!


Just Awesome setup!!! When will you start selling the MK30? Do you have a picture of the back of the Supergun you can post? I will purchase one soon!!

Soon! I have to list them and take more pics first. Also need to check the math on final assembly costs!