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Stocky uses CA any chance he gets lmao

even on people’s block.


Then I’d use LK Vanity Step into punch next time. Does more damage and connects into CA reliably after a juggle.

Another impressive Kolin. I like how he uses hailstorm.

And another good Kolin not going to tournaments

Counter is a good option there , just do the input in a way that it will autocorrect itself (inputting tatsu before he has the time to cross up x times) the input buffer is quite generous and the counter has enougj actives too, if not, you could waste a bar and go for ex vanity into silver edge or use the mk hk ex and go for hk into full combo (have to do it quite early tho since bison recovers pretty fast)

I’m gonna try and test out Bipson counters and see if I can come back with anything.

Fuck EX DR!!!


im trying to get into ex parabellum>mk vanity step+cr.hk cancel>v trigger…but i havent decided how to follow the vtrigger.
either lk vanity step+p or v skill. havent decided yet.

Seems you cant link shit after ice.
Not vskill, patabellum, or dash punch works

im learning the goodness of canceling basic sweep into lp parabellum.

I got side tracked trying to learn something else that caught my eyes. I’m a flake I’m sorry ;_;

Nice counter twin


Critical did not come out after vtrigger.


What is going on?

sorry, nothing. just me and Twinblades playing 1v1 in kolin mirror matches. leveling up etc. its just that i accidentally started posting to him here instead of the sfv lounge thread. oops. sorry.

Haha its fine! You can talk to @TWINBLADES anywhere really

It seems like they’ve found out she has a kara throw

Wasn’t surprised to hear it’s from her MK, that thing moves her forward really quickly if you mash it.

Watch it get patched out soon