counter activates on frame 1 and the rolls have no punishable recovery, so yes it should be possible. Havent tested it out or anything like that though lol
Probably what I would suggest aside from what was already mentioned is working on your offense. From what you’re saying, you aren’t kept out 100% of the time, and you should be able to score some damage when you get in. If he’s not pressing buttons, you’re not doing enough to make him. Besides thinking about it during a match, that can be improved with good training mode habits.
If you don’t do it already, turn on random block and random tech. Make your training resemble a match setting as much as you can. When the random block actually blocks, don’t just mindlessly start the combo again, treat it like an actual player and do mixup. Recognize the strings that are harder to follow up on block and practice confirms from linked light attacks (which give you better mixup opportunity when you see them blocked than chains.) When you land a combo, try to follow up afterwards with an actual mixup into combos/pressure. Practice the timing for things like empty jump -> low short, dash cancels, and counterhit strings.
I find that the average player blocks more than I expect them to against Asuka. I used to do a lot of cancels into backdash to bait reversals/counterhits and pretty much nobody was pressing anything. So at least for the moment I find that I can afford to be aggressive early in a match until the opponent figures out that they are going to have to press buttons. If they’re not doing that, then you’re not doing enough to threaten them, and you’re probably pushing yourself out for them.
am i the only one that doesn’t agree with this whole tag her out option??
it’s so early and it’s not like you’re always playing tourney matches or money matches
so how are we going to learn matchups if we’re alwaysnrunning away from them?
like i think hwoarang is a terrible matchup mainly because a lot of his stuff has him in the air so counter isn’t as effective
but i still stay in there trying to figure stuff out even if i lose 79 times out of 81 matches the more experience the better
i’ve actually started playing with her first just so i can get that matchup experience
in regards to the poison matchup, which i’ve only played once and that was on day 2 so i’m speaking more from a user perspective, i don’t see how this matchup goes well for asuka;
and i don’t even mean from a zoning perspective her ‘overhead’ kick special move should cause nightmares just because you can’t counter it and she’s +frames on block so she can actually push buttons if she wants. maybe it’s just the way i play poison but when in close i’m always ducking so sweep throw won’t be as effective unless you can predict/read the pattern of when they want to inch forward for ground
however i’m not completely sure if to rekkas is a true block string for poison, if it’s not then counter would actually be really annoying for poison
I’ve been putting her first as well. I’ve also been losing a lot, but usually with losing comes learning. Whenever I tried learning a new character in MvC3 I’d do the same thing to figure out what works in a situation, what doesn’t, etc. Thankfully this game is a lot more forgiving than Marvel so I get more chances to keep screwing up.
Too bad most of what I’ve learned is I’m absolutely terrible at this game.
It’s surprising how many things you can counter. Flash Kick isn’t airborne when it hits you - neither are any of Guile’s hopping normals (sobat, upside-down kick) or his alpha counter, so you can counter all of them.
Ken’s SRK/alpha counter, and Cammy’s and Sagat’s (not sure about his) uppercuts are also not airborne. Ryu’s SRK is airborne, as is Chun’s SBK/alpha counter.
Looking at his frame data and practicing against him in training mode helps.
An important point is that most of his attacks have poor frame advantage for their speed.
- His only 3f normal is in flamingo stance
- His only advantage-on-block normals outside of flamingo stance are f+MK (overhead, 19f startup, +2), standing jab (8f startup, +4) and crouching jab (5f startup, +1.)
- He can’t block in flamingo stance, and he has no overheads in it.
The speed on Asuka’s light attacks is generally better. So if he’s not using chains, his ability to frametrap and walkup-throw is limited. When his attack string ends, you’re often in a position to start your own offense, aside from his SRK.
The biggest threat is his standing strong, which is part of a string [MP - LP], where the second hit is an overhead that ground-bounces. IIRC, there’s a gap where you can counter this overhead, or you can punish it on block with standing strong/forward (it’s -8.) This is mixed up with chaining MP into sweep, which is a true blockstring, but it’s -9 even when you don’t chain into it, so it can be punished heavily.
You could try to counter the overhead and block the sweep, but he could also cancel MP to Hunting Hawk. All versions put him at disadvantage, but the HK version pushes you back too far. Instead, there’s a gap where you can EX airgrab the last hit of the HK version, or if he does it at a further distance, you can backdash it.
As a whole it’s better to take the sweep than that overhead due to the ground bounce.
So generally, if he’s using chains/cancels, he’s very punishable on block, but if he’s not, he can be somewhat vulnerable to mashing.
He has an SRK and a backwards sobat kick that crushes lows, although his antiair is not very good against crossups.
Sometimes you can do reaction regular falling rain against his dive kick, especially when he starts it from the ground. The trajectory is fairly telegraphed, and the startup is long even for the air version.
Hey, thanks guys. After mulling over it a bit. I realized that R-D is right-- my offense is lacking somewhat. My friend is very good at staggering his block strings to bait me into frame traps. However, I’m not doing enough to make him stop, and it seems that I am the one that is getting conditioned into certain responses. I’m working on it, though, and I realize that Asuka is a character that will force me to become much better as a player in order to play her effectively.
I like that fact a hell of a lot, and it’s great fun trying to figure things out with her. Also, thanks for the tip on her standing MP. I feel like I can create better pressure now that I know where to strike when that move comes out.
If you’re ever fighting a Hugo, will beat out everything he does jumping. It’s amazing.
For my A options should I be using he air grab or what normals should I be using?
I’ve been using a lot for AA not sure what I should be using.
Right now I’m running Asuka/poison.
St.lp is a good AA but quite risky to do as it only has 2 active frames.
f+lk is good if you do it early.
Ex falling rain is always an answer to jump ins. are situational enough but can be used.
when I go for falling rain it wiffs sometimes I think I’m doing it super early x_x
why am I always bad with special AA’s any tricks to hitting it 100% of the time on jump ins? Should I just be delaying it as much as I can?
Don’t forget for AA. That’s surprisingly good if your opponent doesn’t have an attack that hits very deep since they’ll hit the ground before they can hit you and you’ll punish their recovery.
For Falling Rain you should never use it unless it’s the ex version. It’s super slow to come out, so you have to do it at the very beginning of their jump pretty much. EX version is amazing though and if your opponent is anywhere near you in the air it’ll hit.
it has been the ex version I’ve been using it feels like a hit or miss thing for me I think I’m just doing it too early.
Ah yes, I forgot about, that’s a nice AA, can buffer it into super to tripguard them.
@Kitori, it sounds like you’re doing it extremely early, just wait until they’re just above your head and slam them into the ground!
I’ve been finding good use in st.MK as an anti-air against jump ins from farther away. I main F-Sion in Melty Blood and her 5B looks a lot like Asuka’s st.MK. F-Sion’s 5B is a really good anti-air in Melty Blood because it plain shuts down a lot of jump-in approaches. I figured I would give it a whirl with Asuka and funny enough, it does almost the same thing!
Mind you, Asuka’s st.MK is no F-Sion 5B in terms of the hitbox, but it’s pretty dang close. If you have people jumping in at you, trying to max range their j.MK or whatever the heck, Asuka’s st.MK will trade in the worst case scenario IF you time it properly. I’m not telling anyone this is a completely godlike option that will always win, but given the options she currently has, st.MK is one to at least consider for deep jump-ins.
EDIT: Actually…no, just stick with st.MP for that. :s
Just did this in a match vs Bison’s s.MK
c.Hp(counter) dash lift kick BnB
I went to the lab to test this shit. Her c.Lp, c.Mp, and c.Hp can beat his s.Mk and combo into her bnb
Her s.Mk can stuff scissor kick during the start up
c.Mk beats Devils Reverse clean.
I started working on Asuka’s trials this morning I needed someone that can do decent damage in back of the Old man. She’s got some really sweet juggles, I think Heihachi will do well with her. Has anyone tried this team?
Since nobody else will post character matchups I guess I will start…
**Ryu ** - Default characters are always first
True block Strings (LINKS)
Solar Plexus Strike into anything(practical only)
c.LP or s.LP
c.LK or close LK
c.MP, c.LP
**Far/Close/Crouch MP or Close/Crouch MK **into any special moves (practical only)
**Close/Crouch HP **into any special moves (practical only)
Sweep into any special moves (practical only)[/details]
Not True Block Stings (LINKS)
-** L into M**
M into another M
M into Sweep
**Overhead **into anything
If Ryu does any of the listed links(on block) Asuka can beat it clean with Attack Reversal[/details]
c.MK - Anytime Ryu whiffs a c.MK Asuka can punish with s.MK. I think the reason this works is because Ryu’s hitbox move’s forword during that attack. I wouldn’t use Attack Reversal against his c.MK since you can punish a whiff c.MK
c.MP - Asuka loses to this normal attack. c.HP does trade for a free dash up juggle combo but not even above 30%
Sweep - You can punish with Asuka’s Sweep Throw on block but it’s not practical. If he whiffs you can punish with HP Exo(very hard) or Ex Exo(must react)
CADC - If Ryu ever does footsies into his CADC Asuka can punish forward dashes with LP into BnB and back dashes with Ex Exo. If he delays his CADC just use Ex Exo[/details]
A to A
j.MK is Asuka’s best option against Ryu’s air normals
Anti Air
F.LK - universal
Ex Falling Rain - universal
**c.MK(whiff) **universal[/details]
That’s all I have right now. I will update if I find anything.
Nice Ika, I’ve already started documents with some matchups (I have Hei, Rolento, Gief, Guile and Akuma so far). Its just that finals week starts tomorrow so I’m focusing on other things atm =P
I’ll start filling up the hollow OP after wednesday =3
It would be awesome if we had a write-up like that for each character. Short, simple, to the point.
I appreciate it because I haven’t spent much time on matchups, been focusing on Oki and tricks and OS stuff.
Ah nice writeup
I’ll look into some popular characters in training mode outside the ones that Eternal Blaze is covering, (Ken, Kazuya, Poison, Hugo)