The Asuka Matchup/Strategy Thread

I think I’m in the same boat as everyone else with Asuka… I like her potential but her overall play is meh. I run Ogre Asuka right now and heavily considering going to Ogre Marduk or Ogre Akuma.

The major things I’ve been having trouble with is how Asuka simply loses to any attacks that are thrown out even when I go for b.MP MK or b.Mp d.MK. I could likely stand there with Ogre and press jab all day and Asuka simply wouldn’t have a way in. Do you all think this has to deal with her lack of active frames on moves? The large majority of her moves are only active 2 or 3 frames.

One thing I have discovered is that her Attack Reversal is actually very amazing. As it beats all grounded attacks, meatys are of no trouble to her since it has no start up time. In training mode you can record a combo’ed 3x jab combo from, say Ryu or Rolento, and after the first jab (if you’re fast enough) you can get the Attack Reversal out inbetween the string of jabs. Rolento’s is more of a problem because his crLP is +4 on block with a 5 frame start up.

Anyone know what her hitbox is like when using standing roundhouse? Since that goes a good distance and can be canceled into Oniku or whatever, think it might be a legit poke? (I’m not very hopeful on this one to be honest)

Also her cr.HP causes crumble on counter hit, but cannot be canceled and is -12 on block. Avoid like the plague or does it have enough pushback at range to prevent being punished?

well in comparison to other character let alone ogre she would seem meh
i don’t suggest using raw b+mp like that it’s pretty slow in all honesty i don’t think she should be able to outpoke people when she can just counter their limbs or sweep throw them.
and it seems you know how good the counter is use it in situations where you’re getting outpoked also f+hk is good if you know they’re going low or if they’re afraid of the sweep throw.

I wouldn’t suggest poking with because it whiffs a lot on crouchers and just if they’re out of range, but it could be effective you just have to be on point with it.

i actually use her c.hp i love it what you do is use it just outside of it’s range that way they can’t walk forward and block at the same time and if they throw out an attack it’s already active so you get the counter hit. don’t go spamming the move or anything but it has it’s uses for sure

Soooo I’m really bad at sfxtk so far. Been playing asuka/abel, cause asuka seemed fun, and her name can be rearanged to spell Saku®a, and abel was just a place holder because i didn’t want to try to learn two completely new characters at once. But a few thoughts…

As was said earlier, I think people are going to have to accept using her counter in footsies and while playing defensively. It’s really good. Yes, you have to make a read, but that’s kind of what footsies is all about, other than raw whiff punishing. It’s active immediately and counters all grounded attacks. Use it. Once you establish that you’re willing to counter, people are going to be more reluctant to press buttons at mid range. This will allow you some openings to get in. As of right now, I’m thinking Asuka’s really going to rely on mk> and triple sweeps to start any kind of pressure. Her back mp string is farrrr to slow to be of use unless you’re really confident your opponent is going to do absolutely nothing or whiff a mid range poke (not saying you shouldn’t use it, but I think it’s going to end up being something that ought to be used very sparingly.) All these options are pretty slow and easily beat out though, so you’re really going to want to deter your opponent from throwing out limbs, which is where counter will be your friend.

I also agree with what someone said earlier about CADCing from her strings. It’s really her only chance of allowing continued pressure. It’s going to allow you to A) stay up close after blocked normals and strings or B) get back to a f. hk range where you can actually whiff punish some things and try again to score a hit. I can see using some of her longer strings when point blank into CADC to vary post pressure spacing and options. For instance, if you land a blocked lp, you can link into mp CADC, or you can lp mp lp/lk CADC, lp mp lk mk d. mp CADC, lp mp lp mp lk mk d. mp CADC, etc, all options with plenty of hit confirm time to go into your bnb if you’re jab or linked mp hits. It will allow what would otherwise be rather dry, mixup lacking strings to become something with a little more uncertainty for your opponent. From here I think we’ll actually have some (some) mixup potential, with throws, standing and crouching jabs (2 of the few normals that actually give you frame advantage on block) sweep throws, overheads, f. hks, etc.

It’s really unfortunate how unsafe her overhead is…

My 2 pennies. I’m really bad though.

Haven’t come across a gief since I started playing, but I was on a 22 win streak on my very first time playing ranked. That is, until I encountered a guile player and discovered that I’d never beat that time wasting, health chipping, bastard. Haven’t had problems with rufus’. Just be patient. They are predictable. That, or I just switch to my poison and rising tac, I mean dp him. I’m also having trouble against ibuki. So many high, low mix ups. But for the moment… THAT GUILE!

I feel you bro, Asuka has some really harsh match-ups. I’m not sure if I should stick with her since the only reason to use her is DAT DAMAGE, and a fair few of the other Tekken characters play that role far more safely than Asuka can.

well maybe it’s because i played a long set with a guile but i didn’t have as much trouble as i thought, i just kept walking forward and basically just defending when i had to or simply neutral jump early mk and i basically play footsies while buffering counter and always going for jump back hp on a knock down so you don’t have to full screen chase him again
i don’t think it’s in our favor but if you have patience and decent reactions it’s not the worst fight in the world

If they mash jab during your block strings, throw out the counter after a c. mp, it’s a free knockdown. After you land one, odds are they’ll just wait. Now you can apply pressure or ex sweep throw. Remember CADC, s.lp is your friend. :slight_smile:

I didn’t see anything about this in the thread, but you can punish Yoshimitsu’s windmill from pretty much any distance on the screen with her counter. I dunno if that’s well known, or not though. If it is, sorry for saying something obvious. :x

what do I do on their wake up. I don’t know how to pressure for shit with asuka in this game.

Go for cross up with j.HP, or try to trick them with Sweep Throw or Counter, depending on how the opponent tends to react to pressure. If you can pull off the link, mixing up for the f.MP overhead can lead to big damage as well. If you’ve got them cornered and they try to tech roll, jump back and j.HP to make them pay for it. I’m still learning pressure too, so I’m sure I’m missing some tools as well.

That’s good to know because Yoshi destroys my jump-ins with that. @_@

nice layout, just want to mention you accidently have all the tekken characters under the “jin” spoiler

I’ve been doing that and I just learned about the overhead link and it feels really easy to do so I’ll start mixing that in. I’m not sure how well I can use the cadc though with her. It seems liek something you can only use if the person is afraid to do anything after blocked normals.

played a long sesh against my cousin who runs rufus/ryu+law. feels like a 1-9 against R&R. can’t stop the jump ins, the divekicks. can’t work my way in against ryu’s footsies or reversal. i’m not ready to call her low tier yet but holy sh*t this was not a fun experience.

any ideas on how to stop rufus divekick/overall pressure? haven’t rly tried her s.jab tbh… he seems way safe also. can’t stuff his pressure, can’t reversal. tried messing with negative edging her counter but it’s way to risky against his godly divekick.

against ryu… a char with superior footsies, zoning, defense, normals, I was dumbfounded

goods news is, when I DID touch him, I rarely ever dropped the s.rh > oni ender. negative edge is too good

I went up against a Ryu/Rufus before and yes, it’'s a nightmare for Asuka.

For Rufus, Ex falling rain is the to go AA here. I’m not sure would be as effective here since he could divekick straight onto it. If Rufus doesn’t do a crossup divekick, I believe st.lp is an ok AA, but still hard to deal with him.

Ryu just seems to be another one of those matchups where you must condition, sweep throw for stand block, overheads, counter his if he’s too happy with that. Ex Exo goes through fireballs IIRC.

More or less. All about that conditioning. I don’t have the execution to pull off the link personally haha.

To be honest though, when fighting Rufus, I just go for the tag as soon as possible. I’d rather put my chances on that then trying to deal with divekicks.

Rufus is generally a matchup that’s more about experience against rufus than how to fight him with a specific character. It doesn’t really change much between matchups in most cases.

General things to do are be aggressive when he has no meter (round start), and watch for his jump and air-to-air him with a neutral/back jump. That’s probably the best anti-air for every character against divekicks.

I actually haven’t fought one yet surprisingly enough, but I messed around with him in training mode and I saw that you could alpha counter his EX messiah kick early, which whiffs under him, after which you barely have time to dash up and combo him. Definitely have to practice that before using it though.

For Ryu, it’s a less simple matchup than rufus but the first thing that pops to my head is that it’s generally best to cr.MK under fireballs as opposed to other options to avoid them, until you get to close range. Jumping over a fireball at a bad location onscreen can give Ryu a free jump-in, and that’s the last thing you need to give to a character like that. If you get into mid-range safely, I find that you can usually compete, largely because you have a couple good ways around low pokes.

I ran a long set with my training buddy today-- he runs Poison/Chun and my God, the ZONING… Out of about 70 matches, I maybe won like 5…

I felt like I could get good damage once I landed a clean hit, but landing that clean hit was frustratingly difficult. It was mainly Poison wrecking me with the fireball tricks, and that stupid ass kick special that doubles as an overhead. Not to mention her standing MP is a great all-around tool. Couldn’t cr.MP because Poison’s projectile is so wide, and he was anticipating my jump-in attempts at every turn. If I had meter, I could bait a fireball and EX.Exo through it for some good damage. I was failing to catch his rolls, though and that cost me many a match. I’m just now remembering I can jump back HP to catch those, lol.

Doesn’t help that this guy just doesn’t crack under pressure, like, EVER. No matter what, that fool would not press a button to give me that counter, and when he did, it was always just outside of my sweep throw range. I got really flustered. Any suggestions on how to deal with Poison(and to a lesser extent, Chun)?

Juri can’t handle everything, y’know?

so I’m assuming you tried HP Exo and it didnt go through Poison’s fireballs? i guess it makes sense if its the HP fireball but the rest should be avoidable with HP Exo…
Dont forget EX sweep throw if you’re in range as thats projectile invincible.

also, Poison’s jaguar kick isnt an overhead unless its the EX version, it doesnt have a hitbox till like 26 frames after the startup, so if you see her start that simply neutral jump and land on her head for a full combo. you can also s.MP it but thats not enough damage to make her stop. Havent tried the counter on it but i guess it wont work coz she’s airborne.

if you jump in with j.MP you’ll usually trade with her s.MP. that move isnt that great, it LOOKS like it’ll cover the area above her head but its doesnt at all, if you’re jump-in is close to her head or you’re gonna cross up s.MP will lose everytime.

This isnt a bad matchup imo but i’d say tag in Juri vs Poison, Juri DESTROYS Poison so easily its not even funny…

Havent played against a Chun yet so I cant help you out there lol.

Can Asuka’s counter be used to punish those trying to catch me with a sweep after my wakeup roll?
It seems to work about 50% of the time for me and I’m not sure if that’s due to me messing up the inputs half the time or the opponents mistiming their sweeps.

edited for spelling