Alright, I’m still looking through the Ryu match up (since that was only the basics) and I’ll start Rufus next. I heard he bodies the Tekken cast.
he does, cant wait for Kazuya, i HATE that character
For Kazuya, go through his movelist and playback the moves so you can see where he can mix you up and how you can punish him for it. He has a lot of high/low but a lot of it is unsafe and he can’t really follow up on most of it. The only times he can follow up are when there wasn’t actually a mixup. Like, he has a move that hits overhead on the second hit and ground-bounces, but there’s no low from that move, so you can just see the first hit, block high, and punish him hard (or just counter the overhead hit.)
Once he knows you know the matchup, overall I think it is a good matchup for Asuka. His overheads aren’t airborne, so he has to specifically bait the counter. You have an answer for whatever he tries to do to score damage. His anti-air is worse than Asuka’s, and he should feel uncomfortable bringing the fight to close range.
Sweep punishes are somewhat irrelevant in this game anyway since it’s cancelable.
Ryu crouch strong at footsie range? You could just f+HK. But her special moves are good here (hcb+K as a poke.)
Sometimes you can whiff punish Ryu low forward with s.MK but personally I like to counterpoke with standing short. It’s a little faster, and unlike s.MK, it will actually beat the cr.MK head-to-head. Only problem is it’s harder to buffer due to short recovery. hcb+K also good, or hopkicks at closer range.
If hopkicks are done at just the right range so that only the second hit is blocked, Ryu can’t punish them even with super.
After watching one of the better people in NorCal play Ryu/Ken duo I’m going to let you all know that not random, but WELL PLACED Ryu/Ken Crossup Air Tatsu is the most powerful move in the game at the moment. The fact alone that its abusable on oki and you can COMBO from it is extremely solid. It gets in for free and in general is just safe. I cant think of find a solid move in the game that can consistently stuff it.
I didn’t think of it much after seeing it from SF4, but simply its just a lot more effective for some reason.
Point of this random post: Got to find a solution for Asuka to deal with this.
How well does Asuka’s EX Falling Rain handle crossups? I haven’t had time at all to experiment with that move.
Falling Rain has a pretty decent vertical hitbox so even the non-EX version can be occasionally useful against telegraphed close-range crossups (you know the type, people who do jab jab jump, jab jab jump thinking they’re low-risk crossups.)
But they don’t quite hit behind you, it’s not quite Zangief/Poison level, and it won’t be useful on wakeup.
A very late standing jab or low forward can also work, but you want to practice those before you use them too much.
this is for Rufus’s that are going crazy with dive kicks don’t know how practical this is cuz Rufus can change his dive kick height but after you block the dive kick almost immediately do standing :lp: and it should give you a CH if they are attempting to do another low dive kick if not then the st.:lp:should just hit them out of the air but if you do get the CH. what i do st.:mk:~cr.:mp:xx Falling Rain,Cr:hk: (247Dmg) also if you found the Rufus doing Galactic tornado i like doing the the Alpha counter during the galactic tornado as a GTFO move to get some space but thats what i do im sure you guys are already finding better less crazy options lol
(Also if you wanna try this out record dummy Rufus Dive kicking pretty low a bunch of times)
That’s why I said it wasn’t practical. It’s still better to know what you can punish his sweep with right?
He’s c.MP should just be blocked since It doesn’t put Asuka at a huge disadvantage. You don’t even have to guess what his next attack will be since he only has a few safe options. Ryu has to be extra careful when he is applying pressure vs Asuka or he will get baited. I’m sure the same goes for Asuka in high level matches. Then again, I do feel like you don’t have to respect most of his bullshit, but that’s my opinion.
Great find! I’ll have to check this out. lol I don’t know why I didn’t try using her s.LK
Is it just me or is crouching Bison harder to hit with standing jab than most characters? It’s pretty annoying.
Well I figured you were talking about him just using low strong as a defensive buffer poke since you were talking about using Asuka’s crouch fierce to trade with it. Different when he’s pressuring with it, of course.
And yeah, with the sweep part, when I hear impractical I thought you meant a punish that requires spacing that’s not usually going to happen.
vs Kazuya --I tend to be more patient. You can react to his wavedashing with a parry, and if you know he’s try to bait it, you can all ways cross up hp. This seems to work for me.
vs Hugo-- dont jump to much unless your right in there. If you see him flexing, Dont jump unless you know how to bait it.(not sure if its punishable on block?) Try and footsie him. What i personally like to do is if they’re spamming hand into clap, try a parry.
(dont know if this works yet->) Alot of Hugo’s online like to full charge their flexing move, could you sweep throw them out?
this is all the info i have for now
Hmm Asuka vs poison is pretty…annoying for our Asuka,you have to be VERY patient in this match up.Jump her 214lk move and get in with j.HP.Try to ex through her fire ball to punish her and you can counter her dp.
maybe it’s because i play poison but i don’t find it problematic at all whether she’s running away or pressuring none of it is overwhelming
aside from 214mk (lmt) there’s nothing asuka can’t handle
*actually i may do a bit more of a detailed write up about the matchup in a bit
If they are letting fly with wild charged EX lariat you can just reversal it with HCF K.
hmm what does Asuka do about poking,I can’t think of asuka beating poison in a footsie throw down…hmm maybe Cr. mk or cr.hp,i’m not sure ill test that out.
Some nice demonstration videos
That was very useful.
well we get out poked for sure (which is the case for just about the whole cast) poison’s is probably the button that would give us the most problem
even though i really like c.hp i don’t use it in this match that much, i do like f+hk and leg cutter though
most of the poke they should be using are crouching ones so f+hk is pretty good
it also helps if you let them know you have a counter and aren’t afraid to use it, to make them at least think about throwing normals out
How are you guys finding the Asuka v Vega match up?
seems pretty hard as one i dont know what the hell to do against a solid vega player but how to keep him on the ground that wizzing about on screen!
Attack Reversal has no start up. punish him for poking you 24/7 I haven’t test anything but I’m sure Asuka’s j.MK can beat his wall BS. You should take a look at his frame data.
P.S. Sorry I haven’t been posting anything guys/girls. I’ve been busy with work and other stuff. I’ll try to post some info on the Rufus matchup later today. Asuka’s c.MP is really good vs his divekick BS even at close range.
Can anyone shed some light on hugo and zangief. I haven’t run into them enough to learn to play vs them, but it feels like I’m slowly being pushed around when I’m vs one of them.