The Asuka Kazama Thread

It’s very useful in my opinion, just not fully reliable (But none of Asuka’s anti airs seem to be, minus EX Air grab) because a lot of jump in attacks hit so deep/low to the ground that you’ll only get counter hit for trying. Against some characters though, like the shotos, it’s very good :). It definitely can’t be ignored as an anti air option.

I’m a Asuka noob and i can’t seem to figure out this Guile matchup. Any useful tips?

Horrible Matchup! Asuka can’t do anything aganist Sonic Booms.

You can use counter before the second hit of Guile’s cr. HK hits you. After a knockdown, crossup HP stuffs flash kicks.

I don’t think I know anything else that could be helpful, Guile is pretty unstoppable in this game.

Honestly, I think guile, and shotos of course, highlight the largest problem I have playing as Asuka. Sitting around at the tip of most folks’, what exactly can asuka do to get into her preferred right in their face range? Sure, she has some options, but given the below average range of her limbs along with their generally bad frame data, it feels like I rely much too heavily on my opponent being dumb (jumping around or allowing themselves to get jumped in on at a range where Asuka can’t really do anything else, mostly. Oh, and random ass counters). It doesn’t help that many of the tools that seem designed to move her up at this range (leg cutters/whiplash to toe xx CADC, HP exorcisor through fireball followup and even good old mk>d+mp at times) all seem to whiff their second hit at the tip of their first hit’s range, the range where it would be really nice to have some options. Of course, there’s the very reasonable solution of putting someone else on point to open your opponent up before bringing her in (boooo).

If Guile does his C.HK, instead of using Asuka’s counter, use a hard launcher (HP + HK) to punish the second sweep. It’ll net more damage/let you heal some health/change the match up.

Although if it results in Asuka COMING IN off the launcher, you may want to spend the meter off the launcher combo to get her back out >:V.

The match up isn’t one I enjoy either. You can counter flash kicks if you do get a knockdown and feel like you have a good read. I believe it’s one of the reversals that aren’t considered airborne. Asuka has two good overheads though, which is useful on someone like Guile. The main problem is always just getting in range, of course.

There’s some really good vibes between Cammy and Asuka, but my Cammy sucks at the moment. Anyone else playing as this team?

I don’t, but I regularly play someone who does. It’s a good high damage team with a lot of really nice looking combos, but it lost hard to zoning. Asuka’s never going to have an easy time closing the gap against the big keepaway characters and Cammy didn’t seem to fare much better. It could’ve just been him though, he’s the only Cammy player I fight so I don’t know how other Cammys do against it. If you think you can get in on Guile/Raven/Sim with her then I say go for it.

Something I’m a little confused on, sure there’s a simple explanation; Super can juggle after cancan > j.HK > c.MK, which puts the juggle counter at 3. It can juggle after a raw cancan but after a launcher to raw cancan I can never get the juggle. Obviously juggle counter after launcher is 0, cancan is two hits so it’s up to 2. It’s not a problem with a “special juggle state” as it works after a raw cancan normally so what’s the deal? Only thing I can think of is that j.HK resets the juggle counter and the super only has juggleability of 1 but I’m working on the assumption that this game has the same juggle mechanics as SF4. Might just be the case that there’s not enough time for it to work but doesn’t look it to me.

Cancan doesn’t allow you to combo after it at all, I don’t think, if you use it on an airborne opponent, which is the case for anyone who was hit with a launcher. Hope that’s the explanation you were looking for.

So SFxT just made it to PC and I’m thinking of maining Asuka. I play Makoto in SSFIVAE, thoughts on whether or not I should get along with Asuka in that respect? Lawl. What’s the general verdict on this character?
(Also, what does CADC mean?)

Asuka and Makoto have some character traits that are similar which is what drew me to her originally as well. They have a couple of things in common, game play wise, but also a lot of differences. Asuka’s really, really good up close with two very useful overheads she can combo off of, giving her a strong high/low mix up with a useful EX command grab thrown in as well. The issue with Asuka is that she struggles to get in close where she can make use of her tools. Her normals have bad reach so she’s weak at footsies. Really fun once you get the hang of how powerful she is up close, though. Since throws are much weaker compared to SF IV, the fact she has possibly the strongest high/low mix up means she’s far from worthless.

CADC means “Charge attack dash cancel”. Similar to FADC, except everyone has a special they can hold (Almost identical to Makoto’s Hayate/Dash punch). You can dash out of the special once you’ve begun charging, which is useful to continue pressure. For Asuka, you definitely want to be CADCing some of her moves to stay close and to create frame traps.

Hi Asuka players, I’ve been trying to get used to a Chun Li/Asuka team recently. I understand Chun Li’s style of play but Asuka is a pretty strange character to me. I used to play Gen and Chun Li in SFIV but I can’t find a connection with these guys. Could someone explain to me the general direction that I should be taking with Asuka? What’s her purpose in a match especially with Chun Li as my teammate?

For one, I know she has some nice mix up options. But what else?

i think this one is the best because This is the ending movie of Asuka Kazama in Tekken 5…

Thanks for the information! I’ll persevere with her for a while and see how I get along.

Chun/Asuka seems to work really well together, Chun on point with Asuka on 2nd, poke around with Chun fishing for a tag with her really good normals or you can tag cancel into legs to tag cancel Asuka in, Asuka works really well up close.

Chun’s strong footsies game makes up for Asuka’s poor neutral game.

With Asuka, you can mixup with df+hk or into chain (hits low) or f+mp/hk (overhead) for a high/low mixup, and she hits like a truck and she doesn’t need meter for it.

You can also build a lot of meter with her long blockstrings ending into oni (hcb k)

Thanks Fergus, glad I made a good choice by choosing Chun. Currently Asuka’s normals feel really slow to be of any use in a game that emphasizes on pokes. It’s like every time I try for a mix up, they hit a button and I get downed. I don’t really know what to do even if I’m right in their face lol. Sometimes I have 3 full meters and don’t know what to do with them.

The only thing I can do well (sort of) is one of her damaging jump-in combos that ends with oni. What other options does she have?

With Asuka, you can burn the meter for her reversal (ex upkicks), her solid AA (ex falling rain).

Her best jumpin combo is, j.hp > ~ xx hk upkicks > (2 hits) > xx oni sweep (or xx falling rain for better positioning)

After xx oni, you can tag cancel into your partner and the opponent will still be in the air for a combo for your partner.

Yo I just picked up this character yesterday and man I never really had to struggle to win so much. My original team is Cammy/ Steve but im using Ryu/ Asuka. Playing footsies with this character is … and when im pressured I use EX Falling Rain and Counter but still people jump so much idk what to do. Main thing that’s killing me is footsies. Ryu hold things down but my Asuka is dodo. What should I do ? TBH I faced alot of Hugo’s and they didn’t give me problems cuz they love to press buttons so counter take care of that but man FOOTSIES !!! killing me

That’s why I think Asuka is strictly a 2nd character only. Get someone on point that gets in easy or forces people to come to them and tag Asuka in, do some damage, run a mixup, and get her out as soon as possible

Yeah ima try to apply that to my game. Don’t get me wrong Im having fun using her but damn.