The Asuka Kazama Thread

b.MP~MK is awesome on paper, but that shit is so hard to hit in a match, especially coz max range b.MP makes the MK whiff and leaves you open for a fat combo ~__~
Only time i actually use that is the OS to beat Rolls (f.MP which OS into b.MP if they roll)

That’s why I prefer [b.MP~d.MK]. It doesn’t lead to combos, but if I’m throwing it out at footsies, I know if I just tip the b.MP, the d.MK will still connect.

Shoutouts to R-D for the falling rain, jump forward whiff, f+mp overhead, this is so good, won me a lot of matches.

My followup is usually, st.lp ~ ~ xx launcher (since Asuka’s light attacks to launcher is 100 instead of the usual chain scaling)

Or st.lp ~ ~ xx upkicks > > xx oni > sweep.

This is something I’m not sure I understand right. If she’s +2 on that with by itself, then shouldn’t she be at less advantage if you chained into beforehand? Or is she at better than +2 when is done alone, since you mainly tested the EX CADC post chained (Since that is what you intend to use it for.)

Chained normals have worse advantage by means of extra recovery. You cancel that with a special.

this string has a gap though, you can get interrupted between the 2 hits where the b.MP~s.MK one has no gap :u

yeah, I’ve dp’d some Asukas that would spam that thinking it was safe. x_x
It’s ok to use once and a while but don’t set your game plan around it.

Ah, I see what you’re saying. It’s the recovery that changes and not the stun. k

I usually do [b.MP~s.MK] during setups where I know I won’t get the s.MK to whiff, stuff like option selects where I can ensure the block confirm. But in footsies, I’ll always rely on the [b.MP~d.MK].

If they block the b.MP, the fact is that if your opponent is mashing DP and you’re not in range for the s.MK followup, you’re screwed no matter which way you look at it practically. If they’re mashing, you’re -5 so you’ll get tagged. If you whiff the s.MK, you’ll get tagged. I like the d.MK followup because even if they’re not mashing, I still leave room for me to add pressure if they don’t start mashing while lowering her hitable box.

Haven’t tested it out extensively though :3

Couple things I noticed that are probably old.
-Her 214 or quarter circle back + punch goes through fireball, the normal and ex versions with ex starting a combo if you can do it on reaction to a fireball from about mid screen.
-The medium DP motion upkicks special combos into her super art, heavy upkicks probably can too but its probably tighter timing for a lot less damage, with medium upkicks I could just mash the super and it would combo. Though in an actual combo into super… you get more damage if you just do a normal string and super off of stand HK.

I’m still trying to figure out if you can combo into asuka’s super art from a tag combo.

I was trying to learn Asuka, but her special moves scared me off.
Not touching her again till I get a stick.
Xiao also.

What do you mean? Im Pad player and find her pretty fine!, but i must admit when first using her, the commands/specials she had really did put me off for a while. But over time you will get used to it!

I use stick and I still mess them up a fair bit :stuck_out_tongue: Trying to do s.MK F D DF+P without getting F+K is annoying and for the strangest reason I get Falling Rain rather than HCB+P sometimes x_x;;

I still have a bit of trouble cadcing and getting DP instead but it’s slowly improving :stuck_out_tongue:

Just saw the Asuka SRK wiki page and saw on her pros really good high low mixups does anyone here agree with this and has crazy mixups lol

Nope, I disagree. IMO, she’s all about ground pressure. Her strings are true and can only be broken be alpha counters. Hard to press buttons because of her counter and this enables her to have more freedom to rain down more pressure strings. I dare say her mix up games are subpar simply because you have to go through the motion of conditioning the opponent and have the confidence before you attempt it. Her overhead is slow and most of my opponents I play can react to it and punish. Without it, no reason to block high so sweep throw is useless. EX sweep throw has more success but easily stuffed so you can only use it if you can keep your opponent quiet. But at this situation, you can choose to slam. Faster start up, no gauge needed and leaves you at a much better position. Unless sending your opponent flying full screen across is your intention, I don’t really see why EX sweep throw should be incorporated in your main game play.

A mix up game like that can’t be classified as good mix ups. More like ‘have mix ups’.

If you want to play a good mix up character, there are better ones out there.

Yeah i just thought was funny it was written that she has crazy mixups and i mainly just use ex sweep throw as a finisher, seems like the only good use because they dont expect it lol.

Think we need to get creative with Sweep Throw and come up with set ups much like Hakan’s Oil Dive, catching them in the standing frame after KD but forward roll basically makes all that useless :frowning:

I don’t know if this is a good way or not, but here is how I manage forward rolls with Asuka. It’s of course influenced by my style and the opponents I meet so take it as it is.

After a knock down, usually after falling rain, stay at that position.

In good position. Can continue pressure strings regardless of your opponent forward rolling or not.
Puts additional pressure on your opponent because he lost an ‘easy free way out’.
Can use n.Jump set up like the one I mentioned with Ken.

Lost jump in pressure/mix ups
Can be use as a reverse bait as you are on the ground. E.G One I’ve suffered many times is Kazuya forward rolling and he immediately did EX punch which cause grd bounch (Slaughter Hook?). Its very tempting to press a button because you think you got the advantage but you don’t. It’s different from jump ins. This can be managed though like how you deal with wake up DPs.

Classic jump back.

Ambiguous. Can be use to play mix ups as well. One I always use in this situation is empty jump back cr lk > bnb
Much more advantage in terms of positioning and pressure compared to the above. Can’t really be used as a reverse bait.

Failed guess puts you in a bad position and also loses all the + you have when you score a knock down.

Finally, reading the game. There are common situations where people tend to roll forward and ones that tend not too. Although it’s not guaranteed and it could sometimes be really random, but at least it’s a calculated risk. Here’s some from experience.

Tend to forward roll
In corner or near it.
Characters with poor wake up options.
Characters/player with defensive, run away tactics.
low health and trying to tag, can also be applied when you are in low health cause they want to chase you down. (High chance)
Can’t handle pressure. (High chance)
You constantly jump towards opponent. Can be used as a conditioning tactic.
Just got blown up after standing

Tend not too
Character with good wake up option.
Forward roll cause them to be in a disadvantage like ending up in corner. (High chance)
You constantly jump back. Can be used as a conditioning tactic. (High chance)
Very cautious type players
Just got blown up after forward rolling.

Hey, not sure if this was discussed earlier or not. I’m a former chun player from SF4. Asuka’s cr. mk seems to function very similar to chun’s cr mp in that it’s an anti-air which works by lowering her hurtbox to avoid the jumpin and then hitting the person during their grounded recovery. This seems a lot more valuable in this game where you can chain it into a combo. Does anyone do this or does Asuka have better anti air options?