Hey gang, just thought I’d say hi as a new Asuka fan
Found ramdomly that the Ex counter (Attack Reversal) is actually unthrowable so that the difference between Ex and normal versions.
Now i don’t see the purpose since the recovery on whiff is huge but i’m sure Capcom has a plan ^^
Mix it up with JMK which is more ambigious.
I guess it’s true then, her design attracts the Sakura/Makoto SF crowd. I recognize a few of the names here. :lol:
Interesting… after watching UltraChen stuff, I started thinking about her grounded resets because she actually does have a lot with CADCing.
So after any of her BNB chains on hit, we usually go with the idea of “End the chain early to prevent scaling.”
But we can decide to let that shit rock and build as much meter as we want. We can do something stupid like j.HP s.LP [s.MP~s.LP]x2 ~ [s.MP~s.LK] ~ [s.MK~c.MP] ~ s.HK for a decent amount of damage. But the best part about this is that they take that damage and STAY GROUNDED. This string builds a ton of meter to boot. Where am I going with this?
On hit, s.HK xx EX Onikubigari xx Dash Cancel is theoretically +2 on hit. If you do c.LP/s.LP, you get a decent frame trap. If it hits, you’re +9. If it doesn’t, you’re +2 again. This is where it gets interesting.
If it’s blocked, if you do a late cancel you can theoretically hit them with a meaty EX Command Throw.
If it’s hit, you’re in prime position for a df.HK or c.LK / f.MP high low mixup. If you scare them with the counter hit or counters in general, you can even just go straight into the high-low mixup. Even on block, you probably can do this if you condition them before hand to stop pressing buttons with her Counter. For one meter, you can do a LOT more damage off a grounded reset and do about 500+ damage off one simple series.
If you decide to Counter and score with it, you add 170 damage to your previous combo, and if your chain deals more than 150 damage (which it probably would), you already get more out of your combo with a reset than just hit confirming into Upkicks.
And with 500+ damage off one series and them knockdown, you can scare the crap out of them on their wakeup and get a near kill. It uses a stock that’s important for her, but with such long Tekken strings, she builds meter REALLY fast. And if you get them to bait an Alpha Counter, if you train yourself to see the flash, you can Tag Cancel against the Alpha Counter and your incoming character will get a free punish.
You may be asking “Why do this off s.HK and waste a bar while you get the same mixup off of [s.MK~c.MP] CADC since she has a 3f jab?”
It’s because sadly, [s.MK~c.MP] is -1 on hit AND block, so block stun and hit stun doesn’t change much for her and regardless of hit or not, she will still be -2 off of CADCs and any 4 frame normal will beat her. With s.HK xx EX CADC, you have +2 which makes it a much more potent blockstring. Not enough to link a combo off of, but just enough to frame trap safely with rewards if it connects and a potential reset regardless.
I like this idea, the string builds a lot of meter and you’re doing a lot of damage anyway doing the string, doing j.hp > st.lp st.mp st.lp st.mp st.lk st.mk cr.mp st.hk gives you 306 damage and builds about 60% of the stock.
Doing a viable j.hp combo will net you 390-418ish damage and a hard knockdown for good oki for a high/low mixup with no meter required.
I would only use the idea above very sparingly but it’s a nice option to have to throw off your opponent, especially when it puts you in their face at an advantage.
Asuka’s st.lp/cr.lp is +6 on hit, not +9.
Also, her crossart is a pretty decent AA, if you have 3 bars and it’s gonna kill, fish for that jump
The problem is that by committing to most of Asuka’s chains you are committing to something predictable and un advantageous. Effectively ending your pressure.
While that’s true, he’s not talking about pressure, he’s talking about basically a reset, ending a combo early while you’re still grounded.
One thing I want to clarify though is that you don’t really gain much if any more meter with the long ground chains than you do with a basic juggle combo. The heavy hits early in the juggle combo make up for the total number of hits.
But yeah, if you never launch the opponent, you might as well do the whole string.
I think there is less need for this sort of thing when you can keep your juggle combos and spend the meter on mixup and blockstring tag cancels instead. If I remember correctly, Hopkicks are all at least +3 on block when tag canceled, I’m not sure exactly how positive they are. If you think you’re about to push yourself out you can cancel into hopkicks, tag cancel and continue. So while it involves a switch to another character, it might be preferable to spending a meter on a mid-combo reset.
Depending on your partner you could also do something like the combo reset by ending a ground string in onikubigari tag cancel. Character coming in can continue the ground combo or do a reset.
First, the c.LP would be either +8 or +9. The setup was meant to scare opponents from pushing buttons due to stored Counter Hit properties.
And this idea is mainly due to the make up of my team, Chun/Asuka. Chun is a character that can whore a life lead while Asuka is my main “change-of-pace back” as you may say in NFL terms. Due to the nature of the Chun matchup, I lose a LOT of time off the clock to make a comeback when needed. When you knockdown a character due to the normal, more damaging meterless BnB, you lose about 3 to 4 game seconds due to the oki and combo length. This idea is meant to be a really quick and dirty way to get damage in a comeback.
If you watched one of the most recent episodes of UltraChen, there was a good amount of talk on the idea of standing resets which I really liked, and tried to apply a setup for Asuka. It shaves a TON of time off the clock as you don’t have to wait for okizeme in this kind of setup.
For the most part with my team, I pair characters off for match-up advantages and take advantage of that. Normally, it’s Chun vs. zoners/Street Fighter cast and Asuka vs. mixup/Tekken cast. And with this kind of system, I start playing the character by the clock. If I have the lead, I’ll waste time with Chun. If I don’t, I wanna make as big of a dent in my opponents life as quickly as possible before timer scam. This is where the setup is applied the most.
Off school for the Easter Holidays so I’ll be able to spend more time in the lab to see if I can contribute much.
Random: I started with all voices in English but when I found out Asuka is an Osaka girl I switched to JP, I find the Osaka dialect just adorable Her English VA also voices Felicia in MvC3, another character I like
Question about her counter; it seems like there’s some special moves it won’t work on. Is it anything with invincibility (and jumping attacks) or…?
well there are moves where the opponent is considered in the air like poisons love me tender, like a lot of the korean chars kicks, a lot of overheads, i think even asukas f+hk, etc. that won’t be countered because they’re in the air an we only counter ground based moves
This character needs some strong option selects. Has anybody found anything yet? Sorry if they’re posted somewhere, I dug around a bit but didn’t see anything.
The question is whether the attack is considered airborne when it hits you, or if it has a projectile hitbox. You can only counter grounded non-projectiles. It can seem pretty random, you just have to know the properties. Invincibility doesn’t matter.
Some supers can’t be countered even though they look grounded (Julia), some can be countered (Hugo) even if they look airborne (Marduk.)
Spiral arrow is airborne at long range but not close, Ken and Akuma’s SRK are not airborne but Ryu’s is, Sagat’s uppercut is airborne but not Cammy’s spike, Guile’s flash kick, or Hwoarang’s skyrocket.
Some normals with a hop are airborne (like some overheads) but some aren’t (example, all of Guile’s command normals like upsidedown kick that look like they should be airborne actually aren’t.)
Certain moves have a projectile hitbox you might not expect, such as Hugo’s clap or Kazuya’s purple punch thing. But stuff like EWGF isn’t a projectile even though it looks like it might be.
Even with the exceptions, the counter is still extremely effective as long as you know the right situations to look for. It is more effective against some characters than others, though. Very nice against Kazuya, not quite as much against Hugo.
Ah, thanks for the info That explains why countering Ken’s Tatsu was tighter since he’s only briefly grounded at the start of it.
Shoryuken mp, the one that smart Ryu players will use on wake up is not airbone until the 5th frame so you can counter him if he try to wake up switch cancel though you will counter is teamate. Same with Shoryuken Ex.
I didn’t know you could counter some super. Why not make a thread dedicated to this ?
While I’m slowly progressing, I’m working on having a full list of what Asuka can or cannot counter with every character. It’ll go in the matchup/strategy thread.
Picked up Asuka about 30 min ago and have been messing with her in training mode. Im liking what im seeing so far. She feels good for me. I have no clue if this information is known or not, and if it is, sorry for double posting, but Ive found something thats pretty interesting, to me at least. This regards keeping pressure / mixups / etc. Here we go:
b+mp - mk xx CADC forward. I know this is known already, but here is the interesting stuff. 1) If blocked, and if what I read is correct, after a CADC’ed b+mp - mk TC, Asuka is left as +5 on block (again, assuming what I read is correct) meaning she has the options of going for
cr.lk ~ st.lp ~whatever (low hitting option)
st.lp ~ whatever ( CH option)
Throw (beats non invincible normals / downbacking)
on top of this, on both of the non throw options, she gets to go into st.lp - st.mp - st.lk - whatever (I like to use st.mk - cr.mp so I get to stay in range) and from there, you can cancel into a CADC backdash to keep yourself safe if all of that was blocked. From HERE youre spaced just right so that you have the options available
go into another b+mp - mk xx cadc whatever (on block, combo on hit, obviously)
f+mp overhead…youre spaced perfectly from your previous CADC backdash to hit them with it then link into st.lp (which seems a lot easier than a 1 fr link to me =/ maybe its like rufus 1 fr link…shit feels a lot easier than 1)
or simply play footsies
All of this started from a simple b+mp - mk cadc on block. On HIT, if you CADC from the TC, you can actually link it into Asuka’s st.lp ~ whatever and you get a free nice hitconfirmed combo. It might not be the most damage, but at least its giving you options to GET that damage.
again, sorry if all of this was already known, I just picked her up less than an hour ago and Im trying to contribute and be a helpful member of the community and all that jazz.
It’s been known, but here are some corrections:
She is -1/-2 after CADC from [s.MK~c.MP]. Also -1 after Onikubigari on block.
She is +1ish after CADC from [df.HK x2], [f.MK~d.MK], [b.MP~d.MK], [b.MP~s.MK].
She is +2 after CADC from [df.HK x3] on block or s.HK xx EX Onikubigari on HIT.
If she were +5, it would mean she has an infinite blockstring. And you should note that all of the strings that give her advantage after CADC are at minimum 10+ frame startup. You can start her [s.MK~c.MP] string from a s.LP however, and that’s only 3f’s and with only -1/-2, you can easily beat out other players who are not used to the pressure.
Ideally, since you’re disadvantaged for the most part, you want them to stop pressing buttons by either a) Dashing up and Countering or b) Doing a late onikubigari by holding down the charge and letting it rip delayed to get a counterhit. Theorhetically, it’ll give you +5 (Assuming it gives +3 on CH) on hit and you can link a s.LK into a chain. If you cancelled into the Onikubigari from [s.MK~c.MP], you’re guaranteed to be in range for a low starting s.LK after a Onikubigari is blocked.
After you scare them with delayed attacks or counters, that’s when you start tossing out the big guns and the +10 frame startup badboys. Which gives you time for either your 16f overhead or 11f df.HK low mixup for huge combos.
And btw, her overhead is a lot easier than a 1f because when you hit an overhead, your opponent is typically crouching and the first active frame whiffs due to hitboxes. So when it hits, typically think of it as a 17f startup instead >_<