i read your kara throw buti suck at them anyways plus i have always sucked at doing them plus doing lp~lp is way over my head lol
I don’t really know how to explain it yet, I’ll try to get back to this point, but basically, you shouldn’t be whiffing sweep throw much. My success rate with it has be something like 85% or so. You use sweep throws to make them want to crouch, then you have more freedom to overhead tag cancel, or cross them up. Or vice versa. She’s better at conditioning opponents than I thought she was on the first 2 days with the game. I’ll try to go more in depth with this sometime, I just haven’t got it all down for myself yet either.
As far as match-ups, I was knocked into losers by a Rufus/Lili. I know how to fight Lili, my bud plays her, but I was forced to play SF4 when Rufus was around, and I didn’t know what to do exactly without guessing a lot. Playing without my precious fort/life gems meant I could only make a couple mistakes. I was knocked out by Hwo/Jin, mostly just Hwo though. Never fought him before that, what chance did I really have? I think she can deal with him just fine though.
Haha, playing with FlyingVe makes me realize just how free I am with this character.
I’m still getting warmed up to this game and I’ve got a lot of work to do before my execution is anywhere near where I need it to be. I’ve got lots of work to do, but I feel genuinely motivated to put the time in this time around.
My biggest problem I’m still practicing combos and haven’t had much time to practice her other options and other characters for that matter. I also need to find some way to work up my reaction time too because I couldn’t AA people to save my life. By the time my brain is telling me they’ve jumped, it’s too late. Obviously hit-confirming has been an issue too.
I think I’ve just been spending too much time studying basic fighting game fundamentals instead of practicing them, which is why I only do decent when I’m trying to control space with Zangief. I should work on that.
I get wrecked by Rufus the jerk, I wish falling rain was better when I fight rufus, I have to use ex on a guess, not to mention the damage rufus does if you do guess wrong
Her jab uppercut (LP~MP) loops, followed by LK~MK~cr.MP build insane amount meter, about half a bar, and that’s just from block string. If you end just from MK~cr.MP and don’t cancel to the onikubigari, you can follow up with a st.lp if timed correctly.
Since the cr.mp is -1, and the and she is one of the only characters in the game with a 3 frame jab, the jab follow up will (theoretically, in a perfect world with perfect timing): lose to 3 frame jabs, trade with 4 frame jabs, and beat anything above (I presume Hugo’s 6 frame jab.) So it’s possible to keep on going with the loop depending on the matchup. Because of that, alpha counters is going to be a huge setback for her; since the only way of her dealing damage is being close up, she will get fucked up pretty bad.
Her j.HP is probably going to end up like Guy’s j.mk in AE, if the engine is still there, hopefully someone will discover unblockable setups, against standard and roll wakeup.
What specifically are the “certain moves” counter doesn’t get? Would the EX counter hit reversals possibly?
Doesn’t work against non-grounded attacks. So don’t try it against safejumps; works on SOME SRKs depending on their frame data. I wonder how it interacts with invincible attacks?
An interesting note, it’s possible to combo into Asuka’s launcher without having to do the typical chain.
After her lift kicks -> j.hk you can use a raw launcher and it’ll connect, although whoever you tag in won’t be able to continue the combo.
I see. Well I just found out if you do the counter, the opponent jumps on the other side and still attacks, the counter will activate lol.
cr.mk goes underneath (ryu’s) fireballs, nice!
sorry for the edit, but awesome find dude
What’s so good about it? Just wondering, not really questioning the validity of your statement. XD
It’s got a couple of weird uses because it goes so low to the ground. It seems everyone in this game is just constantly stand jabbing, and crouch medium kick really helps with that kind of stuff. Cancel into oni to make it safe as a poke, or tag oni for a big combo.
Edit: Reminds me a little of Gen’s KKK c.MK
Super Edit - Tubo Edition: I wish Asuka had Gens footsies though
Can someone elaborate a little bit on how to properly use Sweep Throw? I haven’t touched the thing in my matches because the range seemed worse than using df.RH for poking, although it may be faster than the df.RH. People have been saying it’s good at a neutral setting for footsies in that people are walking back and forth a lot, thus you get to step on some toes.
I’m assuming these opponents are either not max range poking, are also playing Asuka, or they’ve been conditioned to not poke much because of Attack Reversal.
Just a note on Attack Reversal, don’t ever use it against Cammy. Maybe if you know she’s just doing a block string, but all of Cammy’s specials are considered “airborne” and thus Attack Reversal loses. If I knew that ahead of time, I wouldn’t have lost a ranked match to Cammy/Juri team.
As far as properly using Attack Reversal, the use of it is going to heavily depend on your match up experience. If you know the enemies max range of poking, you can freely Attack Reversal once they get within that zone. You risk getting punished, of course, but that’s Asuka footsies I guess?
This sounds like a small use for it, but I like to use cr.MK to keep people out of throw range but inside df.HK > df.HK > Liftkicks > j.HK > st.HK > Oni > cr.HK and then you can play oki. this is a good combo from a yoshi windmill tag cancel as the scale seems to be better for being heavy hits, the same combo starting with what I think is b.MP > b.MK > st.HK > Liftkicks…and so on it does less damage, it is flexible for that which is nice. I need to work on a combo from overhead.
Does anyone else love s.MP as an AA? As long as the jump-in is in front of you (ie. not a cross-up), it’s great. If it looks like they’re over my head, I go with f.LK.
Another thing about attack reversal I found out about yesterday: If the opponent attacks you and tag cancels upon said attack, and you attack reversal the same said attack, Asuka will actually flip and knock down the incoming character, giving you free damage, positioning and wake-up pressure on what would have been a safe tag. I haven’t tested it to see if it’s consistently true, but it’s at least probable.
Good find!
What are you all using as an A2A?
I keep jumping with j.:hp: and getting stuffed in the air, it has a 10f startup iirc.
Her j.:mk: and nj.:mk: seems good.
j.:mp: if I’m forward jumping, and j.:mk: if I’m neutral jumping. I don’t know if those are actually the best, but they work well so far?
I somehow never knew s.:lk: hits low. x] Oddly enough the LK from the MP LK string isn’t low, but a raw one is.
Also, s.LP and c.LP are +2 on block and +6 on hit, and s.LK has a 5 frame start up. You can frame trap s.LP into c.LP then follow it up with a s.LK. If either the s.LP or c.LP hits, it’ll all link. If it’s blocked, technically s.LK is 1 frame too slow to be a true frametrap, but it should still be pretty effect. So s.LP, c.LP, s.LK buffered into whatever, I think that’s a fairly good pressure string.
Does anyone know if Asuka has anything that she can use as a hit confirm before going into anything deep?
s :lp: [s. :mp: ~ s. :lp: ]chain can be canceled into all her specials, can also use s :lp: [ s. :mp: ~ s. :lp: ] [s. :mk: ~ down. :mp: ] chain and cancel into any special. If they are blocking cancel into oni ( HCB +K) if you let it fly it’s only -1 on block or you can dash cancel it.