The Asuka Combo thread

I believe this is what trials are for… they give you some basic tools show you some combo’s and then you hit training to see what works out best for you…

“qcb K” - You mean Oni?

You’ll still do more damage with [f+LK - f+LP], s.HK xx oni, sweep, if you can land the s.HK.

But yeah, if you were already planning to end in falling rain, then that would be the most damage.

I was only playing one partner with Asuka for quite a while, but now that I’m experimenting with others I can definitely say different characters’ launchers give you different amounts of time before Asuka can act. So I can understand why different people have had different experiences with tag combos.

For example with a few characters Asuka can act so early that she can actually whiff f+LK after a partner’s launcher because she’s not close enough yet. It’s easier to land the dragon wheel kick string into roundhouse with that type of launcher.

But other characters it seems like you end up so close to the enemy after launcher that you (almost?) never get to connect standing roundhouse in the combo. So in that case the combo you posted would at least be much more reliable.

But in the other situations where you want a juggle other than jump roundhouse (after EX hopkicks, or regular hopkicks when you’re approaching the corner) then you’d still want to do the f+LK juggle.

It might be the start of a very good corner combo though, if you can replace a medium or two with roundhouse. Will test when I get back to the game.

I was wondering if EX Oni had a use, I’ll have to give that one a shot :3

Ya. Did I screwed that up? Its the spinning roundhouse kick move.

I don’t like that f+lk st HK tag in combo. I find it situational and thus unreliable.

I always end my combos with falling rain unless I want to tag in, I’ll finish with Oni. Reason being that the position it puts you is so good. You’re in position for cross up and in close range regardless of your opponent rolling forward or not. Not to mention, it’s a really good place for set ups. I feel that falling rain will be the core move for many of Asuka’s set up. Here’s one I came up with against Ken since I fight a lot of them.

After Falling Rain, whiff cr lk, n.jump MK, hitconfirm st mk - cr. mp > whatever

If Ken wakes up;
[]Shoryu -> Lp and Mp version whiffs. Even if you do st Mk it goes under.
]Blocks -> continue pressure
[*]Rolls fwd -> You’re still in range for mix ups.
Ken will then be forced to gamble HP/EX shoryu, in which you can bait with empty jump ins.

In the EX oni combo you can end in oni -> sweep instead of falling rain (-> sweep), if you want. Adds like 4 damage. Doesn’t work with the same juggle after launcher though.

After messing around a bit with that juggle after a launcher I feel like it has to be done similarly early to the f+LK juggle with roundhouse, otherwise you don’t get enough height to connect s.MK xx falling rain. But again it does depend on the character you’re tagging in from, too.

Also I tested for corner combos:

[whatever] xx hopkicks, s.HK xx oni, s.MP xx oni, sweep. You can charge the first oni to make it easy. But 2-hit f+LK combo still gives more damage (408 vs. 402 from s.HK starter.)

This could be a new combo to go for when you’re almost-but-not-quite at the corner so 2-hit f+LK won’t connect and jump roundhouse juggle doesn’t work.

I felt like it might be possible to do this combo midscreen with s.MK instead of s.MP but I could never quite get it to work. You could walk forward after hopkicks and charge the oni a little to optimize juggle height for landing s.MK, but then falling rain wouldn’t reach, or oni -> sweep would have the sweep whiff. I think it might be possible, but if it is, it’s really tight timing. Might be easier after certain tag cancels that leave you closer to the opponent than hopkicks.

Yea. But cr mp is easier as it start up much quicker so you can always get the early juggle. You might be right. Due to my partner or just the way I generally tag in that makes the st HK unreliable. That damage difference I got in exchange for a good position , at least to me, is worth it. I’ll try to explore more options to see if I can get the st HK to land more consistently. After all, sometimes you should go for max damage. Especially when you’re opponent is left with a pixel of health.

I’m having a hell of a time landed the > st mk > dp P > sweep part of this combo. I can do the juggle on it’s own, but comboing into it after cr. MP xx Oni seems incredibly tight. Is there a trick to it or a video where I can see it and get a visual understanding of the timing?

To make it easier, you should land your cr mp as early as possible so that Oni hit at the last frame. What makes the combo feels difficult is the awkward timing for the st mk to land. After Oni, your eyes will tell you that you have to ‘hit the st mk now or it will miss’. But at that timing, you’re still recovering from Oni. So hit st mk later after you recover and you will land it even though it feels like it can’t.

I’m pretty new to Asuka here but what I’ve been doing is :df::hk: > :hk: xx :dp::hk: > :f::lk: > :f::lp: > st:hk: > :hcb::hk: > :d::hk:
It’s easy to execute and does quite a bit of damage.

I find that despite being an EX move EX Oni doesn’t give you very much time at all to land the juggle, find the c.MP afterwards the hardest part of the combo :frowning: (I guess being EX doesn’t equate to easy combos, it’s just a bit annoying that they’re harder to do :P)

Hi everyone i have found something really usefull (for users of smartphone only)

this app

it’s quite awsome you can record your own combo (with tag etc) and share them online ! Go post those awesome asuka combo so i can receive them :smiley:

idgi, how is this any different from just posting the combo here?
at first i was hype coz i thought it records visual footage of the combo lol.

easier to play with the phone near the console with the top combos than go check all forums on the pc :stuck_out_tongue:

Could just go on the forums through your phone lol. I thought it recorded actual footage too. It’s meh considering similar apps do the same thing for free.

I can’t seem to complete the above combo. The upkicks only hit once and I’m unable to sweep. Anyone have similar issues?

Are you sure you’re using the right ender? After the ex-oni, it’s c.mpxxoni > mkxxfalling rain. There aren’t any cancans in the combo, and the only upkick is the ex extension of the initial ex-oni.

Derp derp derp. I saw dp and didn’t even read the punch. Was doing upkicks instead of falling rain. Thanks.

Hi everyonei have 2 questions about tag in combo’s of asuka

i saw cr mp > qcb K > st mk > falling rain > sweep is almost the choice of every asuka on the live (why ? is that the max damage ? the easiest?)

but i was wondering is there anyway to tagin combo into :[FONT=Century Schoolbook L] dp+K jHK sMK xx dp+P crHK[/FONT]
[FONT=arial]from any normal because cancan is so nice :stuck_out_tongue: visually and as damage dealer[/FONT]

and the second question can someone list all the already known tagin combo ? :slight_smile: thanks

Instead of doing her falling rain in that combo instead do oni and sweep does more damage, also you can tag cancel oni when juggling.