The Asuka Combo thread

idk i’ve never got a crumple but after crumple u can j.hp them and they land on feet sorta like sf4, u can dash underneath them in the meantime

Does anyone know if Asuka can get more damage in the corner as opposed to midscreen? or is it just the same shit? I’m talking mainly after Cancans or a tag cancel, is j.HK> s.HK xx Oni> sweep the best option even in the corner or can she do anything better? (be it damage-wise or into a setup/vortex/whatevs)

In the corner you can replace jumping roundhouse with f+LK. The f+LK hits twice against everyone for 120 damage before scaling. Then you continue with stand roundhouse etc.

As a general rule you should be thinking f+LK when you get close to the corner anyway, because when you’re close to the corner but not there yet, a jump roundhouse combo will create an awkward situation where you accidentally cross under and continuing the combo is difficult. So hopkicks -> f+LK -> f+LP etc. is preferable at that range.

You also lose less damage in the corner for doing the falling rain ender I mentioned because you get to do stand roundhouse xx falling rain. The main source of lost damage midscreen is from having to do s.MK instead.

There’s probably plenty of character-specific stuff with tag cancels and Pandora (which is easier in the corner) but in terms of Asuka solo her juggle is already pretty close to optimized midscreen.

Cool so doing s.HK xx FR does more damage than HKxx Oni? guess I’ll have to go into the lab for a bit on what to do once i get them into the corner.

you can end with s. hk oni, ex falling rain sweep, dont know if its worth the meter though (in the corner that is) just checked its 482 if you go j. hp hk at the start and 443 without the ex

And now there’s a front-page post about this. :stuck_out_tongue:

Kazuya wakes up slower from Falling Rain than most characters. Not sure about other knockdowns.

So you can’t do the perfect meaty f+MP setup against him, but instead you can do Falling Rain -> hold :uf: -> land -> f+HK which will only hit once, so you get a full juggle if it connects.

No. It still does less.

But if you want the oki setup from falling rain -> hold :uf:, it does better damage in the corner because you can connect s.HK xx Falling Rain instead of s.MK. So there’s less drawback to doing that in the corner as opposed to midscreen.

Has anyone find a use for her Sweep Throw yet? Seems like it doesn’t combo well and only works as a mid-range throw that could catch someone off-guard.

i use it sometime when LP Exorcisor is blocked but your better off going for the normal grab i think.

Block string to LP Exorcisor to sweep throw.

LP Exo on block is unsafe (-6), just end the blockstrings in :hcb: :k: or just CADC

yea i do with Exorcisor cause it looks faster. you can sweep throw after a blocked Onikubigari also.

Sample combos with Julia partner

[MP - LK] xx launcher -> (Julia) [f+MP - MK] xx hcf+LK, d+HP xx qcb+HP - 387 damage (solo Asuka BnB from this is 373)

Notes: Max meterless combo midscreen from MP confirm, also works after jump-in (429 damage.) However, it isn’t more damage than standing roundhouse xx hopkicks, and it’s also less damage than Asuka’s corner combo using 2-hit f+LK (although that only does 1 more damage.)

EX hopkicks (tag cancel) -> (Julia) hold :u: -> j.HK -> land -> d+HP xx hcf+LK, srk+HK (2 hits) (tag cancel) -> (Asuka) hold :uf: -> j.HK -> land -> s.HK xx oni, sweep - 572 damage

Notes: Major damage from raw EX hopkicks, especially worth it if you were already going to tag cancel it anyway to make it safe (does 404 damage if you stop after Julia’s portion) and it builds like 4/5ths of a bar back. However, the Julia portion is somewhat difficult. Everything should be done to maximize juggle height, which probably means doing things as early as possible. If you hit Julia’s jumping roundhouse late on the way down, you can go straight from d+HP to SRK+HK, but this also has specific timing requirements. The last Asuka section is easy except the jump roundhouse juggles higher than usual, so you have to wait a little longer before the standing roundhouse than you might be used to.

s.HK xx EX oni (tag cancel) -> (Julia) wait -> jump :uf: -> j.HK -> land -> d+HP xx srk+HK (2 hits) (tag cancel) -> (Asuka) hold :uf: -> j.HK -> land -> s.HK xx oni, sweep - 640 damage

Notes: Best 3-bar punish combo so far with Julia partner. Default cross art combo from s.HK only does 579, and this combo builds meter back. EX Oni with 100% scaling is so damaging that you’ll actually do less damage if you jump in first. Pretty much works the same as the above combo, except that the Julia portion is easier because you can wait and then jump towards the opponent. Just have to make sure that you delay d+HP to hit low enough that you get 2 hits from srk+HK. Does 509 damage if you stop at Julia and don’t tag back to Asuka.

Other notes: Tag cancels from Julia’s raw MK/EX srk+K also allow the jumping roundhouse juggle. srk+LK has a shorter launch time though, so you only get an f+LK combo, and it’s not safe on block.

Most characters can probably do a variant of this style of combo (connect a jumping heavy attack after EX move -> tag cancel.) Don’t know any characters off the top of my head that can do as much damage while looping back to Asuka, though. Probably Juri, though corner-only.

Think the OP really needs to get updated lol

Before I stress myself out tomorrow trying to do this… is it possible to go from dash (cancel) Lp Lk etc…

yep its possible to go into s.LP> whatever.

Well, I’m looking into training Asuka to form a second team and I’m searching for useful combos to use in battle.
The first post is too poluted for me to distinguish what’s going to be useful as starting BnBs and useless combos.
Can anyone help with any BnB combos and/or a good combo video ?

Not only are you not contributing but you’re also too lazy to even read 4 pages about a character you wanna play. And you’re requesting to be spoon fed information that’s already on the forum? GTFO.

This is a forum and you’re basically saying “I don’t wanna read, so you guys read and give me what I want”. There’s only 5 pages, it’s not like SF4 Gief with 90 pages of posts.

Edit: sorry about GTFO, I meant “ninja please”.

Gee thanks a lot. If you’re not really willing to help, don’t post nothing. Ignore my post and move on.
I prefer to get some quick help now and support later when my game improves, but with this attitude I wonder myself why there are forums or why people like you even post on them. I can appear arrogant and I am really requesting a “spoon fed information” like a quick BnB combo video, but replying the way you did and “GTFO” won’t help nobody in this or any other forum.

For me, the biggest contribution would be for the OP to clean the first post and select the better BnB combos for people starting to play Asuka. Or a quick combo video since I’m still adapting to her.
I won’t quit playing Asuka, but what I’m saying is that eventually more newbies will come to play with her and having all the information organized in one place is going to be a lot of help to many.

lol shoryuken forums…

Anyway, here are some combos I’ve been using.

st.lp > st mp - st lk > dp K > jump HK > st HK > qcb K > sweep

Sometimes I end with st mk to falling rain instead for the awesome meaty overhead set up.

For launchers, Asuka has a special property on her launcher which does full damage instead of scaled if you chain your jab into launcher directly.
Something like this
st.lp > st mp - st lk > launch

Tag in combo. I think this is the best tag in combo. Most damage and you can forgo the sweep for the frame advantage.
cr mp > qcb K > st mk > falling rain > sweep

Punish w/ 1 meter - I think this does 519 dmg. Too lazy to check. Much better than using the bar for a tag in combo.
Jump in > st Hk > EX Oni > cr mp > qcb K > st mk > dp P > sweep.

Sometimes on a good day, I can react to a counter hit jump in and switch to this combo. One of my favourite combo. After falling rain, if the meaty overhead set up connects, your opponent is left with like 20% health. Stay close and if raw tags, punish = 50% health gone. lol

Thanks a lot for the help, this will help me start to understand Asuka’s game better and come with some combos on my own. I was training the combos in the first page but many weren’t useful in a fight and/or wouldn’t connect properly. Found about 2-3 combos that are usable in a fight.

Edit: Your punish combo does 519 damage. I managed to do it after a few minutes in training mode.