Because I couldn’t have thought of a better title, nor did I see one in here.
Periodically updating with stuff other people put in, go nuts.
Info from Izusa (General Asuka combos.)
:mk::dp: :hk: Jump.:hk: ~ :df::hk::hk: :dp::mk: 310 DMG.
Jump.:hp: Standing.:hk: :dp::hk: Jump.:hk: ~ :df::hk::hk: :dp::hk:380 DMG (Jump in :hp: is a cross up.)
This punishes light DP -
:f::lk::f::lp:~:d::mp: xx:dp::hk: 210 DMG. (You can replace :dp::hk:
with :hcb::2k: for 310 at the cost of a bar.)
This is a poke combo (well more or less something grounded, because you can’t always rely on jump ins.)
:d::mk: xx :dp::hk: J.:hk: ~ St. :hk: xx :hcb::hk: 317 meterless.
:df::hk::hk: xx :dp::hk: J.:hk: ~ St. :hk: xx :hcb::hk: 317 Meterless.
You may cancel only after the second hit of leg cutter, third one causes a sweep and leaves you in a generally unsafe situation. If you find that the enemy is blocking you for some odd reason, you can cancel into Asuka’s counter OR :hcf::lk:.
This combo takes 1 bar.
J.:hk: :mp::lp::mk:~cr.:mp: xx:dp::hk: J.:hk: ~ st.:hk: xx:hcb::2k: ~:mp::lp: xx :hcb::hk: ~ cr. :hk: 400+ 1 bar.
Info from R-D (General Asuka combos / Scenarios / Explanation.)
Juggle Enders
Notes on how and when to perform different juggle enders. These are the combos you would use when tagged in by your partner.
J.:hk: ~ st. :hk: xx :hcb::2k: ~ cr.:hk: - 100/90/90/90 damage before scaling
[INDENT=1](aka Roundhouse juggle)[/INDENT]
[INDENT=1]Notes: This is the ideal meterless juggle, but you need a strong launcher to land it (hopkicks, or a good switch cancel.) Jumping HK must hit on the way up. In the corner you need to neutral jump. st.HK should be used as soon as you touch the ground.[/INDENT]
st. [:mk: - :d: +:hp: ] xx :hcb::2k: , cr.:hk: - 60/50/90/90 damage before scaling
Notes: A less damaging juggle that requires less juggle height, so it works off moves like leg cutter.
[INDENT=1][FONT=Helvetica]Punish Combos[/FONT][/INDENT]
[INDENT=1]These are the combos you use when you block a Shoryuken or you land a counterhit crouching fierce against standing opponents.[/INDENT]
[INDENT=1]You can do this combo after a jumping attack, and cancel to Onikubigari on block, but if the opponent gets hit while crouching the st.HK will whiff, so be careful.[/INDENT]
[INDENT=1]st.:hk: xx:dp::hk: , J. :hk: , st.:hk: xx :hcb::2k: , cr.:hk: - 392 damage (443 with jump-in)[/INDENT]
[INDENT=1][FONT=Helvetica]st.:hk: xx :dp::hk: , J.:hk: , st.:hk: xx :hcb::2k: xx Switch - 347 damage + partner juggle (50%), costs 1 bar[/FONT][/INDENT]
[INDENT=1][FONT=Helvetica]st.:hk: xx :dp::hk: , J. :hk: , st.:hk: xx Cross Art - 293 damage + cross art (60%), costs 3 bars[/FONT][/INDENT]
[INDENT=2][SIZE=13px][FONT=Helvetica]f.:mp: , st.:lp: , st.[:mp: -:lk: ] xx:dp::hk: , J.:hk: , st.:hk: xx :hcf::2k: ~cr.:hk: - 347 damage[/FONT][/SIZE][/INDENT]
[INDENT=3][SIZE=13px][FONT=Helvetica]-Notes: MP can be chained from jab, then the combo does 333 damage.[/FONT][/SIZE][/INDENT]
[INDENT=3][SIZE=13px][FONT=Helvetica]f.:hk: ~ cr.:hp: - 170 damage[/FONT][/SIZE][/INDENT]
[INDENT=3][SIZE=13px][FONT=Helvetica]-Notes: Cancel either hit with tag to continue. Can end in sweep instead.[/FONT][/SIZE][/INDENT]
[INDENT=1][FONT=Helvetica]About linking light attacks.[/FONT][/INDENT]
[INDENT=1]- Low short and crouching jab have less pushback than standing jab, but standing jab has the best frame advantage.[/INDENT]
[INDENT=1]- standing jab -> standing jab -> crouching jab will whiff, so do a different normal at the end.[/INDENT]
[INDENT=1]- crouching short/jab -> standing jab -> crouching jab will connect.[/INDENT]
[INDENT=1]Normally you’d want to do standing strong xx hopkicks after the stand jab, and chaining from low short is easier than linking, but this is just noting what options work during a blockstring. Sometimes you want to do link blockstrings because it helps make the opponent fear throws/overheads and then your chain blockstrings have a better chance of hitting.[/INDENT]
[INDENT=1]General rule is if you can confirm into hopkicks, do it, even if you’re canceling from a light attack. Asuka’s juggle does so much damage that even adding a 60-damage attack to the ground string will usually reduce the overall damage.[/INDENT]
Info from Holli - Basic BnB .
there are options after j.:hk: that do more damage and some can lead to hard knd
- cancan, j.:hk:, s.:hk:, hcb.:k:, d.:hk: (it’s a little tight)
- cancan, j.:hk:, s.:mk:, :dp::p:, d:hk: (super easy)
be weary about j.:hp: into s.:hk: . the 2nd hit whiffs on ducking opponents so I would go for her command strings or s.:mk:. I’d only use s.:hk: if i’m absolutely sure it’ll connect
though it seems her leg cutter > cancan ender is good for tagouts
Info from Chibi -
Crossup j.:hp:, s.:mp:, s.:lp:, s.:mp:, s.:lk:, s.:mk:, c.:mp:, EX Exorcisor > Mist Palm > Raging Storm, ~wall bounce~ +:mp:,
+:mk:, Double Lift Kicks 359
If you decide not to do an EX Exorcisor, it does 348 and builds about half a meter. Probably for the best.
I’m also noticing her s.:mp:, s.:lp:, s.:mp: chain after a crossup j.:hp: is pretty much a gateway into whatever you want. Shame you’ve got to be up in their guts for it.
Info from Time Killer (BnB variation with a bit of explanation on timing and a bit on scaling ** Fun if you want to be creative **)
Crossup :hp:, s.:hk:, :dp::k:, j.:hk:, s.:hk:, :hcb::k:, c.:hk: would do upwards of 420 damage. (I think it’s 425 but I’m not 100% sure). I’ll do some captures tonight.
The problem with that is the s.:hk: after the j.:hk: rarely connects. I don’t know why - I couldn’t get it to work 100%. Same with the c.:hk: at the end; it’s pretty tight.
The problem with it is that hit-confirming is a bit difficult, but this maximizes damage. It seems if you want to hit-confirm off a j.:hp: is to use her chains to give yourself a bit of leeway, but it lowers damage; her most damaging chain was s.:mp:, s.:lk:. It does the same amount of damage as s.:mk:, c.:mp: and is easier to do since you don’t have to hold any directions
If you do the full route of chaining her chains, the scaling kicks in really badly, but it does give you an even bigger hit-confirm window. You can do this ridiculous combo:
j.:hp:, s.:mp:, s.:lp:, s.:mp:, s.:lk:, s.:mk:, c.:mp:, :dp::k:, etc. but the scaling kicks in so hard that by the end you do a whole 50 less damage for a lot more work and a bigger chance at execution errors
So what I ended up doing all the time instead is this:
j.:hp:, s.:mp:, s.:lk:, :dp::k:, j.:hk:, c.:mk:, :hcb::k:, c:hk:. The last hit doesn’t always work, but when it does it’s a nice boost to damage. And I figure the chain gives me enough time to hit-confirm as the window to cancel is pretty long. That ends up a little over 400 if you land the c.:hk:.
I try to focus on efficient, meterless combos. Every combo I’ve found with her that uses meter does very little additional damage. I figure the ex :hcb::p: with the wallbounce could add a lot of damage, but unless it adds a significant amount because of the additional juggles it lets you do, I don’t see the point.
Info by NewType Andy (Combo’ing into Super Art / Cross Art)
Since it was asked earlier:
:mp:, :lk:, :mk:, cr.:mp: xx Super Art
:mp:, :lk:, :mk:, cr.:mp: xx Double Lift Kicks, :hk: xx Cross Art
Info by AndyG (CADC Combo) / Grounded BnB.
b+:mp: > :mk: xx CADC > c.:lp: xx dp.:hk: > j.:hk: > s.:hk: xx HCB :hk: > c.:hk: does 354 damage meterless and builds about half a bar
whereas b+:mp: > :mk: xx dp.:hk: > j.:hk: > s.:hk: xx HCB :hk: > c.:hk: does 373 damage and builds about the same. so it’s better just to confirm into upkicks immediately (no surprise there) I just thought it was pretty interesting that you can combo after the dash like that.
Info from ViciousHellsing (1 Bar Asuka Combo)
One meter for 463ish damage. j.:hp: , :mp: ,:lp: , :hcb::2k: , time their fall into another :mp: ,:lp: , :hcb::k: , c.:hk: .
You can do it with or without the jump in. (423 compared to 463). I have been trying to link the EX into something more damaging but the f.MP and f.LK don’t seem to come out quick enough. f.LK looks like it might JUST make it on a tough link but I haven’t been able to get it.
Info from Kwanzai (Asuka / Julia Synergy)
Info from AlterGenesis (Asuka Synergy general)
Info from Raikuden (Counter Hit Cr. HP Punish)
So what are you guys doing after hitting a Counter Hit cr.HP?
I’m doing f.LP > f.LK > LP > st.MK > Falling Rain (Heavy version if it matters.) > cr.HK.
I’m hitting this consistently, and it does 408 dmg. The time to react to the crumple with Demon Slayer is pretty lenient.
Info from FZeroRacer (More confirms into Super)
I managed to figure it out. You have to actually delay your cMK -> into super a very tiny amount and you have to do it close to the ground. If you use your super immediately, it’ll cause the third hit to miss. If you do it too late, you won’t cancel out of the This also means that, presumably, any place you can throw in a you can tack on a super afterwards if you time it correctly. The best way to put it is that you want to time the cancel RIGHT as the leg starts to retract.
Tested combos that work:
j. hp -> -> lift kicks -> -> ~ super (539)
j.hp -> -> -> lift kicks -> -> ~ super (507ish)
On tag: -> f.lp -> ~ super
Also, after her lift kicks you can use her and it’ll cause a ground bounce. From there, you can use most of her low-reaching normals to continue a combo, use excelsior (light and ex versions), another overhead for hard knockdown I think or even a raw launcher. Damage is not as high as her typical bnb, but maybe someone else will find something neat with it. I tried a couple of different things to no avail.
From ZuperKim (Leg Cutter combos + Asuka to Ibiki set ups)