hmm do you have some combo listing for only tagin situation? and there is some combo with cancan in it?
Depends on character if its Asuka Cammy team, since cannon spike launches them up really high when you tag cancel you can do st hk xx oni, st mk falling rain sweep.
Otherwise if you partner up with chaarcter that can launch pretty high like Xiaoyu, id do jhk st hk xx oni sweep
For cancan you only really use for bnbs sucks for tag combos, her main bnb with cancan is, jhp, st mp st lk xx cancan jhk st hk oni sweep.
In the corner you can do jhp, st mp st lk xx cancan st hk xx oni st mk xx falling rain sweep.
For both cancan combos you can replace the st hk for st mk, if your having trouble juggling at the right height with st hk.
hmm maybe it’s my bad i was asking this from a launch combo from any character not a tag cancel just a standard combo lp mp hp hp then asuka is tagged and then what are the existing combos ? and is there some with cancan in it
Launch combo
f+lk f+lp st hk oni sweep
On Hugo since f+lk can easily mess up and get to hits of the dragon wheel better to do this.
St mp xx oni st mk falling rain sweep
cancan like i said its not good in juggles it uses too much of your juggle limit and you dont get much damage, useless outside of ground bnbs.
Oni is HCB not QCB.
i didnt see anyone else type this one in, sorry if i missed it.
Lp,Mp,Lp,Mp,Lk, FDF+MK, J+HK, Mk, FDF+Mp, DDB+hk
lp = low punch, mp= medium punch, FDF= forward down forward, j= jump, hk = high kick, DDB = Diaganol down back.
Sorry i dont know how to input images.
The other one that is great as a switch up is
when u switched in
J+HK, F+Mp, FDF+Mk… tough to time but if u get it down its good damage.
Those are pretty bad due the combos have too many hits so alot of damage scaling, check the combos in this thread theres way better.
The st.HK miss 100 % of the time no?
anyone have some combo when asuka is tagged in from a regular laucher (lp,mp,hp,hp)?
i saw on pro videos 2 combo but only those two :
f+lk f+lp st mp oni sweep
f+lk f+lp st mk oni sweep
which one do you prefer ? and these is other combo in that situation?
Thanks all
you have to do f+lk early so they juggle higher than normal.
hmm ok will try that thanks
When you say:
Sometimes I end with st mk to falling rain instead for the awesome meaty overhead set up.
What is this overhead setup? F+hk?
It seems very difficult to combo after this move. Either the timing is too strict or I’m doing it wrong. I can get a random cr.HP once in a while but not much else.
What they mean is if you do falling rain and jump over the enemy (Which means you don’t sweep them after falling rain), land and do F.MP, it will hit them on it’s last active frames. What this means is that you’ll be able to do a follow up combo from it MUCH easier than normal for around 300ish damage.
Asuka’s F.MP is one of the best overheads in this game, but it’s hard to combo off of and very unsafe if they block it. This set up basically solves both issues and maximizes it’s strengths.
Although for some opponents, like Kazuya, this set up doesn’t work. Some characters recover from falling rain at different times, which means this isn’t something you can do on everyone with the same results.
R-D’s setup - after falling rain, you can jump forward whiff normal and f+mp for a perfect meaty overhead
Thanks for the replies; just to clarify I assume you mean wiff a normal during the jump forward, not once you land.
Also any suggested combo after the meaty overhead?
Hitting the lab later today.
Yeah, they mean a whiffed jumping attack as you’re going over your opponent.
As for combos after the overhead, well, while the additional frame advantage (+7?) opens up some options, it seems safest to just go with the easier link to lp > whatever (I usually go lp>mp>lkXXcancan for the loooooooong, lazy hit confirm)
I didn’t see this on the first page, apologies if it is there and I didn’t see it or if someone else has already found it but:
J.HP + S.HK + HK.UpKicks + J.HK + S.MK + MP.Falling Rain + CR.HK
420 damage, meterless.
It gets better!
[LEFT]jHP sHK xx dp+K jHK sHK xx hcb+K crHK [/LEFT]
443, meterless
Aye, those combos were found pretty soon after release unfortunately.
But they’re not really viable combos since the can whiff on crouch, you would be better off replacing with ~ chain.
Ahh, figured that might be the case.
i didn’t see it on the first page, but i found a combo that does over 500 damage with one meter, and i was wondering if you had archived it already. 523 damage 1 meter
What’s the notations?