The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (May 2014)

Now I want a Platinum Games-developed Spider-Man game in the vein of Devil May Cry/Bayonetta…

Just imagining the shit P* would have Spidey doing against random mooks, plus the boss fights… Dear God, the boss fights would be just pure sex… Aerial battles with the Green Goblin/Vulture, with Witch Time-like Spider Sense activation, epic scale Rhino/Sandman duels, and the combos… oh the combos you’ll be able to pull off with web fluid and spider agility. Doing real time Maximum Spiders on mofos…

This shit needs to get made. Someone tweet Kamiya and start up a petition…

jaw drops at the thought

And yes, you need a ‘picture’ finisher…

  • :bluu:

That’s going to be one quiet phone.

I read somewhere that the “supposed rumour” is that Jim carrey was spotted during filming or something and alluded to him being carnage.

Carnage sucks, has sucked, always will suck. I’ never understand that characters popularity. Funniest thing is I as peope a the time to name good Carnage stories and never hear anything.

I found a pretty good Venom film:

The character isn’t that interesting by himself usually, this one I liked though.

Wtf…people seriously care about shit like this???

Said on a website that painstakingly stresses how important frames are in video games.

It matters, most film is shot at 24 frames when it’s shot at 48 frames for the “HD look” to which it cleans up the image, ridding of image blurring and is great for 3D films. However it can change the dynamic of the special effects and how your brain registers what it’s seeing on screen (without the screen blur) and give it an almost uncanny valley realism in the way it looks.

This would be akin to [INSERT COMPANY HERE] upgrading the sequel to [INSERT YOUR GAME OF CHOICE] to 120 frames per second. Hardcore fans would be pouring into the streets, while cauals would just shrug it off and go play something else.

It pulls me out of the imaginary world when a fantasy movie is filmed at the same quality that soap operas are. I do care, I normally get passed it, but I hate it.

I didn’t know the Sinister Six would make an appearance in this movie. I’ll probably actually illegally view it now.

I play MvC2 on a CRT, HD and graphics and framerates dont mean shit to real niggas like me

Carnage vs. Venom was decent, the 4 part arc “Minimum Carnage” was pretty awesome too. Superior Carnage has been a really interesting development as well. We also have his appearance in Shattered Dimensions, which was also pretty fun. Carnage Unleashed was…alright.

There’s plenty of examples of him in decent stories and contexts, but what I don’t understand even less so than the people who fanboy over him is the people who endlessly talk shit on his character for no reason. And the funny thing is, the consistency between people who say he’s a stupid character ALWAYS fail to state why and/or how he’s such a dumb character. Like you just did.

I’m not really sure what more people expect from Cleatus, he’s a simple enough concept of an antagonist. He’s a psychopathic, serial killing murderer. He is the classic definition of power in the wrong hands, and it’s the ultimate irony how crazy strong he is for being such a sick degenerate who’s only goal literally is to sow misery and suffering. The simplicity of his goals, combined with the complexity of Cleatus’ twisted thought process, is what makes him such an interesting character. He’s almost the exact contrast to Venom in the sense that Eddie uses his power to at least try and do something, positive OR negative. Carnage just wants to see the world burn.

Even disregarding all that, some people just like the guy because he is and always will be infinitely creepier than Venom…:rofl:

Carnage is basically what venom shouldve been. Venom is the nigga that acts hard but is really a softy carnage is that cray nigga who will shoot a baby and laugh about it

Also, smh at you niggas basing the image quality of a motion picture off a damn Youtube video…wait till’ it comes out at least to talk shit. :rofl:

Pretty much this.

Flash is an INFINITELY better Venom than Eddie ever was.

The symbiotes always sucked besides Mac Gargan.

Best spider-man wannabes will always be Parkers superior clones.

The first mistake was you implying that they’re trying to emulate Parker. They have similarities, but they’re in no shape or form “copies” of him.

There have been plenty of awesome symbiotes. Flash Thompson, Scream, multiple Carnages, Toxin, the current Anti Venom…hell, Gwen was interesting even when she was Carnage because she could still completely retain her personality and do everything 616 Carnage could do. Albeit that element of the story was a little too convenient…

Ultimate Spiderman was shit and it looks like they are headed in the same direction with the new one. Writing just fell off.

Ultimate Parker is one of my favorite Spidey’s. For some reason he seemed to have a lot more sense than 616 Parker did, lol.

Not more sense just written less realistically. So of course he will make those convenient decisions like you stated earlier. Shit was a wack ass teen drama with too many characters not really developing in realistic ways. Now their is just like zero character development, just action scene transitions.

Yeah ultimate spiderman started off neat then you could tell bendis started really feeling himself and started writing really dumb shit or spent so much time on 10 pages of peter and mj fighting that he forgot he had a story to tell so he wrapped it up really quickly and unsatisfyingly. Also the supporting cast is complete ass in USM