The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (May 2014)

Oh shit so many easter eggs. Dr. Octopus’ arms and Vultures wings!
Hope it isn’t shadowing ASM3 villains, coz I’d love to see Venom in ASM3

Also Elektro looks so fucking menacing and powerful. I feel they nailed him. Better than that goofy-ass ‘‘SUPPORT GAY RIGHTS!’’ classic costume

It definitely seems like they’re setting up the Sinister Six with the Vulture’s wings and Doc Ock’s tentacles.

There were rumors of Sony wanting to shoot ASM2 and ASM3 back-to-back, and connecting the storylines like this definitely supports this even further.

Needs Kraven, shocker and more Spiderbots!

I’m now convinced Sony will use another adjective for the next reboot whenever it comes and just tack on a different number, then wash rinse repeat.

Amazing = Garfield series,
Spec , 2,3,4= post Garfield actor
Web of ,2,3,4,= 2nd post Garfield actor
Sensational 2,3,4 = you get the idea

They wont run out names for the next 30 years this route lol…

I think if there’s another reboot, it could be called “The Spider Man”.


SpiderMan One :arazz:

First impressions? this hyped me up way more than I thought it actually would. If the movie is true to the trailer, I’m not worried about villain balance - Rhino looks like a hired goon essentially, Jamie Fox looks to be the real fight, with Green Goblin playing the clean up hitter role. I’m “OK” with that.

As a non-comic buff outside of Marvel UK - I actually prefer this direction for Dat Rhino, it makes him less “Spiderman’s Juggernaut” and more ‘unique’ feeling. It also is ALOT easier to explain without wasting too much time (three villains). Plus +1 if Jamie Fox gives him a jolt of energy while fighting Spiderman.

Jamie ‘looks the part’ pretty well actually…I’m happy with it so far, no gripes to start, they just can’t drop the ball on motivation.

I prefer the last suit - it looked ‘modern’ without coming off sacrilegious. Maybe the Blu-Ray will have a feature to switch it back hehe. In all seriousness though, this one (movie) looks ‘brighter’ in general - less time in the dark and in sewers or dark hallways - so a brighter suit seems to ‘pop’ a bit more.

Emma Stone’s been quiet lately, nice to see her again.

Osbourne…ugh…yeah…I guess his screen time will be my bathroom break…

  • :bluu:

I’ll skip on this, also did on the previous film.
I had my fill of Spidey with the previous trilogy.

I didn’t/don’t feel like watching the Peter Parker/Spiderman character developing AGAIN.
And the Parker and Osborne look like they escaped from a Twilight flick

CGI looks good though, but Elektro and Rhino are just way off imo (maybe Im just getting old and grumpy :stuck_out_tongue: )

On a side note: Why do we have another trailer (at the end) featuring Bayformers sounds?!

Nah bro, Spiderman and His Amazing Friends.

I hope gwen dies in this and every chick leaves the theater feeling all suicidal because of it.

Anyways I don’t think Giamatti is actually going to be the Tinkerer and they are going to make him responsible for creating a lot of the non-biotech the spawns guys like Scorp and vulture. IIRC, tinkerer did make Scorpions tail and has worked for Vulture on occasions.

I wonder how they will add Kraven to this later on.

Kraven sounds like one of those characters that’s gonna be hard to put in a live action movie, unless they somehow totally re-imagine his look and character.

Trailer was solid.

I agree with the eyes on the mask looking a bit wonky, but other than that I like the suit again.

People being annoyed by Harry is understandable, however he did pretty well in Chronicle so I’m willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.

Goblin probably won’t be a thing until the next movie. They’re building the Osborns in the background more, which I actually like.

Which brings me to the other villains. Aesthetically I have no issues. People brought up how the Rhino could be an issue, but I don’t mind the battlesuit thing. Foxx looks a lot better as Electro than I thought, though the Lips could be dialed back. My issue though is that…how will they deliver as characters? As pieces to drive the story? Two villains, especially ones who never really interact much could be overcrowding as well. How they fit into things will be interesting to see, and could make or break the movie.

As for Gwen dying, I’m assuming they’re also holding that off until they go full in with the Goblin.

Movie has potential, but it has to juggle a few things and avoid feeling like filler for ASM3.

EDIT: Didn’t notice the Goblin fight in the trailer, my bad. Well, Harry’s probably screwed this movie. Next movie is likely Norman in the Sinister Six I guess.

And looks like they accidently stuck a clip of MJ in the trailer even though she was supposedly cut.

Pretty excited my favorite parts of these Spoderman movies were always the web swinging

Is it just me or does this look like it’s filmed in 48 frames like the Hobbit?

Someone call me when they decide to make a movie with Carnage in it.

Looks like ass.

I take the first 2 Spider Man movies any day over the third and this reboot garbage.

you know what they showed in this trailer that i love, and its what i love about spiderman, his spider sense. when he was running from electro and dodging all his shit without even looking back, just knowing through his spider sense, that shit fucking makes me excited. its like the coolest thing about spider man, and it makes him stylish when he wants to be. just be like nah nigga, spider sense is tingling, i aint getting hit by shit.

It’s too bad he can’t use his spider-sense to avoid projectiles in UMvC3.

Can you imagine a spider-sense super that lets you become projectile invincible? Morrigan, you done bitch. :slight_smile:

will there be hidden missiles? otherwise not watching :mad:

I hope they don’t kill Gwen until 3. I don’t want emo Peter over there killing Gwen and MJ looks terrible. Lets get Norman as Goblin first (hope they don’t make Norman Hobgoblin or whatever) and then let’s get a replacement actor for MJ.

what did Aunt May do to deserve that kinda remark?