ShadyK used to play a red Q like that on OG Xbox Anniversary 3S on XBox Live, back in the day.
Here are some commentaries. Probably the only ones I’ll do. Depends on how future matches go. These aren’t for tips or pointers
Just me talking about the match itself and online.
Ken v. Akuma. Mix-up
The rubber match
Got my ass whipped round 1
Second Ryu match
This is strategy not trolling
Used Ryu in tribute to my bro
Can anybody suggest a decently priced external capture card?
Oh and new video, online casuals
I use a dazzle capture card. Pretty cheap ($40-$50 at best buy) and pretty good quality. I use pinnacle studio for editing/rendering. (pinnacle usually comes with any dazzle card you buy.)
good job beating everybody with ibuki. her and elena can be pretty annoying in the hands of someone with good reads. however, maybe its cause some or most of your opponents are kindof bad and you dont have to use it, but i think you save your meter too much. you always have 3 full bars
Minawaka and I a few games.
[media=youtube]IeTFig9Uzzg[/media] ranked he owned me pretty bad
[media=youtube]QxnY9547gJE[/media] game like 5 of casuals
[media=youtube]wE71gmXlmkQ[/media] game 7 of casuals i finally win
[media=youtube]fQfmeExHBaI[/media] urien beats me even after some good blocking of aegis. i think credit goes to some guy by the name of WhittyLove
I really want to see Cruise videos. the guy has 700 wins and only 30 losses. some of those HAD to have been really close games and he stole victories from people with clutch mindgames and aegis geyity. i wanna see some of those matches…why is nobody saving the replays of them getting owned? plz start documenting the rape you experience by any interesting players.
i remember some dude named cruise on the old ggpo with a ridiculously good urien. definitely must be the same guy you’re talking about. as for avoiding the geynis reflector shit, i always rush down urien before he builds meter because the match is pretty much over when he gets it.
I remember cruise from ggpo too. As for my meter, that’s something i’ve noticed as well. When i used to play on ggpo, I never really experimented with SA3 much because i was like “man, i need my meter in case i get cornered or something.”. Now I’ve been trying to remember to use her ex slash kicks in combos. I’m trying to fight good people, but most are just sf4 people or something.
The way Cruise uses Aegis, it’s definitly not gay. Cruise is about the only Urien player I’ve ever respected. (I really hate that character.) If that man puts an Aegis on the screen, you are going to get hit by it, period. He has about 1,000 different set ups for it too. If I’d thought about it, I would have saved my replay vs. Cruise the one time I played him on PSN, round 2 was actually really close which surprised even me. I had sort of a laggy connection to him, so I wouldn’t bother him to play me more. I remember beating his Alex on GGPO every now and then, I don’t think I’ve ever beat his Urien.
And pootnannies, try rushing down Cruise’s Urien and see where that gets you, lol.
Ninjaz, I’d like to play you assuming we have a good connection. That Sean player in your vids looked like he was about my level, if not slightly better, but I have very little experience fighting good Ibuki’s which is mainly why I’d be interested. I’d also like to see how my Twelve would do against you.
Ugh, 12. I used to be good at parrying his shananigans. My psn is BuckNasty2501. I’m on the eastcoast so hopefully the connection is good.
yeah i just call aegis names cause its a strong super. lol
i have. it was the only way i could beat him back in the day. he’s super good but just zoning around with oro wasn’t helping me in that match up. maybe other oro’s can net wins that way against urien but i can’t. yes cruise is beatable but he whooped my ass for the majority of the matches.
a few more brazillian matches.
Are ANY of you guys able to upload your videos on xbox?? I ALWAYS get that the youtube server is not available when I try to upload videos, I got it working ONCE ever right after I got the game, it’s been like 4 days in a row, I want to upload!!
I played cruise and a bunch of other high level players. I just don’t post them because they may not want them posted.
Here, have some more Oro scrubbery.
post what you want. Every match is recorded, they know this. I can’t imagine anyone going nuts cause someone posted a match with them any. It’s a videogame after all.
Yeah if they really want it down that bad they’ll just find you on youtube and ask you any way.
here other match
Vast Improvements
Round one perfect