The 3rd or 4th God?

How is Chun Li supposed to fireball or use upkicks when walking forward?

For Blanka the increased damage on getting hit out of balls is a huge factor

For Sagat he is just way less powerful than o.sagat.

For T-Hawk same as sagat.

Chun: Because claw won the match trough walldives and they are less effective now.
Not being integral does not mean it does not matter.
The main nerf she got in this matchup is lightning legs which causes a lot of trouble for claw in ST.
She wins the match trough footsies not from hitting some silly 80% super.

Honda: I have yet to play a Honda where walking super played any part of winning that match.
Headbutt in general is a terrible move in that matchup besides from stopping poorly done walldives.
If you seriously believe that would make any difference in that matchup i don’t know what to tell you.

I am fairly certain you said this as an attempt to troll knowing your history but i answered regardless.

Cauld - I like you man, we’ve played on PSN and your Chun beat me a bunch of times :slight_smile: But it seems like you are being a bit defeatist in this instance. I guarantee you that Chun’s j.MK is an absolute terror for Dic. If you look at any of the various matchup charts on NH2’s blog, you’ll see that this matchup is strongly in Chun’s favor.

Edit to add:

Here’s a chun vs. dic match I pulled from youtube at random, and Chun uses jumping kick 6 times in the first round:


Weirdly, it’s Seth Killian versus YuuVega in 2000 - WTF??

Didn’t NKI win an HDR tourney over in Europe with Dic? (Could be wrong)

I didn’t say it is an unwinnable match for Chun. I’m saying it’s not as in her favor as people say and might even be in Dictator’s favor. (Or, I could just be approaching this fight all wrong, which is still a possibility.) Also, Chun didn’t land a single j. forward in that entire video you posted. If you listen to the sound when the jump kicks land, it’s a jumping short, which has even worse air-to-air priority, but stays out longer. If that Dictator had a j. strong out at that time, the j. short would have lost.

First off, you for some reason listed Dictator 2nd jumping strong hitbox, which he is not gonna get out in time to meet Chun in the air.
Instead, he’d get this jumping strong attack:

2nd, Dictator should be using these attacks to beat/trade-with Chun’s jumping attacks:

  1. jump toward/away roundhouse (you will see YuuVega use this a lot vs. Chun)
  2. jump neutral roundhouse

It sounds like you don’t really have a rock solid gameplan for playing against Dictator with Chun.
I suggest you check here to develop your gameplan:
Chun Li Matchups

What should you look at to get your gameplan down?

  1. what moves does Chun open each round with (every round starts with the exact same set-up, get down what top Chuns do at each round start… there should only be a handful of variations they tend to use)
  2. what moves does the Chun player use in the fight (AND more importantly what moves do they no use: if they don’t use a move, make sure not to use it either)
  3. how is the Chun delivering damage/killing: zoning? killing? what?
  4. after you figure out #3, rewind those moments in the vid and see how Chun set-up that damage. Is there a certain range that Chun player wants to be at?
  5. how is the Dictator delivering damage/killing
  6. after you figure out #5, rewind those moments in the vid and see how Dictator set-up that damage: watch our for and stay away from those set-ups

Great website Zaspacer :tup::tup::tup:

I’m on it everyday.

Going there right now as a matter of fact?

For the fireball, use a ‘keyboard style’ stick, and stay on the left side.

I think he used chun, he was in a team with Tokido.

Yeah I actually do remember now that NKI won a tourney in France with Dic - I saw a grainy recording of the finals vs. Blanka. But still not enough evidence to justify Dic being #1 or top tier.

hmmm I can’t really speak for NKI but IIRC the only french tourneys he attended were stunfest 2009 and 2010. Neither of which had a Blanka in the finals. He won this year in a team with tokido but he used Chun.

Last year I think Choi won with Ryu.


I’m certainly don’t have one of the best dics =P (that honor goes to renomd, zaspacer, exposedd, or de mavrick) however I was under the impression it’s universally known dic is definitely not top or even high. shotos rape him, chun is almost as bad and even worse when she corners him when he doesn’t have super, honda is bad mainly because both players must take risks to deal damage in this matchup and he can out turtle dic making him rely on baiting a hb and punishing with j rh into tod. DJ/guile are by no means a walk in the park, while I don’t think blanka is his worst matchup as de mavrick does but his j lk causes dic problems, geif and hawk aren’t bad matchups but they become terrible if either corners dic without super, sagat has a slight advantage if he plays aggressively.

As far as good matchups go he beats sim, boxer, MAYBE claw, cammy, and MAYBE fei…so how can anyone who has 5/16 favorable matchups (none of which he dominates) be high or even top?

I definitely have three .mpg files (which I ripped off youtube somewhere) of NKI using Dic to beat a blanka in the finals of some tourney somewhere… I guess not in France.

He used j. forward while jumping towards a grand total of 5 times over 3 rounds. For 1 Dictator was already knocked down, 2 were cross ups on knockdown, 1 he crossed up with no response, and 1 he lost cleanly. There might have been another one where he got knocked out of the air before the j. forward came out.

And while there is some value to watching ST videos for seeing what tactics beat what other tactics, a lot of the match dynamics have changed. In that video the Dictator would have won round 2 in HDR if Otochun had played it the exact same way, because he would have just Psycho Crashered right through the times she was using Lightning Legs to keep him at bay. Just the threat of Lightning Legs (or the lack thereof) changes this match up pretty heavily.

I disagree that sagat is a bad match for dic, I feel it is one of the few in his favor.

I mean, old sagat is even for him. There is a lot of things you can do to sagat where he has to risk a dp to get out, risk reward is heavily in bison’s favor imo

Whoever thinks dic is top-tier … You’re wrong!
He wasn’t top in ST , nor is he in HDR.

Sure, the invincibilityframes on the devils reverse helps out in certain situations (fireball traps etc).
But he’s still mid-tier at most. As someone mentioned earlier , he has alot of bad matchups.

I’m curious about the Blanka-Dic match as well. Doesn’t a blocked horizontal roll guarantee a Psycho Crusher?

Yeah but blanka never does a ball lol.

All the ways bison can attack are unsafe, which lead to crossup short to anything. You can’t escape with dr because the short will hit it, plus if you try to avoid throw blanka just combos you and repeats process


I can FEEL the Bison love.

But I think Giga’s ST Dictator was the one that traumatized fatboy.
The HDR tweaks just scare him all the more in what he fathoms HDR Bison’s potential could be.

I have no idea how great M. Bison’s potential in HD Remix is. I really feel there is SOOO much more left to progress along the game’s learning curve (for all characters in the game). Without decades of time and high numbers of long-long-term dedicated players in a public scene, we may never know.

Based on Bison’s performance in Japanese ST, I could easily see Bison being upper or top tier in HDR. But right now, we have to go with his power level as it appears along the present learning curve. And right now there is no HD Remix M. Bison showing up at top finishes in tournaments.

Get Giga, Yuuvega, Taira, and other top ST Bison players to start grinding away at the HD Bison learning curve. Get more top HD players to pick up Bison and start grinding away on that curve. Or perhaps, one of the current Bison players will make a big leap on the learning curve and break the game wide open.

I’d love it. :slight_smile:

But until actual HDR players manifest this potential, it’s not really real. And we’re better going off of tournament finishes or online session results.

I firmly believe that my own Bison is very ghetto. I don’t have anywhere near the ST experience or game knowledge at the level that I get from other people, and I firmly believe that my strats for all matchups (even the ones I feel best in) are very, very far from being complete pictures (and for many matches I am just winging it completely). So I definitely don’t think my Bison speaks to what the “Bison potential” power level could be.

I think Ryu is prolly the 3rd or 4th best character in the game… I do hear alot of people complain about his fake FB but those people dont realize that in order for you to be effective with it, you have to PREDICT CORRECTLY a jump from the player or whatever youre tryin to bait the player to do. Whens the last time you saw great players jump every single time they saw a FB motion? And if you predict wrong doin the fake FB you can get punished for it easily.

As for Bison I actually just recently started playin with him this last month as some of yall might have seen and I feel like I got pretty decent with him… From what I noticed so far with him hes definitely not worthy of bein ranked one of the top 4 characters IMO. Maybe I havent spent enough time on him yet but we’ll see if I continue… His Devils Reverse is NOT that easy to time as a reversal while wakin up especially against deep jumpin attacks. I also find when I do get the DR as a wakeup reversal I can easily get hit out of it since only the beginning of it is invincible.