I think this topic deserves it’s own thread if the mods disagree feel free to merge it wherever.
Game Design, Psychology, Flow, and Mastery - Articles - Street Fighter HD Remix:?Balrog
Game Design, Psychology, Flow, and Mastery - Articles - Street Fighter HD Remix:?Vega
Game Design, Psychology, Flow, and Mastery - Articles - Street Fighter HD Remix:?Dhalsim
Game Design, Psychology, Flow, and Mastery - Articles - Street Fighter HD Remix:?Ryu
There was a lot of debate when hdr launched about who was the best, compared to st where we’ve known for years the top4 tower over the rest of the cast. Since release I’ve maintained claw and boxer remain top tier as very little about them has changed. Boxer’s throw loop was barely nerfed and jab headbutt isn’t completely safe while claw lost abusive dive which was broken but it’s his speed, ground game, and throw that makes him top in st not the dive.
Sim is not so easily defined because more then a few competent sim players feel he was nerfed enough to not be considered toptier anymore. What has really changed here? Teleport is basically a free hit now and he can be hit out of super with almost any jumpin are those two things really enough to not make his unchanged offensive and defensive ability just as scary?
Then we have ryu who many if not most people here claim to be the new toptier but why? He wasn’t tops in st but now he is because…he has a fake? Fake has plenty of uses but why do so many people think it makes him too good? It helps him in his 4 bad matchups and against the rest of the cast as well but using fake fb doesn’t exactly guarantee you’ll get a double perfect in fact I’ve only seen a few players (dgv, scoot magee, uber cyber ryu, and maybe 1 or 2 others) implement it well enough for it to make a considerable difference. Does Sirlin’s view of fake fb being a risk for ryu hold water today?
Other then guiles new flashkick being able to punish sim’s limbs I can’t think of any significant buffs the rest of the cast gained against the top 3. I’ve yet to see a plausible argument against fake fb and yes I concede he didn’t need it but I claim with it it doesn’t constitute as a huge unnecessary buff as many here believe.
Anyone who has extensive knowledge of any of these 4 characters is especially welcome to share their thoughts.