Let’s start by looking at ST.
In ST, the character rankings (for 1-on-1 matches) seem to be:
Tier 1
Tier 2
Chun Li
Tier 3
(NOTE: tiers were compressed into 3 groups to make things simpler)
ST Dictator isn’t Tier 1, but he doesn’t have any auto-lose matchups and his matchups against the Tier 1 characters aren’t anything below a 3.5. (source: super nohoho fighter ii x: Super Turbo - New Arcadia Diagram)
And, in addition, we’ve seen Taira and YuuVega both use him effectively (and place high) in tournaments.
I personally think that the ST masters will still unravel more twists and knowledge and skills as they keep playing the game (keep progressing along the ST learning curve). Giving each character affected a level of “Tier Drift” (up or down) over time. How much? I have no idea. We’ll call this “Learning Curve Drift”.
Now if we had just taken ST characters and changed only Dictator (leaving the other ST characters as their ST selves) by giving Dictator his HDR buffs, I have no doubt that Dictator’s power level would change. How much? Again, I have no idea. It would take a period of time for top players to learn the nuances and start effecting changes in the tournaments. Regardless, it would provide some level of “Tier Drift”. We’ll call this “HDR Dictator Buff Tier Drift”.
And then we have the fact that the other HDR characters have changed as well from their ST versions. “Buffs”, “nerfs”, massive revamping of characters, etc. And I think it’s reasonable to expect that these changes effect their own Tier Drift (up or down). We’ll call this “HDR Opposing Character Changes Tier Drift”.
ST Tier
- Learning Curve Drift
- HDR Dictator Buff Tier Drift (including learning curve drift on that)
- HDR Opposing Character Changes Tier Drift (including learning curve drift on that)
= HDR Bison’s Potential
Maybe it moves Dictator up on the Tier list.
Maybe it moves Dictator down on the Tier list.
Maybe he doesn’t end up budging at all.
I have no idea.
But I do feel confident that (if HDR/ST has a long and intense enough life span) we will see some changes in HDR Dictator’s realized power level over time.
In addition, we aren’t seeing the top names in ST Dictator playing HDR really. Yuh vega dj was on HDR, but I have no news of him playing lately and I think he might be playing Classic. In addition, when I did see him play HDR, I didn’t notice him using any of the new HDR Dictator Buffs.
I did say that I think in practical terms it’s best to deal with results that we are actually seeing: HDR Dictator players that are currently playing and the results they are achieving. And right now, Dictator is not really doing that well at the high end, and seems to be roughly in the same position he is in the ST ranking: middle or upper middle tier.