That's why I'm a super soldier. Combos/Resets!

First combo: j:qcf::m:(land) j:m::h:dj:m::d::h: xx :qcf::l: (land):h::s: sj:m::m::h:dj:m::d::h::s:(land) :a2:+:qcf::l:xx:qcb::m::h:

Second combo: j:qcf::l:(land):h::s:sj:u::h:xx:qcf::l:(land) j:u::h::s: (land) :qcf::l: :qcb::h:xx:qcb::m::h:

Thank you.

As the missiles hit u cn get light charging star, then heAvy charging star then hcs

If have my back to the corner, is there a better combo that I can do instead of this if I want to put them into the corner?


[media=youtube]JjeLRuhGtfk[/media]at 21 seconds in

Any combo that ends in l.CS, h.CS, HCS will put them into the other corner, as long as you have 2 launchers in there.

First time poster long time lurker.

Not sure if this has been discussed as a viable reset so ignore me if it has.

After otg L.SS>s.H it is possible to cancel it with a roll, causing them to air tech and fall right into either a s.M or S. This creates a very quick left to right mixup that can allow for you to achieve an extremely simple TOD.

I put up the notations with my own comments for my UMvC3 Combo video! Please Check it out if you need it!

Thanks so much for doing this. It’s a great video with many useful combos.

Currently without assist I think these are the strongest combos Cap has. All combos will work on smaller characters, but I included alternate versions to retain consistency.

New corner combo:

Damage - 794,400 - 0.2 meter gain
works on all characters (small characters require stricter timing)
c.:l::m:s.:h:, (SJ up), j:h::qcf::m:, land, dash, jump (toward corner), j.:h::qcf::m:, land, dash, :qcb::l:, :s:, j.:m::m::h::d::h::s:, land, j.:qcf::l: (low as possible), land, dash, :qcb::l:, :qcb::h:, :qcb::atk::atk:

*If you land c.:h: at that start or you aren’t close enough to the corner to have s.:h: push you out, super jump backward and the combo will still work.

For smaller character this is more consistent:
Damage - 777,400 - 0.2 meter gain
c.:l::m:s.:h:, (SJ up), j:h::qcf::m:, land, dash, jump (toward corner), j.:h::qcf::l:, land, dash, :h::s:, j.:m::m::h::d::h::s:, land, j.:qcf::l: (low as possible), land, dash, :qcb::l:, :qcb::h:, :qcb::atk::atk:

Mid Screen BnB:

Damage - 792,400 - 0.2 meter gain
c.:l::m:s.:h::s: j:h::qcf::l:, land, j.:h::qcf::m:, land, dash, :qcb::l::s:, j.:m::m::h::d::h::s:, land, j.:qcf::l: (low as possible), land, dash, :qcb::l:, :qcb::h:, :qcb::atk::atk:

For smaller characters:
c.:l::m:s.:h::s: j:m::h::qcf::l:, land, j.:m::h::qcf::l:, land, :h::s:, j.:m::m::h::d::h::s:, land, j.:qcf::l: (low as possible), land, dash, :qcb::l:, :qcb::h:, :qcb::atk::atk:

Is it possible to get a video of these combos. . . because they are very hard to visualize. . . . especially the “corner” combo that involves a dash and a tiger knee shield slash.

I believe the first corner combo after the first neutral sj. h xx m shield slash, you dash UNDER the opponent INTO the corner doing a side switch before you do j. h xx m shield slash. I didn’t get it either until I tried doing that. The notation is kinda wrong if that’s how it’s supposed to be (and I’m pretty sure it’s not even possible doing it any other way).

It should be c.:l::m:s.:h:, (SJ up), j:h::qcf::m:, land, dash (toward corner), jump (away from corner), j.:h::qcf::m:, land, dash, :qcb::l:, :s:, j.:m::m::h::d::h::s:, land, j.:qcf::l: (low as possible), land, dash, :qcb::l:, :qcb::h:, :qcb::atk::atk:

I’ll post a vid later.

The way it should look:
c.:l::m:s.:h:, (SJ up), j:h::qcf::m:, land - this part you face the corner, s.:h: pushes you out so you can fully connect the SS in the air.

dash (toward corner), jump(up or toward corner) - here you are dashing under the opponent getting hit by the shield returning (carrying them out of the corner) so that you are now in the corner and as they pass you jump

j.:h::qcf::m:, land - you are now facing them and hit them while still in hit stun from the SS

dash, :qcb::l: - this is the standard CS bounce as they’re coming back from SS.

[edit] In the process of uploading…

Terrible quality (so if someone wants to redo these in a vid be my guest), but here they are. I also had the damage posted lower, these are doing over 800k on skrull.


I found a Cap solo combo that does more damage than this version.
cr. :l:, st. :m:, :h:, :s:, j. :u: :h:, air :qcf: :l:, (land) st. :h:, :s:, immediate j. :d: :h:, air :qcf: :l:, (land) st. :s:, j. :m:, :m:, :h:, :d: :h:, :s:, (land) j. :qcf: :l:, dash, :qcb: :l:, :qcb: :h:, :qcb: :atk: :atk:.

Base damage without hyper: 605,500 dmg as opposed to 595,300 (595,900 if you use j. :u: :h: instead of j. :d: :h: in the last magic air series).
Hyper with mashing: the most I’ve gotten was 810,900 dmg vs 803,??? lol I can’t tell the last bit in your video.

I find this a bit more reliable than the other, because the launch after the light charging star is kinda iffy, to me at least, and mistiming it can cause the launch to miss. With this, the main thing is to keep the opponent as low as possible so that everything connects.

that gives me an idea to test…I think we can modify my corner combo to yours by doing j.:h::qcf::l: in the beginning. that might lower them enough to get hit by s.:H:

It’s really funny because both of these combos are great and I’ve come across them before while messing around in training mode, but I didn’t bring them to light because they are sort of impractical. They only work because you guys are starting them with a Cr. L, St. M, St. H, etc. . . .If you start these with a Cr. L, Cr. M, Cr. H the opponent with drop out before the last hit. Idk about you, but landing a random Cr. L and then immediately knowing to go into St. M after is pretty hard. . . .especially against good players. The combo’s might work with a Cr. L, Cr. M, St. H but the damage gets reduced down to what a normal gimpyfish combo or even my day 4 combo would do. So, as a punish these combos are amazing and can even be started with a St. M, St. M, St. H for more damage, but in battle these don’t seem to be an extremely viable option.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news :-/

With cap If I’m using c.L I ALWAYS follow with either c.L spam or s.M so land that part is easy for me (I play taskmaster and c.Ms.H is a big part of his combos). My BnB on skrull is what I typically use and it’s done well for me, against smaller cast I forgo the tiger knee SS and just do the easy ground version into SC H in to hyper.

I tried mrB’s combo and found it very unreliable. Catching with s.H after the first SS leads to all sorts of timing issues and they usually fall out. Also MMHu+HS is harder to time as well but it does work well if you leave out one of the mids for other combos. Right now the 7k doesn’t seem worth the risk.

I only use my combos when i get a clean hit with Cap, if I get an assist starter I often do the combo you see on rocket raccoon since SC L in the middle of a combo causes fallout issues.

BTW lookin for help on a troll combo. In X-Factor lvl 3 i can land 5 SS’s in a row without any middle parts. My execution isn’t great but im convinced i can land a 6th into hyper. Any help or does cap already have a silly x-factor combo for style?

X-factor lvl 3:
c.:l::m::h:, :qcf::h:, :qcf::h:, j.:qcf::h:, land, j.:qcf::m:, land, j.:qcf::l: …[land, :qcf::h:??? etc…]

L Charging star till X-Factor runs out.

lol L charging star after the shield slash loops.

Not sure if it works though.