That's why I'm a super soldier. Combos/Resets!

So my backthrow BNB: Backthrow, Wavedash back (easy on pad), 236L, H, S, M, M, H, 2H, S, 236L, 214H, Hyper Charging Star. Now that gets a respectable 550K+ off a backthrow, but I think that could be better. What’s y’all’s backthrow combo?

Managed to get 593300 solo

Back throw, dash back 236L, dash st.H 236H, *st.H st.S neutral follow j.M j.H double jump forward j.uH j.S, land (quick dash) TK j.236L land, 214L, 214H HCS

At * you can chuck in a dash to swap sides so you can put them back in the corner if needed. Want vids?

Nah, that sounds solid. With that cornering especially, that means I can tack on Doom as well for like, 200 extra K? That’s godlike for a backthrow.

Was able to hit 1 million with Cap w/ 2 meters and Dr. Doom hidden missiles assist. This combo will also build the second meter and will work with slight variations in the corner.

c. L, c.M, c.H, S, sj.H->air L SS, j. H->air L SS, s.H, S, sj. MMH, 2H, S, L SS (Call Doom Missiles), let SS hit twice, HCS. When Doom Missiles OTG: L CS, H CS, HCS.

c. LMH, S, sjb. H ->air L SS, j (or jump-back, depending on spacing)H-> air L SS, s. HS, sj. MMH, 2H, S. L SS (Call Doom missiles), SS hits once, HCS. When Doom Missiles OTG, L CS, H CS, HCS.

You call Doom at about the same time you do the last L SS. I haven’t tried Doom stuff with the new BnB stuff here, so you may be able to pull more damage than this, but these combos will ToD 78% of the cast.

I’m using an extended version of this combo that does more damage. Check the combos i posted a few posts back and just apply the missiles there. The only thing I don’t do is after missiles CS L. I found it inconsistent and just do CS H. Unless you can offer some input on making CS L consistent I’d appreciate it. Right now I tend to whiff it or hit too early to get the needed pop to follow up with CS H.

The missiles were already known and is one of the reasons doom is such a great assist with cap. You also have the option to do really dirty resets by doing it as fast as possible so the missiles wont connect and rolling on their wake up.

I have another reset (usually an American reset) where you hit the L charging star before the Doom missiles finish so they don’t get hard knockdown’d by the charging star so you can airgrab or do a mixup.

On that note, does anyone have any really good Cap resets?

I have a VERY VERY dirty one…but this goes in ‘Evo tech’. After Evo…I will post it. But it involves doom missiles… I figured it out last night and only seen 1 person block it so far and then they got reset by the follow up anyway.

A simple reset is always throw a whiffed SS in corner and do a delayed roll. if they back roll and do anything you catch them on a cross up.

Intrigued. Now I have to play around in the lab with possible Doom missile resets and see if I can make a nasty one.

Cr. L, Cr. M, St. H, S, Up H, L Shield Slash, Normal jump, Up H, M Shield Slash, L Charging Star, S, M, M, H, Down H, S, Tiger Knee L Shield Slash, Dash, L Charging Star, H Charging Star, Hyper Charging Star

I’ve been trying to use this combo but the opponent always flips out before the underlined air S. Does anyone have any idea why?

Do it faster lol.

Few things to note is that you can’t have any extra hit before the combo. If you start with an assist, jump in, or SS, you must modify the combo. Taking out the c.L helps a lot, get in the habit of c.M or s.M. If you aren’t sure, go with M,H,up H,S at the end instead. I tend to do this on smaller characters too. But the last part must be fast even when you do it right

Here’s an easier version of the combo:

Cr. L, Cr. M, St. H, S, Up H, L Shield Slash, Normal jump, Up H, M Shield Slash, L Charging Star, S, M, M, Down H, S, Tiger Knee L Shield Slash, Dash, L Charging Star, H Charging Star, Hyper Charging Star

Cut out the last air H in the combo and go straight to Down + H.

You sacrifice a bit of damage and meter, but this combo is more consistent. You’ll also have to make some timing adjustments towards the end, mainly for when to jump to throw out the jump SS.

j.M,H,u+H, S > j.M,M,d+H, S

more damage and salvages hitstun better so it’s more consistent.

All you guys must’ve looked up to Condor Missile and his Captain America for big time inspiration.

With all these TAC infinites coming out… LET’S FIND ONE FOR CAP!!!

I was trying but im not sure what the rule is for the TAC. My attempt went as:

as soon as you TAC in, double jump toward opponent to fall quicker, delay j.df+H, land, j.MMH, dj.MMdf+H, repeat. But i couldnt connect the j.M on the rejump. Also tried j.H>H SS and they fall out. But try out using double jump to fall quicker, that helps a lot.

Alright at the moment here is what I have found:

TAC down, dj (as early as possible), j.:u::h: (as late as possible), [land-jump j.:m::m::h:] x N. Delay the loop as much as possible and it is possible but is ridiculously tight timing. I’ve also been trying to get a more consistent method of starting it by doing TAC down, (slight delay) j.:d::h:, j.:l: dj [insert something here] similar to the vanilla corner relaunch but using the double jump and somehow getting the attack to land to start the infinite.

For those unfamiliar with the TAC infinite, here is how it works (theoretical):

where are you doing that instead of the combo posted by jtrgmr

like so?
Cr.LM,St.HS, sj, a.8H xx236L, land, j ,a.8h xx236M, land,normal jump, j.M,H,u+H, S, sj, j.M,M,d+H, S, land IA.236L, dash, 236L,236H xx 236super

Anyone for sure have a TAC infinite? I’m working on some of the other ones right now. If someone can find a Captain America one, I’d be so hype haha.

Cr.LM,St.HS, sj, a.8H xx236L, land, j ,a.8h xx236M, land,normal jump, 214L**, S**, sj, j.M,M,u+H (or j.M,M,H,d+H, S), S, land IA.236L, dash, 214L,214H xx 236super

Not sure whose combo does more.