That's why I'm a super soldier. Combos/Resets!

Lol, MyNameisE, you found the exact same starter that I did, with the immediate DJ, upH. I haven’t found a consistent follow up combo though.

New (to me) fun combo/reset setup to try, using the under appreciated Hawkeye (Y) assist.

c.L, s.M, c.H, S, sj. M, H,dH, S, Call Assist, l.SS, m.CS, S etc… also instead of m. CS you can mix it up with either kara H canceled roll, or a regular roll to fake a cross up to and attempt a reset.

I was recently watching one of the Condor Missile videos and I could’ve sworn I saw him get a superjump height hit confirm. Is anyone else aware of this/have the notation for it? I can’t remember which video it was in, nor how far in it was, unfortunately, but if no one knows then when I get a chance I’ll look through the video again to find it.

You can probably just bring someone down with shield slashes and launch them if that’s what you’re talking about.

No, it wasn’t that. I think I found it right here at around 1 minute in:


Doom gets hit by the shield on the way back but I don’t think I that matters for the rest of the combo. It looks kinda like the old corner relaunch?

Can you be more specific than posting a 55 minute video? Some of us have to pack for Evo…

EDIT: Found what you’re talking about. I think you could probably just save yourself the trouble of dropping it and use shield slashes to bring them down, but definitely cool to see that kind of stuff.

It is basically j.MMdH (delay) j.S then land. I have a slight variation that is more consistent: j.H dj j.MdH (slight delay) j.S (land) insert whatever

I use it after some sneaky Doom missiles tech which I’m not showing till my next tournament.

Evo is over so I’ll give my Cap/Doom (missiles) tech:

Block string crossover shenanigan

doom assist, slight delay, :qcb:+:h: (gets blocked), :d::f::df:+:atk:+:atk: (late as possible, but not enough to leave a gap to be thrown out of)…

What this does is on the third hit of the hyper, if your opponent is not in the corner you will cross over them just as the missiles fall with a slight gap to let them out of the block string. there’s plenty of time to land and do a full combo. This can’t be advance guarded and if done right you can cover the fact doom ever came out making opponents always wary after this hyper.

Dirty corner reset

Do any basic BnB and end in the corner with: :s:, sj.:m::m::h::d:+:h::s:, land, jump (toward corner), :call doom assist, :qcf:+:l:, slightly delayed :atk:+:s:…

You can do a different air combo if hitstun is of issue, but I find this best for timing. The key thing happening is you are over the body when you call doom assist, putting him very close to the corner. Shortly after you land you roll with :atk:+:s: as they wake, this creates a 3 way option select reset that is safe if they guess right. All are instant cross ups so they are very hard to block as your opponent must block opposite the way they teched, making it difficult to block even if they’re aware.

If they roll toward corner, your :atk:+:s: follows them and you wind up in the corner pushing them onto the missiles coming up just as you pass for an instant cross up. If they wake up neutral they wake up on the 1st missile just as you pass them, if they tech out of the corner you roll passed them just as your shield returns.

confirm all of these with s.:m::h::s:, jump, remaining missiles fall back down, j.:h::qcf:+:m:, land, j.:h::qcf:+:l:, land…etc…

Things that can go wrong:
[]If they get popped up in the air by the missiles at the start of the reset, you called doom too early. When you jump, give a slight delay. Your opponent should be on the ground as the missiles hit.
]If :atk:+:s: does not roll through opponent, you rolled too soon
[*]If opponent escapes the reset in any other way, you did :atk:+:s: too late. All resets should act as meaty hits with Cap being invincible for a brief moment making him safe to all wake up options.

Combo extension (known but might as well…)

Do BnB, end with: j.:s:(down opponent), doom assist, :qcf:+:l: (OTG), :qcb:+:atk:+:atk: (make sure to mash!), missiles land, :atk:+:s:, :qcb:+:l:, :qcb:+:h: (slight delay), :qcb:+:atk:+:atk: (slight delay)

The roll is for timing and to put you right underneath your opponent you can also do:

j.:s:(down opponent), doom assist, :qcf:+:l: (OTG), :qcb:+:atk:+:atk: (make sure to mash!), missiles land, :atk:+:s:, :qcb:+:l:, :qcf:+:atk:+:atk:

I’m new here, so I don’t know of these combos or resets have been posted. I rock a CapAm(Y)/Iron Man(A)/Nova(B) team, I’m pretty sure these are character specific but here goes anyway;

Custom Combo1
(corner only) 750~800k abouts
j.S -> MMH(Call Assist 2) -> QCF + M -> j.MHS -> MMS -> sj.MMHdH -> Call Assist 1 -> QCF + L -> Backdash and wait for Shield Slash to hit on it’s way back -> QCF + H -> QCF + ATKATK

Custom Reset (Beam Assist)
corner only
BnB combo, Assist 1, QCF+L, L, j.MH, QCF + M

Alright, so whatever way they tech, as long as they’re pressing buttons, they’ll get caught by the M shield slash which you can follow up with another j.H to L shield slash or just L charging star and put them in the air.

Something worth noting as well, if you use Nova’s Centurion Rush to pick someone up (first relaunch), you initiate the forced ground bounce, meaning if you L shield slash in the end of the combo, they pop up as if they’re teching in the air, which you can convert into an air grab or j.H confirm into shield slash. :slight_smile:

Idunno the codes to the buttons huhuhu.

@ifbpwnstar When you say roll, do you mean :atk:+:s:? Cause that’s backflip (or American Teleports as we say in London). Is it possible to post a vid of the reset?

Yes, I’ll edit that post but the advantage of this is that doing the roll causes you to follow the opponent and always cross them on wake up. If you don’t follow the opponent, you did this too early. If the opponent can escape the reset, you did it too late. The reset is very time dependent but fairly safe in most cases.

I’ll look into a video soon, but it may be a few days.

When listing assist, put a 1 or 2 word description, no body remembers what A/B/Y is (EX: beam, otg, charge, vert, etc…). to do notation codes use lowercase letters and surrounds them with : :. Directions are done with u, d, b, f, uf, df, bf, uf. There’s also atk and a few other shorts cuts like qcf that it’ll recognize.

For your combos, cap can already do over 750k-800k without assist, check the previous page. I have a video showing some solid BnBs with him that are almost max damage. Start with those, then use your assist to push the dmg higher.

It’s basically muscle memory now! But I barely get max dmg combos these days because most of my hit confirms are with :l: or :m: Charging Stars with Unibeam behind it for safety (which isn’t very easy to punish). That’s easily converted with either a dash :m::m: that brings you to the other side or a simple :l::m: or :l::l: if you’re trying to catch someone a little bit higher in the air. That and some Shield Slashes from different heights. It’s not everyday I can catch people with Cap’s j.:d::h: because most of the people I play with know to watch out for that.

I mostly play Cap in the corner afterwards anyway since I have some pretty neat hardblockables with :atk: + :s: crossups with unibeam and unblockables with lows and centurion rush.

play around with double jump. I land j.:d::h: a lot on people by jumping at them the jumping over them and stuffing their punish, the hard part is converting to :m: and not :l: which will ruin the combos i posted and you have to modify them slightly to prevent hit stun issues.

Yeah, I’ve been trying to mess up their timing with double jump then j.:d::h:, but after 50+ games, you kinda get downloaded and they’re content on trying to zone Cap (that’s where Charging Stars + Unibeam comes in). But yeah, I’ll try to incorporate using :m: instead of c.:l: instead. It’s a bad habit I need to shake off I suppose.

Long time Lurker Here.
So im pretty new to cap ( having picked up marvel only a couple of days ago, but played other fighting games before) have a couple questions if anyone doesnt mind answering them:

  1. anyone have a good use for stars and stripes? normal or hyper? most of the time im ending in charging star.
  2. What are his best normals? i mean i feel he just gets beat by alot of the other charcters normals (i realize that alot of the characters have lots of normals with high priority) but i jsut wanted to know if theres anything cap can do that ll help feel as though he isnt just beat straight up.

This might be the wrong place for this and i apologize in advance if i posted wrong!

j.:d::h: is my favorite normal for Cap. If your opponent doesn’t have a lot of experience fighting Cap, it’s a slick way to get in. Super jump then double jump at the right moment plus j.:d::h: can confuse your enemy, so I personally think it’s pretty good.

Well, for the Hyper Stars & Stripes, I find that I only use it to punish supers like Spencer’s Bionic Arm or another dp-like super. HCS goes through projectiles anyway and causes hard knockdowns in the end which you can x-factor and continue your combo with the usage of :l: shield slash + assist. You can x-factor cancel Hyper Stars & Stripes too on the first and the second hit, and you’ll find your opponent in a stagger state similar to Wolverine’s divekick on standing characters. I’m sure you can xfc on the third hit too, but I haven’t found any good super jump combos from that position. Hope this helps bro!

Notable normals:
[]c.:l: - Rapid fire low. Always a good thing to have
c.:m: - has a decent hit box and when attempting a pressure string is good for hitting jumping and crouching where s.:l:, c.:l:, and s.:m: risk whiffing in some scenarios. Also a decent anti air.
]s.:m::m: - a better starter than using :l::m: when you can confirm
[]s.:h: - really good for creating a huge block stun with assists so you can set up :s:+:atk:. It also pushes out in corner which is useful for certain corner only combos.
]:s: - Safe launcher. Very good thing to have. Also is not a bad anti air.
[]j.:d::h: - Typically your best air to ground as it has a really nice hitbox, crosses up, and plenty of stun to follow up with s.:m: when you land.
]j.:s: - Not as useful as j.:d::h: but has a wider hitbox that is better for some cross ups.
One thing to note about his normals is that they max out at 4 frames active for meaty hits so time anti wake up properly

Hyper SRK has a few uses:
[]Some character use it better for DHCs.
]Beating out physical hit hypers.
[]You can DHC to it if your initial hyper is about to be punished.
]Charging Star, delay, SRK can easily catch an opponent trying to punish you with anything other than a throw. I do this a lot.
[]After the 3rd hit, Cap crosses up mid screen on block allowing for tricky set ups with slow assists that will land just as you pass.
]If blocked you can X-factor after the 3rd hit just as you are off the ground and begin spamming :l: for an instant over head into a low. Though your opponent can push block you now.
[]You can X-factor after the 2nd hit and do a full combo for an easy kill.
]In THCs it can ensure the team won’t be beat out easily at it’s start.
[*]Travels horizontally faster and in some cases such as RR’s gun hyper, can connect on the final hit where Hyper CS cannot.
Normal SRK is pretty limited but it does occasionally make for a nice GTFO during a gap in a block string, on wake up, or anti air. A current use I have been exploring is doing :f::d::df:+:l: to defend assists that have enough stun to keep you safe on block and allow you to land and combo if only the assist hits.

WOW! Thanks so much for the input guys! Really helpful! ill definitely put this to good use!

One use I’ve found for normal SRK is to get out of invincible hypers which were meant to punish you and you have no meter. Very situational though. [media=youtube]b9ie2KxkW0o[/media] at 8:02