Easy Beginner Friendly “My First Captain America Combo” - No Assist 1 Bar 700K Minimum Damage Combo
The combo:
Ground Series > S, j.H, Shield Slash L, j.H, Shield Slash L, s.H, S, j.H, j.S, Shield Slash L, Hyper Charging Star
This combo is intended for beginners like me who are tired of BBCS combos, and who need help with not just knowing which buttons to press, but the timing involved and broken down on each step of the combo. What I like about this combo is that is uses minimum special move inputs, and doesn’t require what I find to be the more strict timing of landing of a L, M, or H Charging Star before landing the Hyper Charging Star.
The combo can started multiple ways before the S launcher:
c.L, c.M, c.H, S > Will lead you to around ~705K damage
c.H, S > Will lead to ~750K damage
s.M, s.H, S > Will lead to the ~760K damage
There are obviously more ways to start a combo before the launch, but that just gives you an idea what damage is going to be like. After you get the launch S:
jump.H , QCF+L, land, jump.H, QCF+L
The timing is not too strict on hitting the jumping H and Light Shield Slash, but if you do it too fast you can cancel the jump.H altogether and immeidately Shield Slash without connecting the H. Personally that is always my trouble with this part of the combo, doing it too fast instead of waiting for that jump.H to connect before canceling into the shield slash.
stand.H, S, jump, jump.H, jump.S
So after the second shield slash your opponent will flying back towards you, that’s when you want to land the standing H following by the S. The timing here is a bit more strict as you can do it too slow or too fast, it depends your he of the second jump.ight of the second jump of the second shield slash. If you land early and start mashing s.H you’ll be too early, but if you were a bit higher in the second jump and wait too long you’ll miss. So you’ll want to base the timing of the standing H on your height.
The following S, jump.H, and jump.S all must be done fairly quickly in the air, but that shouldn’t be too tough.
land, QCF+L, QCB+LM
The hardest part of this combo for me is the quick timing of when you immediately land, inputting the Light Shield Slash to OTG and then quickly Hyper Charging Star. I was having a lot of trouble of the opponent “falling out” of the Shield Slash OTG before I could connect the Hyper CS. If this is happening to you, it’s because you’re not inputting/canceling the Shield Slash > Hyper CS fast enough. It really needs to be a very quick cancel. I think what I was doing wrong was waiting for the first hit of Shield Slash to connect before inputting, but ideally you should be starting the Hyper animation even before the Shield Slash connects to ensure that you’ll land the whole thing. If you do it fast enough you can connect this part of the combo anywhere on screen, even when it looks like you are too far away. It’s all about the speed of Shield Slash OTG to Hyper Charging Star.
Other Applications with XF and more bars:
With any level X-Factor you can extend the combo after the Hyper Charging Star with another one with a **XFC, QCF+L, QCB+LM **and that’s probably doing enough damage to finish off anyone. Since this combo ends in a knockdown, any DHC that OTGs will extend the damage for another bar. What I really like about Hyper Charging Star is that I think it easily leaves you with enough time to “mind confirm” whether or not a DHC is needed to finish off the opponent, or just tag out Cap by DHCing. Right now I am using Firebrand and Frank West behind him, and with another DHC I am doing around 850+ damage after this combo.
Thanks for reading!
I hope this explanation helps out beginners like myself. I know this combo isn’t original or I am the first one to come up with it, but hopefully my breakdown helps newbies understand the timing of each part.