That's why I'm a super soldier. Combos/Resets!

just wondering. after doing dhc into Spencer bionic arm or maneuvers u can follow up with tk grapple. do u think its possible to do tk grapple falling s forward zip diagonal zip vertical grapple? That would help my captain America combo because i could save my doom assist for long after hyper charging star

That would heavily depend on how many hits you’ve done prior to getting to Spencer’s part of the combo. I don’t try it as when I did look into it, you don’t have almost any hitstun left for normal hits by the point I have Spencer come in.

If the height is correct you could possibly instead just go for a falling straight grapple, diagonal grapple, (land) up grapple into hyper…but I’m not sure if even the grapples will put you over on the hitstun. Even if that works you’d likely have to do the grapples very quickly which would mean the height will most likely be too high for any followup grapple into hyper.

Now you MIGHT be able to try that from a bionic arm since it’s only a single hit…but I’m not really sure on that either, plus the damage might only be slightly more than if you just went to manuevers the normal way.

All that said, I think that using the Doom assist to get 2 hypers for Cap isn’t really the most beneficial meter/damage use. Doing a full Cap combo, and then ending in a DHC into Spencer’s maneuvers is more damage for the same meter. After that you end up with the opponent in the corner…with Spencer on point, which is the whole reason I made that combo to begin with. Having Doom missiles behind him at that point just makes it that much scarier for 1 meter.


(you still might find something better than what I do, so don’t be afraid to try it out lol)

U make a good point and that’s y I’m trying to extend after bionic maneuvers. Zip lines cause zero
Hit stun but the real question here is can u do a falling s after the to grapple. Gonna hit the lab

Here is my corner combos I found. Hope that this wasn’t posted before since I didn’t find any like this. I got this from playing Hawkeye and it made me wonder if some people are stating that Cap has limited comboability in the corner, this makes him more of a beast instead lol.

  • All combo damage are from mashed HCS
  1. Cr.:l::m::h::s::, jump back, :h: xx :l: Shield Slash, Land, jump back, :h: xx :l: Shield Slash, Land, St.:h::s:, jump forward, :m::m::h:(2:h:):s:, :l: Shield Slash xx Hyper

This can get you 730k alone w/ no assists. If you add Nemesis’s Launcher Slam assist after the OTG, you can do :l: Charging Star at the peak of the bounce, :h: Charging Star xx Hyper, which can net you 770k

  1. Cr.:l::m::h::s:, jump back, :h: xx :l: Shield Shash, Land, :l: Charging Star, :s:, jump forward, :m::h:(2:h:):s:, :l: Shield Slash xx Hyper

This one is probably 720k I believe maybe more. All of these combos can also start from the standing chains, but you need to do a neutral jump after the :s: to make it work. Wallbounce assists can be good if you accidentally done his simple Bnb and end up in the corner but still have enough hitstun to make it longer.

Hope this helps and make your own variations of some sort. And is people naming their combos? lol

I realized most of them were in the first page of this thread. -_-

You can use the L Shield slash for a seccond otg? Also anyone know Caps best blockstrings?

Yep. OTGs always OTG in a hard knockdown state. That’s why Haggar can pick you up like 12 times.

Anyone know swag combos with Captain America? I’ve tried to make one with as many special moves as possible but it still looks pretty lame.
l, m, h xx h. ss, j. h xx m. ss, j. h xx l. ss, land, charging star xx hyper charging star.

Let’s be honest Cap is not a swag combo type of character. That being said, haven’t tried to make one yet so who knows.

lolololololol you have no clue about how wrong you are! It’s coming soon folks. . . .its coming soon. . . . . .

Man not soon enough lol. I’m seriously considering placing Cap in my main team because I enjoyed using him in Vanilla. I just don’t want to turn into another regular derp Cap player. I need some variety in my combos (which is why I’m getting bored of Dorm).

I eagerly await to see how wrong I am since I am not the type of player to get all swag. My execution is not so great.

Whats the best assist for Spencer with cap? Been thinking of adding him and taking out Wesker. Cap/Spencer/Task

Slant Shot Grapple is definitely the way to go. If you look on page 2 of this thread Shadow2Bolt and Kei have some videos with really good Cap/Spencer combos and resets using that assist.

check at about 41:00 or so for a pretty cool reset idea.

Slant shot is the best way to go with a Cap/Spencer pairing. One thing I used to do in vanillia, which still works in umvc3, is on a incoming character from either a snap back or ko, you can time the Spencer assist call to hit the incoming character while Cap does a backflip. It is really hard to block and you can’t teleport out of it. The only reliable way to get out of it is to air dash up back.

Hey guys, would you like me to organize my combo video into sections like beginner, intermediate, and advanced like I did in my first combo video here

, or are you guys ok with me just putting all the combos in random order into the video? I need your feedback, please respond if you can! Thanks!

Do it the way u did ur vanilla one

i miss vanilla cap. and yeah, keep it like the previous combo video, how does cap have advanced combos now? i guess i’ll see


Hmm… I think Cap solo still has a bit to explore with:

  • Resets based off forced OTG shield slash
  • General Resets
  • Beginning combos from an air to air attack (haven’t seen much of that)
  • More corner combo variations (I found and modified a version that does around 750k+)
  • More combos in general that consistently break the 800k mark.
  • Combos that utilize double jumps effectively (to me, only 1 combo is feels practical enough to use a double jump)

I think one of the hardest things to do for Cap solo is breaking the 800k mark with 1 meter/no assists. From what I’ve seen, only around 2-3 combos can break 800k. However they tend to require ideal circumstances (mostly landing a j.S/j.H, converting to a ground series M, M, H S).