i’m looking potentially for a new third to try out but i’m not really sure who to go for… maybe i should try the new iron man out haha
i’m looking potentially for a new third to try out but i’m not really sure who to go for… maybe i should try the new iron man out haha
If your using strider and in the middle of a combo you do standing a and call strider u can cartwheel to the other side while strider hits them during the cross up and it allows you to go into a full combo. It works on oppenents who are air recovering/teching backwards…im still tryna figure out the properties of his cartwheel (specifically how the hell he auto-corrects doin it sometimes) if i figure that out i could fine tune it to cross up each time no matter what.
Edit: so to get it to work on a forward recovery you have to cancel standing a in to standing h into cartwheel and it DOUBLE CROSSES UNDER. And if they cartwheel backwards they will eat and unblockable if you go low and strider goes high
lol. All respect to gimpy and ken (no, really, you guys helped me learn a lot in vanilla), I kind of get tired of people just naming combos after people who post them first. Again, with respect, I feel like they broke a good amount of ground in vanilla Cap technology, but in all honesty, there’s been nothing posted in this thread so far that is so innovative that it should be named after someone, as far as Cap combos without assists go. Come on, guys. There’s really only so much you can do solo with Cap. There’s just not quite enough variety to just name combos after people for no reason.
Now, in Vanilla, sure. I used ken’s B&B all day. But that was new at the time. None of this stuff is really that new.
I really hope I didn’t come off as disrespectful at all, because that wasn’t intended in any way. Just a pet peeve, I guess.
Edit: Guess I should contribute instead of just bitching
So, I stopped reading when I saw the sick Cap/Spencer tech. Good stuff. My friend Danke used to run Cap/Spencer/Iron Man too in Vanilla, but used Repulsor Blast assist for crazy shield slash combos.
Anyway, I actually “came up” with a mixup (we’re calling it the b3nz0r now, since that’s apparently what we do around here…kidding.) for Cap by himself.
If you get someone locked in blockstun, say with Hidden Missile assist or something of that nature, you can do a deep jump in M and get a 50/50 off of it. You can either land and hit the low, or double jump straight up in the air with d+H into air S, land, combo. I haven’t tried it in matches TOO many times but every time I tried it and did the double jump into down H, I got a free combo out of it. Sorry if that’s been posted already, figured I’d post something that I thought was fairly clever.
Also, after spending so much time seeing who should go with Cap and Doom and finally settling on Zero (I know he’s top tier, but honestly I play him because he’s fun. And top tier)…I feel like I should have used Spencer instead. Those mixups are honestly way too good to pass up. I’m going to have to steal that tech and put it in my back pocket. Question though (and I know this is the Cap forum, but still you guys would know)…how do you think Spencer works with Hidden Missile assist? Good? Terrible? Followup question - how do you think a team of Zero, Cap, Spencer would be? Sorry for the novel. Hope someone responds even after the pet peeve rant to start the post.
Spencer’s best assist from doom is missiles. I played cap/specter/doom in vanilla and have been back into it now it is strong. My bomb with spencer and doom missiles does 920 k for 1bar. I’ll try to get a vid up I guess.im sure it cab be extended but my execution is shoddy
Agreed, Spencer with missile assist is fantastic damage. If in the corner or close to it, I can get 960-1mil from a single bar on most of the cast. You can get 850-860k without any meter at all (using IronMan and Doom assists). Even if you’re not near the corner (like 3/4 screen away from it) I have combos that use missiles to take you to the corner and use vertical grapples for that extra damage. I think those still do around 750k or more using 2 meters from pretty much anywhere on screen, on anyone.
When I’m not using my Cap/Spencer/IM team, I’m usually using my Spencer/IM/Doom team to brush up on Spencer and Doom (if everyone else dies).
On topic lol
I like using the double jump for a less obvious overhead attempt when I have people locked in blockstun from unibeam sometimes. I also use j.L with unibeam into d.H for some fuzzy guard stuff especially on larger characters.
so i rocked cap/Spencer/ doom in a tournament today and can honestly say playing cap is why i got second and not playing cap is why i lost the grand finals. being able to eat a combo and still be able to kill most characters off of one touch and 1-2 bar is a godsend.
I used your hate mail combo most of the time with a little doom customization and it was the shit . never used the cross under mixup as i haven’t got it down but just the variety of 1 touch kill combos really had my opponents on their heels. ill get top 8 video up when i can but if not u can catch the Chappy quality at www.twitch.tv/kensanity
I’m having issues landing OTG air SS consistently. Any tips for what to look for to make sure you land it after an Aerial Rave?
I’m not sure how zero would work with that team. I know a guy who uses zer/cap/ssentinel and he gets relaunches by doing shield slash assist and then doing the lightning dash thingy on hard knockdowns or idk, but cap definitely helps zero out and missiles definitely help cap out.
As for spencer, missiles seem like the best assist because you can really extend damage off of simple combos.
here’s something with spencer/cap/doom which isn’t too difficult to do.
I have officially started “Ken’s UMvC3 Combo Exhibition” ! Please be on the look out! Coming soon to front pages near you!
Cool stuff, man. First I put Zero on my team because I really like Cap/Zero/Doom with missiles. It actually has some good synergy and I really like playing Zero because he’s fun to play. Even if he is cheap as hell. I’ve been WANTING to play Spencer since Vanilla first came out, but for a long time I just really didn’t care much for using zipline to get around a lot. Watching those Cap/Spencer videos changed my mind though, so I’ve been giving some more time to Spencer and he’s actually really fun! The reason I asked about Cap/Zero/Spencer is because I wanted 3 fun characters together, but it’s okay. I have already broken it down a bit so I still have that team, plus 2 different teams - (Cap/Haggar)/Spencer/Doom(Missiles/Beam). I feel like these teams are pretty solid. But back on topic again.
Another pretty basic piece of tech, but I just haven’t read it here yet (not trying to claim it as my own of course, just putting it out there in case some folks weren’t aware) …
tall characters - instant overhead with j LM2HS then land and continue the combo. Pretty nice when used sparingly. And Cap needs all he can get.
Air loop (of sorts) on an opponent coming in - j M M H j M 2H S into combo on the ground. Again, pretty basic stuff, and you have to alter exactly what you do depending on the height of the opponent, but it’s nice to have an option to start a combo off an air loop and go into a ground chain.
So, question time. Can Cap do any cool stuff off a jab reset? Of course I mean besides just a regular throw. Could you possibly jump up and air loop into combo if they’re expecting throw? My usual set up (if I could get anything to work after) is to do a full combo into HCS + Missiles at the end, then the Missiles pick the opponent up, and I do Light Charging Star, then jab. Any clever ideas here? I guess if Spencer was on the team I could just jab, assist, cartwheel. But I don’t know. I’m not very clever.
I’ve never found myself in the situation where doing HCS missiles otg wouldn’t kill the opponent by just following up with L CS, H CS xx HCS.
however, if i didn’t have the bar, and already used the spencer assist, u could try something like L CS, j L, late j dH. not sure if it crosses up, but that might be a cool mixup opportunity.
Yes Cap most certainly can! He can do jab reset, J.M, J. Up Heavy, (Delay) S, Jab, St. M, S! It works wonders! and I have incorporated it into my gameplan! You should too! I will be coming out with a cap reset video which will show off reset options cap has in the corner and outside of it, stay tuned!
Hi I’m new to Captain America, I’m just wondering what his most damaging and reliable bnb is. I would like something that is damaging and that can be pulled off reliably. Thanks!
lmhs sj mmhs land l shield slash s sj mmhs l shiel slash hyper charging shield slash
Thanks Ken, hey is the hyper charging shield slash, just supposed to be hyper charging star?
oops yes. last move is hyper charging star.
See this is more what I was thinking, just didn’t have the right air buttons for it. Could you then, theoretically, hit the M, up H, S (not delayed) if an opponent blocks, and then be able to land and throw them?
Aside from resets, has anyone figured any new Solo Cap combos?
My Combo Exhibition is on the way lol I’m gonna be in the lab doing that exactly
It would have been cooler for me to post the video of Cap’s corner combos, but I cannot do that. So instead I’ll post it here and someone can make a video out of that lol. I’ll put them when I’m awake it might be long or short, I don’t know.