That's why I'm a super soldier. Combos/Resets!

Indeed, that’s the reason I went through a huge amount of hours looking for stuff with Cap other than combos. I figured that despite not being able to traditionally combo from the return corner shield (usually), it should still serve some sort of purpose. I sat in training for a pretty long time finding out the different properties of the shield in the corner.

The main reason why I always backdash + Spencer assist in the corner, is because whether or not I’m going to cross them up, you need to make sure that the shield comes back to hit them prior to returning to you. If you do it without backdashing, then you jumping will call the shield upward…thus making it avoid them depending on combo length and character size.

On another note…

I was working about a week ago on different uses of the Iron Man assist after a corner combo. I’m trying to find the fastest ways to land a back air throw, switch sides with them, double side switch, and stuff like that. I did find that the old way I used to make sure I get max damage from a corner combo still worked though.

In vanilla if I caught the opponent in the corner, instead of going for some of the more technical corner combos (which I could do fine, but wanted more/easier damage due to greed) I would just use my Iron Man assist and the return hit from a shield slash to turn the combo into a ‘full screen’ combo instead.

In ultimate you can do a simple air series with a double jump, slam down, backdash (unless you’re a touch far from the corner where you’d forward dash instead) + Iron Man assist, otg slash, dash forward and pause for the return hit, c.H, S (pursuit), M, M, u.H, S (land), otg shield, H.charging star xx Hyper Charging Star

The combo alone does over 750k, and goes literally from one corner back to the other corner lol. With my team of course this combo also leads to the Hate mail combo so I can go straight to Spencer’s bionic maneuvers (or arm if you delayed the HCS input too much), pick 'em up again and go to armor piercer xx hyper lol

The Hate mail combo is usually cut a lil short since I like to sit on at least 1 meter (or 2 if at all possible), and because my main goal is usually accomplished already in that #1 I’ve very likely killed a character with the base combo (does a bit over 1 mil for 2 bars), and #2 I now have Spencer on point with 2 great assists and the opponent in the corner waiting for an incoming character mixup.


Holy crap! That is some really good stuff! Definitely going to be trying to apply it in my game.

Thanks, I should’ve posted my other tick throw setup. At the end of a corner combo (midscreen works too I just prefer the corner) that you’ve not used your Spencer assist yet…do the usual backdash + Spencer assist, otg shield, dash forward and pause just long enough for the return hit of the shield slash to hit the now blocking opponent (due to hitstun)…and voila a tick throw without actually hitting an attack button lol.

I think this tick is extremely quick since it’s the return shield after a combo, and the opponent isn’t likely looking for a tick throw setup since this is not a traditional tick throw look. You can fake a low here for another level of mind game if you feel the need for a new look.

You can also get a full combo starting in the corner if you do the normal ground chain, pursuit, M, M, H (double jump), M, d.H, S (land), backdash + IronMan assist…pause for return shield hit, S, pursuit, M, M, u.H, S…combo ender (or Spencer assist setup)


I see you use a team with Cap and Iron man. First of all good stuff but here the thing does Spencer help you with closing the distance or catching jumping opponents when you use air shield slash for a hit confirm for a combo because I am just wondering if Spencer would be a good fit for Steve and Tony. The team I have now is Captain America, Iron Man, and Sentinel and I know there is not that much of mixup potential as your team with Spencer. Plus Spencer has good come back qualities, better then Sentinel

I personally believe that in all of the characters that I’ve used or thought of using, Spencer seems to work tremendously well with Cap. I like to call them the Super Friends (as opposed to ‘Best friends’ or ‘Team trenchcoat’ lol). With the team I use right now I am able to control spacer very well as long as I’m paying attention to what’s going on. I’ve got Tony to take care of opponent assist calls, and lock people into place for a time, Spencer keeps them honest in their jump patterns (or halts them from forward motion if they block him).

Cap can do all the rest quite easily with his shield slash whether it’s ground or air. You can cover A LOT of angles with those 3 tools and some foresight. If you do get a hit on a shield you can of course combo with Cap by himself, or you can then use Spencer to get an even easier/more damaging combo since it’s a force stand…which can not be undervalued in a game full of stray hits.

I don’t quite understand what you’re saying about mixup, are you saying that Cap/Spencer combo doesn’t have many mixups or are you saying that Cap/Sent combo doesn’t have many mixups. If it’s the first one…I think you’re severly hugely ridiculously wrong! Take a look at the video I posted a couple posts up, and you’ll see just a portion of the options you have to mix people up with the two of them. Adding Tony to the mix, and you have a very strong team potential.

All that said…this is NOT a team that you can go on autopilot with, you must be paying attention to the opponent at ALL times or risk doing something that may get you or an assist killed. Bad spacing on shield slashes…die, bad spacing on wire grapples…die, don’t know how to control space with Tony…die, etc. etc. etc.

As long as you work on your movement, your prediction, your SPACING, your SPACING, and your S-P-A-C-I-N-G…you’re good to go. Other wise the team just won’t work properly for you. The order works in any way depending on the matchup, and all assists compliment the others, DHC’s are good to great, and the damage potential is fantastic from basically any hit starting with Cap or Spencer.

These 3 guys all require you to know your matchups, and practice/learn them very well, but once you do…they feel soooooo good together. Every time I try to look at other characters to take up a spot, it simply just doesn’t feel right, and I wonder if it ever will.


Ah I think I figured out what you meant about the mixup potential lol…Sent and Cap both still have some good mixup potential, it’s just a different type that’s far more focussed on cartwheel usage. Nothing wrong with that at all, you just have to remember that you’ve got to put extra extra care into protecting Sentinel since he’s such a large target to hit.

I do find that team slightly off balance in my head with having both drones AND unibeam (assuming that’s what you use). I don’t use it so perhaps it works fine, and you have it to cover another hole like having Tony in front with drones behind him…in which case, rock on. :smiley:


Was Cap’s corner comboability explored yet? Just want to know in case I have to put up a crapton of info to save time.

feel free to show anything you know. most of us know all of cap solo strategies, and anything that involves assists will most likely be unique

If you watch my video here:

It is the first combo I do. You can make a lot of variations with it but so long as you have S (follow), j.H (jump cancel forward), j.H (delay slightly), j.dH, (land) L Charging star, you can follow up into whatever you want that you can do in the corner. I normally just go for a relaunch into an OTG super. The timing isn’t too difficult, you just got to delay the j.dH enough so the charging star will hit.

If I can I’ll post a video if not I’ll just post it in words.

That looks so sweet, especially with Spencer assists. I don’t main him though but I got some ideas off from it with other characters in mind.

Sorry. I am not that good in typing but yes that is what I meant with Cap/Sent mixup potential, but you do have a point on spacing. I know the right distance to throw out shield slashes but I do have trouble with people jumping in on me if I throw the wrong angle of shield slash but I was thinking of using spencer to keep my opponents from not jumping at me too much but I didnt know where I should put spencer

No worries, my reading comprehension was failing me at the time…what you wrote wasn’t really that hard to understand, I was just doing too much at the time lol.

On that team you have no other choice but to put Spencer 1st or 2nd slot, Sentinel won’t get anything truly worthwhile from Spencer’s upgrapple assist, so anchor Spencer isn’t really worth it then. Besides that point, if you end up with Sent as your only character, then something obviously went wrong in the match so just tough it out and learn to play a good Sent lol.

If you’re having issues with people jumping in on you after an incorrect shield slash, then you should try to work on predicting more what they’re going to do before you throw (think of their best/most likely options), then plan accordingly on whether you should or should not throw that shield. Either way if you wned up in that situation (which can very well happen to anyone) always remember you have 2 counter hypers with Cap…they can’t throw a projectile from the air while jumping in due to Hyper charging star, they can’t throw out a physical attack any time they want because you have Hyper stars & stripes…if you connect with one of those you will then make them think VERY HARD about jumping at you again. You now have more opportunity to control the space with the shield.

You also have the option to use the regular Charging star to get out of the situation, it’s super fast, moves very far, and you can cancel a shield slash after a certain point (you don’t have to wait for the shield to return before you can move or special again). That will get you out of trouble many times, and again make them think about whether or not it’s worth jumping at you afterward…again you now have more opportunity to control the space with shields.

If you’re looking to have Spencer assist act as your anti air option, I do not recommend it regularly unless again you have very good spacing. The angle the assist works at is pretty narrow, so if you’re too close you just opened yourself up to getting him killed, if you’re too far then it’s wasted (and could get him blown up). In those kinda situations it’s better to use Cap’s grounded H shield slash which covers a fairly similar angle, and can work at different angles depending on whether or not you jumped first, or whether or not you used Kara H xx shield slash (covers a further range). That shield slash comes out the fastest of all of them (though it recovers the slowest), and of course if it hits you could possible land a combo afterward (again spacing).

You can use that with a beam (or I suppose drones) to control a pretty large amount of screen real estate, keeping people locked down to deal with your mixup, or get you closer, or keep them out (haggar and friends). Of course you still retain the option to hyper or charging star in that situation. You also have a bit of control with the angle of the shield’s return since it follows Cap himself, so if you move closer or duck, or jump, or whatever…the shield will follow, thus making it act as a hit from behind that could be unexpected at times.

I say give it a bit of time in training mode, and maybe some casual matches with someone (after training of course) to see whether or not the feel is right to you at all. I don’t know your style of Cap, so I can’t say it’s for you or not just yet. I find them joined at the hip forever, but some people with a totally differing style may 100% disagree…and we’d both be right. :slight_smile:

If it DOES turn out to be for you, I’m more than happy to give you any specific tips you need, or meet you online (xb360) for some sets/training/discussion to help you out.


Another thing to ALL OF US…I don’t really seem to see many people using Cap’s plink dash abilities…why!!! It’s sooooooooooooo nice to close the gap after a shield slash, or for a punish, or retreat. I treat his wave dash more like a stutter step, or a short step for marvel ‘footsies’, but when I need to MOVE, it’s plink dashing all day long.

Sure it may be ‘harder’ than wave dashing, but if you practice something… :wink:

Do it!


:-(. . . . . . You guys get all of these mixups off of spencer assist. . . . . I need to come up with something to help all the non-spencer players lol. To the lab!

Sorry Ken but there is so much synergy between the two! Although one thing I did find was that you can do unlockable grab hypers after house charging star for an inescapable setup which is quite stupid but something that can be abused easily. I’ll post a vid sometime later showing its ridiculousness which can help with team building.

Oh! I am not interested in having Sentinel on my team. I decided since vanilla to use Steve and Tony, there a package deal. The problem I have is who should I use as my anchor and at first I was using my old vanilla team of Captain, Iron Man, and Ryu but since I lost to a friend of mines who who use vergil, spiderman, and wesker I kind of re-evaluated who I should have on my team and I know that my Cap and Iron man are good but I am kind of bad when those two die since I am not that interested to work on Ryu, but sure I could use some help because I want to play Ultimate on a competitive level and I want to have a team that I like to use but at the same time can help me win. My gamertag is Smash The Halo.

I’ve been very lazily/inconsistently working of Ryu here and there as I’m interested in using him (I love that he has footsies in this game lol), but I’ve got a loooooooooooog way to go before I’d put him on a serious team. I’ll likely get there once I feel that I’ve explored enough of some of the people I’m looking to tryout, just not sure when yet.

As for the Steve, Tony, and Spencer team order, I think the best order (for assist and DHC purposes) have you putting Spencer in the 1st or 2nd slot with Cap taking up whichever slot Spencer doesn’t. Tony on anchor might not be the most amazingly crazy sick stoopid thing, but he can get the job done if you’ve got good fundementals and some patience. The other two get great benefit from having Tony as backup assist, plus they have some really good DHC synergy.

I sent you an xbl message so we’ll get together soon. One of these days we should ALL try to get a lobby together on xbl for some fun and training. :slight_smile:


there’s the reason you’re losing

Can u give the notations for the cross under reset as well as your spencer combo? I have doom missiles instead of iron man so I think I have way to get two more vertical grapples.

Also about hate mail: in vanilla u would do h+assist then h shield slash cr h s. is there a reason u have I deviated to just h s in ultimate?

No problem, I posted it up somewhere in those walls of text I put up prior to the video, but here you go. :slight_smile:

c.L, M, H, S (pursuit and immediately) M, u.H xx L.shield slash (land and jump), M, H (double jump) M, d.H + Spencer assist, S (land and immediately) dash forward, c.L…win

That was actually one of the reasons I was worried about running my old team coming into Ultimate. You can no longer do the same combo due to the change giving shield slash hitstun properties now. Thankfully you get more damage now even without that H shield slash so it’s worth it. The combo will do upwards of 800k either way. You can also just do the combo like you wanted to do the cross under mixups which makes that mixup more powerful since it can just be a normal combo if you want. It will make it far less obvious when you want to go for it, the damage is very slightly reduced but nothing I would ever care about.

Enjoy :slight_smile:


I’ll list the spencer stuff after work (lunch break and forgot I didn’t post that), you can absolutely get another 2 grapples in there since that’s what I do when I run my specific Spencer team (Spencer/IronMan/Doom was my 2nd team from the first game). Note the grapples and doom part do not work on every character.