That's why I'm a super soldier. Combos/Resets!

Cap can benefit greatly from THCs that out last his hypers even at the expense of 2-3 meter. Cap has no full screen punish without lengthy start ups with kara canceling s.:h: and dashes, so having a full screen Hyper with some length can allow cap a chance to punish zoning and move in and maybe combo. Another cool thing is to roll around with hypers such as ammy then OTG when you get the hit. The other benefit is your opponent has very limited options to respond with because cap shield will fully cover your assists from any projectile hypers if it’s set to Hyper star.

Right now I’m testing Cap/RR/Sent and there’s a lot of THC possibilities there with those long full screen punishes that will let me continue the combo as well as plenty of time to move around for a mix up during the hypers.

edit Super sexy combo i came up with off Cap(any)/RR(pendulum) raw THC (hyper charge or hyper stripes/gun):

(cap hits) must not be too close while facing a corner
:a1:+:a2: (mash), dash, (optional :atk:+:s: to change sides), j.:u:+:h: (just after the ball hits), j.:qcf:+:l:, land, (delay), s.:h::s:, sjc.:m::m::h::d:+:h::s: (fast as possible), land, :qcf::u:+:l:, :a1: + dash, :qcb:+:l:, (log hits), dashx2, :qcb:+:l:, :qcb:+:h:, :qcb:+:atk::atk: - 928,400 (charge) / 894,000(stripes)

(cap misses)
:a1:+:a2: (mash), wave dash, :qcb:+:l: * (charge only), (optional normal dash to change sides), j.:u:+:h: (just after the ball hits), j.:qcf:+:l:, land, (delay), s.:h::s:, sjc.:m::m::h::d:+:h::s: (fast as possible), land, :qcf::u:+:l:, :a1: + dash, :qcb:+:l:, (log hits), dashx2, :qcb:+:l:, :qcb:+:h:, :qcb:+:atk::atk: - 701,600

*Wave dash till you’re in range for this to land then perform this before RR finishes the machine gun. you can even sneak in a normal but it’s inconsistent. You did it right if they spiral upward. You can also spam :s:+:atk: for maximum trolling…or taunt!

These build 1 meter so you can always do the hyper finish and work from nearly every where as you can always change directions mid combo. you typically always want to turn around when close to a corner for the beginning to let the shield slashes hit.

So find similar adaptations with long THC hyper friends! I think Stars n stripes finishes even quicker than star so there’s potential with any cap assist. This is a legit thing to have for cap, now you can tell full screen zoners to fuck off when you can’t get enough room to get to CS distance. The stars and stripes variation is safer on block but i think you can be air thrown for a brief moment so be careful. Both are safe if cap whiffs and RR doesn’t

So a friend within my community Nolan Rodriguez recently showed me you can link two hypers with Sentinel. Previously we only have done this with doom so here is the proposed combo and some of the explanation:

j.:d:+:h:, s.:m::m::h::s:, sjc.:u:+:h:, j.:qcf:+:l:, land, j.:u:+:h:, :qcf:+:m:, land, dash, :qcb:+:l:, :s:, sjc.:m::m::h::d:+:h::s:(fast as possible), land, :qcf::u:+:l:, :a1:, dash, :qcb:+:atk::atk:, :qcb:+:l:, :qcb:+:h:, :qcb:+:atk::atk: - 1, 063,300 dmg

This can get tricky with distance and timing as your main goal is to hyper them so they are at the right height to be hit by the drones catching up to Cap and so the drones have enough distance to travel to hit late when you need it, so you cannot be flush with the corner. Also note the follow up :qcb:+:l: can be a tad tricky if they are hit weird and you may have to settle for just another hyper if they’re too high. This combo was designed starting in the corner facing out so I suggest looking into turn around combos to keep your opponent mid screen for consistency so that you don’t have to focus on mid-corner variants. You must also use the TK Shield Slash ender, not the grounded one. I will provide a video later when I can. Still right now it’s possible, but it is a bitch to make consistent.

I guess it could also work with Dante, maybe even Tasky. Should check it out some time

Found a slightly more optimized BnB for cap that works as a corner turn around as well if you dash under them.

c.:l::m:s.:h::s:, sjc.:u:+:h:, :qcf:+:l:, land, (dash for optional turnaround), s.:h:, :qcf:+:h:, dash, :qcb:+:l:, :s:, :m::m::h::d:+:h::s:, land, :qcf::u:+:l:, dash, :qcb:+:l:, :qcb:+:h:, :qcb:+:atk::atk: - 805+k

Nets slightly more damage than the “sjc.:u:+:h:, :qcf:+:l:, land, j.:u:+:h:, :qcf:+:l:/:qcf:+:m:, land, dash, :qcb:+:l:” BnB used now. This works on all characters but you have to do delays on smaller characters.

How much damage does this do? You’ll also get more damage if you start the combo with c. L MMS than c. LMHS

Wait…seriously??? MMS > MHS?!?

Hmmm have to try it. I’m not at home to give the exact number but it was 805k something while the previous BnB is like 803. Really not a huge thing, but this combo has the easier corner variation. I think I’m going to do a super post of all Caps combo segments so players can kind of ‘create-a-combo’ based on hitstun and assists and then delete my old posts. Half tempted to make a new combo thread just to be able to edit the OP since the user doesn’t seem to be active here anymore to do it. Opinions?

Dante Definitely. It should be the exact same follow up as done with RR. Task I don’t think so unless it’s an up shot, but the area it covers leaves it to be rather situational out side of catching someone trying to jump over you or harass from above.

Yeah LMMS does more damage than LMHS as the MM counts as one attack even though it hits twice so it doesn’t scale. But off a jumping normal confirm MMHS nets the most damage.

Have you messaged the OP? updates to the thread would be good

Good to know…gotta play around with stuff now. I messaged him so we’ll see how it goes.

Tested LMM vs LMH and I’m getting better damage with c.:l::m:s.:h: over c.:l:s.:m::m: Tested it on long and short combos :confused: I missing something here?

Also I’m beginning to question using :m::m:h::d:+:h::s: ender. It works on combos where the relaunch is s.:h::s:, but gets really inconsistent on :qcb::s: relaunch.

With my team it does. I’ve only done 1 regular relaunch after it, haven’t really searched for most efficient/damage, but the best part is if it connects, you can taunt with Cap during Dante’s hyper and still have time to dash up at the end to continue the combo :smiley:

Wow. I made a major mistake- yeah LMHS does more damage than LMMS. I don’t know what the heck I was doing that made me think that. But if you confirm with a jumping attack, MMHS yields more damage than following up with LMHS.

I was testing out my solo bnbs with Cap, and I found my most consistent damaging bnb to be:

  1. (starting with cr. L confirm): c.:l: s.:m: :h::s: air :m::h: light shield slash, air :m: :h: light shield slash, s. :h: :s: air :m: :m: :h::m: air :m: :h: double jump towards :m: :h: :s: land light shield slash, h charging star, hyper charging star (mashed). It nets me 781 700 damage.

  2. (starting with air S confirm): air :s: s. :m: :m: :h: :s: air :m::h: light shield slash, air :m: :h: light shield slash, s. :h: :s: air :m: :m: :h::m: air :m: :h: double jump towards :m: :h: :s: land light shield slash, h charging star, hyper charging star (mashed). Nets me 817 000 damage.

They both build a little over a bar. These can be adjusted appropriately, such as removing the hard charging star and going straight into the hyper or opening with a c. L and these will affect the damage accordingly, but should still build an extra meter for a DHC. With my team, the first combo dhc-ing into Million Dollars causes 992 800 damage points.

if this is the minimum he can achieve by himself, I feel that if we are to do any combos, whether for style, damage or meter gain, they should at least meet or exceed our usual bnbs.

(I will try to upload a video too).

The two mid screen BnBs to be using right now are:

[*]c.:l::m:s.:h::s:, sjc.:u:+:h:, :qcf:+:l:, land, jf.:u:+:h:, :qcf:+:m: or :qcf:+:l: (let them fall slightly before the :u:+:h:), land, dash, :qcb:+:l:, :s:, sjc.[:m::m::h:,:d:+:h::s:] or [:m::h::u:+:h::s:], land, [:qcf::u:+:l:, land, dash, :qcb:+:l:] or [:qcf:+:l:], :qcb:+:h:, :qcb:+:atk::atk:

[*]c.:l::m:s.:h::s:, sjc.:u:+:h:, :qcf:+:l:, land, jf.:u:+:h:, :s:, land, :qcf:+:l:, dash, s.:h::s:, sjc.[:m::m::h:,:d:+:h::s:] or [:m::h::u:+:h::s:], land, [:qcf::u:+:l:, land, dash, :qcb:+:l:] or [:qcf:+:l:], :qcb:+:h:, :qcb:+:atk::atk:
There are slight ways to improve these, but these are very consistent and are his optimal BnBs. If you want slightly more damage you can do the first [sjc.:u:+:h:, :qcf:+:l:] as [sjc.:h::u:+:h:, :qcf:+:l:] and then in the last jumping combo make sure to use [:m::h::u:+:h::s:, land, etc…] or [:h::u:+:h::s:, SS (before landing), dash, etc…]. I don’t recommend it though.

I did your first combo, but started with standing light and ended with otg SS, light CS, hard CS into hyper charging star and it netted just under 810k. I knew the CS relaunch netted more damage but i found it’s execution varied along with position on screen etc, but yeah, we should be doing that when possible lol. Hit confirming of an air s-> MMHS should darn near wipe out Vergil. Akuma and Strider aren’t surviving the drafts of these combos.

But this discussion has been good though. It’s helped me optimize my combos. Utilizing the the two charging stars into hyper boosted my first combos damage output to 799 100. And it wasn’t even as damaging as the ones you just posted.

Pretty much, outside of some really synergetic assist combos you’re going to use these for all your mid screens and then likely have your choice of assist influenced enders. The only time I’d really suggest different midscreen combos is if you need to change the direction of the combo (say you need an ender in corner or mid and you’re going the wrong way), there are ways to cross under on the relaunch. In the corner I have a full listing of all the combos you’ll need a few posts back.

I haven’t gotten any reply from the OP about updating it. Would the community be of with me creating a new thread and organizing this info?

I’m willing to help but I’m going to be busy these next few weeks because of exams and things but I recently got a capture device so if you want to, I can record the combos in HD and post it on youtube if you want videos for every BNB.

Sure, I’m pretty active so I can keep the OP updated. Just right now this thread’s OP has no info and forces people to back track and figure out what’s still relevant.

Ok I’m forming a new thread that will have an updating OP. There’s a lot of info and im adding as much as i can and will try to put some of the noteworthy video as in as well. Right now it’s a lot of text with some formating but I intend to clean it up. I did it a rather non traditional way of list cap’s combo in segments versus entire combos since i feel that’s more valuable with how he plays. Take a look and help me get this to a standard the mods can sticky. I also wanna see if i can transfer the posts in here to it. link is here:

[update] - I’m almost done posting all combo variations, there’s a few in the thread i simply need to test personally (specifically 3, mostly dealing with jump loops). I’ll upload all these vids next and begin working on the resets posted. I’m still not sure we have a confirmed TAC, so if anyone has one post it! Once again any criticisms to the layout please share, it’s a LOT of data and I’m trying to arrange it coherently as possible but right now I’m focused on getting accurate and up to sate info in first. Any thread layout options in the SRK forums that appeal to you please suggest.

Who is the moderator to PM to put this into motion BTW? The OP hasn’t responded

Pretty much through all the posted combos that are up to date. I’m having 1 issue with this one however:

cr. :l:, st. :m:, :h:, :s:, j. :u: :h:, air :qcf: :l:, (land) st. :h:, :s:, immediate j. :d: :h:, air :qcf: :l:, (land) st. :s:, j. :m:, :m:, :h:, :d: :h:, :s:, (land) j. :qcf: :l:, dash, :qcb: :l:, :qcb: :h:, :qcb: :atk: :atk:.

I have tried this in training mode and it seems incredibly unreliable, as well I suspect it to be character specific. Can anyone confirm this one. I’m in training mode and it seems completely impractical, despite it’s claim for the most damage.