Oh yeah, after landing, do cr. :h:, :s:, way more reliable because it hits closer to the ground &you only give up like a couple hundred in damage. Dunno about character specifics, but from medium size up, shouldn’t be a problem.
Ok I’ll give that a go. I was milking the delays and I got to the relaunch but it seemed so unreliable by then I was like ‘why would i ever do this combo?!?!’. And sorry about flooding this forum, I’m really adamant about that new OP im working on for accuracy and exploring Cap further. I think I’ve found a few ways to up his damage a little more and I just need to do some more testing.
Yea it seems extremely inconsistent on small chars like RR. On larger characters you can fit a st.:h: between the second air :qcf::l:, (land) st.:s: for slightly more damage to truly optimise it for bigger chars. I can get it consistently on Thor and Sentinel.
What bit do you find most inconsistent with the combo? The second st.:h: is meant to hit as late as possible.
I was doing it on another Cap and would go:
c.:l:s.:h::s:, sjc.:u:+:h:, :qcf:+:l:, land, pause, s.:h:, (let body fall if needed) :s:, sjc.:u:+:h:(immediately, the pause for body to fall), :qcf:+:l:, land :s:, etc…
pretty much the delays required a little getting used to, but doable…the final part would often not bring the body back low enough for :s: to connect or the shield would whiff on return if the body was too high.
I’m also exploring consistency with :h::d:+:h::s: relaunch ender. It’s always preferred to do this variation if attempting midscreen TK j.:qcf:+:l: ender, but it seems flipping out before the :s: lands happens a bit too much and I think it has more to do with the body being in contact with the :s:'s earlier hit box and if they’re too high, it adds a frame or 2 before the hit connects. Any idea on a method to improve consistency?
Remove one of the then I’m sure you’ll get it everytime (at least I did when I was trying it) or change the ender to
hmm havent attempted a dj.:d:+:h:, maybe nows the time. Anyway now that we have a conversation in here any idea who i talk to about updating the OP. the original OP never replied last time and seems to have no interest keeping tabs on this thread
It does say that Gimpyfish62’s last activity was 27 minutes ago… might be worth bugging him again? Otherwise you could try contacting one of the moderators (where a list should be shown on the side of a non-topic page of the forum).
i’ll try him again, and i saw that list and it says ‘staff’ and i contact kiets, but apparently staff =/= moderator. i guess i can keep poking around tho
Sweet, guess a mod ninja’d the sticky. I’ll be trying to put in all our vids posted today and tomorrow.
Wanna talk about ideas for Cap TAC combos? Yeah he doesn’t have flight, but he can get creative, right?
You can do delayed Hs for a relaunch off a down TAC. Maybe on the S after landing, you can sjc it into Charging Star + Vajra or something? On big characters, CS will hit, but maybe Vajra can send them back down in time for CS to connect? A lot of people use Strider for Cap’s air problems. If anything, this sounds like combo vid stuff, lol.
Someone put up a video of a TAC infinite with Cap in one of the threads (video one I think).
I usually just do j.:h: j.Shield Slash, land cs.:l:, cs.:h: HCS but I might look into it a bit more when I have more time.
thought I would post these here. haven’t seen any discussion on back throw combos. imo they are very important to his up close game.
Those are listed in the new captain combo thread that was started. There’s more damage you can get from that backthrow too.