That's why I'm a super soldier. Combos/Resets!

Yes. You are only unable to cancel j.S if is used during an air combo (meaning after a launch), but since the combo is broken after the j.A, the j.S just becomes a normal move.

So you don’t time it at all? (aka jA jS and it’s a trap?)
number are directions just like in the numpad. There are plenty of videos demonstrating his combo, all for almost the same damage output

ok so just a quick question I’m sure someone can answer. My cap combo’s are finally starting to develop, but I was watching some of honzo gonzo’s video’s and I always have trouble with the corner combo where you create space in the air. Once you land, you can otg shield slash and have it connect on return to continue combo’s. I try to back dash beforehand and throw out the otg, but the dummy recovers too quickly. Can anyone help on what button i should be pressing? I have a feeling that spacing is my enemy here, but I don’t know how to amend this.

The trick is to create space before you launch them, so that when you land you’re a little farther back. If you’re flush with the corner, you can do this with s.:h: before launching or doing c.:h::s:, sjc (back jump).

ahhhh! Thanks, can’t wait to try this when I get home.

Can you write the full combo? (you try the double jump version?)

I’m lazy, got Tasky to relaunch in the corner

L, M, c.H, h.Shield Slash, Smash…this throws them close to the corner…then air M, M, H, d.H, Smash, and this is where I usually have trouble creating space for the return hit on the otg. I had a chance to attempt this last couple days, but between that and learning arcade stick(console junkie), I’ve been having a little trouble with consistency. I’d also like to try with an air otg instead of smashing, but that’ll be my next goal once this one is achieved.

My primary goal is to land something where I don’t require assists or x-factor and only burn 1 meter, something short and sweet that does just under 800k damage.

Few things you can do:

[]Depending on distance to corner you can do either s.:h::s: (flush with corner, will push you out) or c.:h::s: (jump backwards)
]In the air if you attempt a variation of the typical air BnB :m::m::h::d:+:h::s:, attempt a double jump back wards in between. It can be made easier by doing :m::h:,dj.:u:+:h::s:.
[]Complete your back dash when you land, don’t cancel it to early. tiger knee otg shield may be a better fit too as you only really need the return shield and can result in a whiffed first hit and a successful otg as the angle changes when you land
]Other combos exist that don’t require a need for the OTG for relaunch, using shield slashes early on and a grounded :s: to relaunch at some point
My BnB of choice in the corner is:
c.:l::m::h::s:, sjc.(back jump):u:+:h:, :qcf:+:l:, land, j.(back jump):m::u:+:h:, :qcf:+:l:, land, s.:h::s:, scj.:m::h::u:+:h::s:, land, :qcf:+:l:, :qcb:+:atk::atk:

This can be optimized in areas, but for consistency and diverse usage I do this more often. In a video of mine a few pages back is a more advanced combo with more damage. I think someone borrowed it for a combo video very recently.

Hey guys great thread you have here. Looked through the entire thing and its great but there were two things I couldn’t find.
I only saw one corner combo starting from the ground series and that was faust’s. I’m currently using it but I like to have multiple combos in my arsenal.
Also I’m having a hard time incorporating sentinel combos for cap. I have a confirm at the beginning and I end with call sent ss and then super but with such a great assist there has to be something.

Look for Kondor Missiles Cap’s he does some interesting stuff with Cap/Sent

The post above you is a corner combo…

Also check the videos in the thread. I posted so some optimized corner combos.

Yeah he’s kinda the one who made me wanna play cap. I am convinced he is the best cap in the world just because of how consistent he is with everything he does and how he optimizes everything. I watched some of his hour long sets I have some decent extensions now.
Another little problem I’m having is placing my otg j.light ss into cs :l: cs :l:. I’m unsure of the distance I should do it at. And should I tk it?

Yeah can’t believe I missed that lol. I skim through the first few pages and then just look for vids on the last pages but I’m still surprised I missed that.

Sorry if someone found this already but here is a ridiculously easy corner solo combo that I think does decent damage.
j:s: cr:l::m::h::s: > jump back :h: :qcf::l: land dash :qcb::l:>:s: into air magic series.
Edit: 743k and .95 meters with :s: sj.:m::m::h::d::h::s: otg super.

Btw what is the max damage you can get from a magic series starting with cr.lmh :s: into sj:m:…sj:s:

A few posts up I posted an extended version of this, try that. Also if starting with j.:s: when you land you should be able to do c.:m:s.:h: or s.:m::m::h: instead of c.:l::m::h:. That’ll get you better damage

Lol I’m well aware of damage scaling but I always prefer starting combos for demonstration with cr.lmh and cap combos with cr.h. St.H pushes them back too much imo.
Anyway what about my air series.

That’s typically the best one you can do. If they’ll flip out :m::h::u:+:h::s: is my alternative.You are missing free hits on the 1st air series though. If you’re doing that variant try:
j:s: cr:l::m::h::s: > jump back :h: :qcf::l: land > jump back :m::u:+:h: :qcf:+:m: land dash :qcb::l:>:s:…

s.:h: works if flush with corner since it will push cap out and you neutral jump instead of back jump.

But with min scaling what is the best air series. Sorry man I’m poopy with cap atm.

The optimal variants of cap combos are as such:

c.:l::m:s.:h::s: or something similar…

1st air series:
[]sjc.:u:+:h::qcf:+:l:, land, j.:u:+:h::s:, land, :qcf:+:l:, s.:h::s:
]sjc.:u:+:h::qcf:+:l:, land, j.:u:+:h::qcf:+:m:, land, dash, :qcb:+:l:, :s:
[]sjc.:u:+:h::qcf:+:l:, land, j.:m::u:+:h::qcf:+:l:, land, s.:h::s:
2nd air series:
]:qcf::u:+:l:, land, dash, :qcb:+:l:, :qcb:+:h:, :qcb:+:atk::atk: - midscreen
[]:qcf:+:l:, :qcb:+:h:, :qcb:+:atk::atk: - midscreen (after hitting with 1hit of :qcb:+:h:, you can cancel into lvl 3)
]:qcf:+:l:, :qcb:+:atk::atk: - corner
If your opponent flips out during second air series opt for the 2nd variant. This means your opener was too long. adding that extra c.:l: after a jumpin is typically the main reason for this. If you’re opener had assists you can try to salvage hitstun by ignoring the s.:h: on the 1st and 3rd option of the 1st air series. In the corner all of these combos will work with slight variations by dashing or jumping backwards.

Best sum of Captain’s combo, way to go.
Do it for corner too :smiley: