I was so confused by that link lol.
but please post vids guys I am curious
I was so confused by that link lol.
but please post vids guys I am curious
Eh… my bad, I meant [media=youtube]Deu_eOYBrJA[/media]
Ok, I’m uploading the videos for the TAC mixup I came up for Cap, both corner and midscreen versions.
What do you guys think?
It’s neat and all but I’m not sure how viable it is. Generally Cap can do enough damage to TOD anyone if he has some one to DHC too so if you don’t go for the TAC to save meter, it’s probably bets to just finish the combo. I guess it’s good for those combos that don’t get extended right in the corner or if you didn’t get the 2nd meter.
Cap teams are fueled using meter in order to get the TOD if not using resets/TACs. Resets and TACs are a must if you want the TOD as you aren’t always going to have at least 1 meter at the beginning of combos. For my team it is about getting that reset or TAC combo either on the first or second character so I have sufficient meter to TOD the other characters.
Anyway, here is my variation and sorry for the audio not being in sync, all the video editing software I have seems to have this problem:
The setup is actually jM delay jC?
it is probably great as it can convert better from throw, too bad Dante isn’t such a TAC beast
Oh yea, forgot notations.
relaunch combo into knockdown Spencer assist+OTG SS, cr.H st.S (follow), j.L (they fall out) j.H dj j.dH j.S (land) Cr.M st.S etc.
I have tested on various characters and no matter what direction they air tech, they will get hit by the j.H. Haven’t tried on Raccoon or other really small characters but it should work (works against Wolverine who is pretty small).
See guys, the only problem I’m having with this is the whole premise of the TAC reset. The reason magneto does it so well is because he can air dash up and have the option of grabbing you or doing an S and getting a combo off of it. If he wasn’t able to grab you there, no one would press a button. I went in training mode a couple weeks back and tried to find one of these for cap and I realized that the only thing we can do is hit you with the H. There is no way for a grab. The minute people realize that they can just block and we will fall down and land in a vulnerable state (As in a magneto could air dash down and hit us since we are in he lag of the H).
Also, there has to be some delay in the j. L to the j. H or else it won’t be a reset. . . .the person no matter what they do will block it because they are just recovering from the the “flip out” animation. That is why the magneto one does the L, waits like half a second, then puts you into the 50 - 50 situation. This stuff is great guys, keep it coming, but we might just have to refine it a bit before it is a viable tactic.
Sorry but I think you are missing the point, the mixup is whether they are going to go into a TAC combo or they are going into a reset. If they aren’t going to press anything then they should just get hit with a TAC, not get thrown.
Did you not watch the first vid Ken? its J.S not H and the whole grab thing is not relevant; the fact if they get TACed, means they’ll die from a TOD combo (well my team is designed where it can do that). People WILL press buttons to counter the TAC once they get hit by it. Also, isnt this good against phoenix teams? (They dont want to lose a bar of meter)
Ok guys lol before you rip my head off, I’ll admit I didn’t think about the TAC aspect of it. That just dawned on me right now that the person would be mashing a direction and S so they would get hit by it.
And Zaith, I did watch your video and I know it was a J.S, I was just addressing mynameisE’s video and not yours.
Srry guys, I made a mistake. :-/
^My B
This timing is perfect I was also working on this but not really getting anywhere. People have been talking about this tactic since vanilla came out but Fchamp has been the only one doing it as far as I know. I am known for abusing TAC so this is going to come in very handy. Thanks guys.
what are you guy’s go to bnb that you know you wont drop 95% of the time?
2L 2M 2H S j.8H j236A land j.8H j236A land dash S j.M j.M j.H j.S ender (Dash 236A hyper\ 236A H charging star, hyper\ TK 236A dash CS L CS H hyper)
This if I get hit with the assist (Tasky) or if I’m not too sure about my placement on the screen, if I know I’m pretty much backed to the corner.
2L 2M 2H S j.8H j236A j.8H jS land 236A dash S j.M j.M j.H j.S ender a tiny bit more damage and meter which might make the difference between getting 1 more meter or not (the first just barely net you 1 bar with the TK ender which might not work to close to the corner)
In the first combo, do you do j.A j.S 236A??
can you cancel j.S to special???
Well I’ll list a few things I didn’t know about throws with Captain’s ground throw.
Front ground throw- Both hits of the otg shield slash will hit Modok allowing for a full (depends on your B&B) combo.
Both hits of the shield will hit Tron if you do a quick short backdash before doing otg shield. Kinda hard to time.
Probably works on more fat characters, but those are the only ones I tested.
EDIT: You can also otg shield slash off forward air throw and get full combo on Modok.
In XF LVL 3- you can just straight up do the otg shield slash with both hits hitting on most (all?) characters.
what do these number mean bro…? Is there any video showing this combo?