Texas Showdown 5 Results

Good shit pyro and frank.

D. Hyo:
could you write down in a couple of sentences what happened in the end of the mvc2 tourney?


Yups :slight_smile:

Still marn third and Ruin 5th wtf happened here…

[Originally posted by Biggzy]
Dr. B: Ummm are you serious. You need to stop riding yourself. If you would’ve shown up, you would’ve gotten destroyed. Lets just leave it at that.

Biggzy: Lets see…for one if I came to TS5 I know I’d do well…and better than your sorry ass. 2ND Buk is the homie…he reps Nor Cal style to the fullest and I would bet money that if we did team up it would be plenty of damage delt…peeps just cant handle shit like that happenening…

Afro Cole for president…!!! Fuckin Ho Cakes!!!


Damn, that was fun. Monitor freak out during CFE sucked, as did the pause/button problems during the Otaku\Buktooth match. Overall, everyone was cool as shit.

Random game notes of crap I didn’t know, please forgive if its common knowledge:
CvS2: Point blank range, you can roll cancel Kyo’s charge super and end up on the other side of the opponent, with the opponent facing away; not a cross up or anything, but does lots of guard bar damage if you hold the charge (about half guard bar if it started full) and more chip hits than normal. Only seen against Yuri with a level 3 super in N groove, may be character specific.

Rock, with opponent cornered, rage run-teleport to the corner, 360 throw, break, then run into the corner and juggle with crouch strong, then jump into the corner and roundhouse. The crouching strong seems to put the opponent outside of the corner, so your jumping roundhouse will be facing out of the corner and you jumping into the corner when the opponent wakes up. Looks way crazy, and I have no idea yet which way it should be blocked.

Akuma; Otaku’s no meter, corner dizzy punisher was j.fierce, (standing or crouching) fierce, three hit red fireball, then juggle with two dragon punches (looked like jab dp’s, may have been strongs)

Hibiki: I knew close standing fierce could be canceled into a special or super after the first hit, but Otaku was the first one I’ve seen to cancel it into the KKK dodge. Frequently saw him cs.fierce xx dodge xx K hop back (roundhouse, strong or forward in the air; no, it doesn’t combo), land and do a hcf+K counter. Seeing it done smoothly and quickly must have serious ‘WTF?’ affect for an opponent, and saw one blockout super after the counter activated. Non-super followup to the counter was a jumping fierce, instead of the Buktooth recommended qcb+jab.

Geese: when safe to do (after a punch throw for example), saw whiffed jaiken’s to cover ground quicker than running.

Honda: If you RC 360 throw misses, do it again. Bas got me with that at least twice. Seeing the whiff animation, I of course be a cooperative opponent and forward or roundhouse, which goes right through him and makes my hitbox big enough for the second to connect.

Otaku: I swear to god this guy was punishing tech rolls on reaction. Definitely showed the power of knowing what can be JDed then punished.
Bas: Very cool guy, great fun losing to him all three times.
Kindevu: Guy did two one frame links in a single combo in a fianls match. I know more hits were involved, but the jist of it was a roundhouse hurricane, s.jab, activate, shoshosho, roundhouse hurricane with last of meter, s.jab, s.short, fierce shoryuken.

ST: weak button takes priority. hit PPP simultaneously, jab will come out.

Overall, because of the smaller turnout than evo, and the 9 player, round robin pools and 2/3 games per match, I was able to play more people more times and with same or higher skills than I did at Evo 2k4. While the tournament ran late, it didn’t have that ‘OMFG my pool was supposed to start X hours ago’ stress that Evo did. Thanks to all of the pros who remained cool and friendly despite my lack of skills: Justin Wong (ST), Sirlin (ST and #R), Ruin-(#R), Jeron (ST), Oscar (Garou), Sanford (CvS2), BAS (CvS2).

Lastly, my apologies to any of the #Reload players I faced. I may have been pissy because my losses were nothing short of humiliating. You earned those wins and I respect yall as players. I hope to see you in future tournament where I will crush you, see you driven before me, and hear the lamentations of your women.


edit: i also think I got those on vid toodles. wish i could of stayed for the #r finals :confused:

oh not this bitch again lol. this guy edits his post just to add me. I swear this guy stalks me.

do any of those pics have otaku in it?

2 or 3 i guess

what color urien does kindebu use?

brandon dont even start justin wong would rape you and everybody else that tries to dethrone him. unless you wanna throw your life away learning marvel like justin knows it then you best start finding a new hobby.

yeah like the TEAMS for instance?

pic 32 with buk?

pic 5 too…he’s a jap metrosexual…NICE! hahahahahaha

I was in Fubar and Hitler’s pool, Hitler went 7-0, I went 6-1 (lost to Hitler), and Fubar went 5-2 (lost to me and Hitler). I lost to Kindevu in top 16, Hitler lost to Ruin-, I beat Hitler cuz I’m super random and it was like 4:30 AM.

Is that Otaku?

nooo my money!
lol, j/k, good games, guys.

gj to pyro and frank…

hating and shittalking only makes the comp go up. people will be trying even harder to beat pyro the next US tourney comes. ever think of that?

Why in the world would I train in marvel hardcore anymore? That was like 5 years ago. Use your brain, LZJ. :rolleyes: There’s something called “CONFIDENCE”, and once you get some then you’ll be able to beat JWong in T5. Instead of him always mentally OWNING you in it. :razz: I still believe you’re better than him in it, but whatever.

BTW, when do you want to do some more practicing in T5?:sweat: