Texas Showdown 5 Results

pyrolee doesnt have a stick. nigga dont even have console. it may be hard for some of you console warriors to grasp this. not all of us play on console. Im done with this tho. Im not even trying to defend pyrolee. but the hate is so retarded. whatever tho.



Justin beat sanford 2-0 in WF and then 3-0 in grand finals. Justin Wong won marvel.

That’s it… I’m gonna get Justin Wong to end this finally. I’m not losing to him in no 2-2 in LF again. I’m coming for you, Justin. :mad: :mad: :mad:

If you wanna read what happened it’s all in the chat room. Name of the chat room is “PLAY BY PLAY TS5 MARVEL”. EDIT CHAT ROOM CLOSED NOW

Alex Perales, “Alex.”

Gj pyro and frank. Rep FFa well at japan.

Damnit Pete

Isn’t MD just north VA anyways? We’ll gladly take Isaac as long as that fucker can drink. All I’ve seen from MD is Johan getting drunk on a bottleneck of vodka back at FR7…ALL HE DRANK WAS THE NECK OF THE BOTTLE…pussy.

Anyone have a rundown of what happened in #R?

:confused: Please Note: TN is not actually part of the ATL South. We just felt sorry for them and fed them one time, now they follow us everywhere.

LOL j/k. You fools need to make it to some tourneys.

I’m not gonna go into a long list of props right now cuz I’m tired.

But Buktooth is cool as hell and has hands down the best Iori and Morrigan in the US and maybe the planet.

His match against Otaku was a little shady, and buk even offered to replay but OTK either didn’t want to or didn’t understand. OTK’s fierce’s were reversed and didn’t notice till after halfway, then the falty wiring happened and the match had to be paused. This is not to take anything away from Buktooth, cuz he’s the fuckin man, and I was routing for him the entire tournament.

The Japanese were the coolest part of the tournament, I’m not gonna go into detail of how down as fuck they were.

Thanks all of Houston for your hospitality, especially Lay, I’ll post more later.

Dr. B: Ummm are you serious. You need to stop riding yourself. If you would’ve shown up, you would’ve gotten destroyed. Lets just leave it at that.

“…gather the remainging jedi.” Are you kidding me? Fucking Yoda couldn’t save your ass from the Japanese, Otaku is just automatic in CvS2.

TFGM: Ummm are you serious? The US will never stand a chance in 3S, we’ll rape in marvel and we’ve definitely gotten better in cvs2, but 3S? I doubt it.

SooMighty: Quit your bitching.

edit: Kindevu was using Urien in 3S.

WALBERT! How did you and Alex N do?

I got 13th I think, and Alex didn’t qualify. But he had a really tough bracket.

Did you do the Miami Clap?!

EDIT: You guys still our Hero… don’t expect a mini-parade when you get back though. :encore: :tup:

So daigo didn’t attend?

hahahahahaha :wow:

Props to the stoned chilean!


ruin’s quick rundown of events

kindevu =O!!! way too nice.

I eliminated Kensou from the tourney and AzNhitler. I had to play kindevu second round of top 16 (GG BACKETS!) then i lost too Alex the slayer player from TX. He’s pretty beastly. Marneto improved a bunch, but ummm him geting top 3 ehhhh =x

overall great fucking tourney had a fucking blast <3 thanks alot for every running it <3 Much props.

was fun. this was my first tournament so was pretty interesting. I only entered #r and lost all my matches in my pool. but I kinda figured that would happen, I know I suck :pleased: anyway, I spent most of my time recording and taking pictures of the event. Think I have 3-4 tapes full of misc stuff, lots of casuals, and some match stuff. I’ll probably post pics in a few.

shall we sidebet if ricky will make it to japan this time?

Har har har! Sorry, Ken. It’s just what we’ve gotta do… we already discussed it. =x

…Dan, you obviously don’t know what it’s like!!! You don’t know!!

Oh, and Isaac isn’t going to drink, har har har! the best drinker Maryland has IS Johan motherfuckin’ Karim… believe it or not.

Vodka is his wife!! He married the damn shit he loves it so much… remember, down FR7?

Har har har! :rofl: