Damn, how’d marneto get 3rd? omg.
Chaotic Blue
Damn, how’d marneto get 3rd? omg.
Chaotic Blue
grats to Marn on 3rd in #R, here are some emoticons
:party: :tup:
Because Atl south couldnt come
Justin Wong vs. Desmond Pinkney (Xecutioner)(justin wins)
Issac vs. Sanford Kelly(Santhrax)(santhrax wins)
Justin Wong vs. Sanford Kelly
the man speaks the truth.
:party: :party: :party: :party: :party:
p.s. were you guys stoned?
crazy results in reload (besides the top 2 duh). Where’s Kensou/Hitler/Genius at? Did they even enter?
Good shit, Marn.
Also, I apologize to anyone that had to put up with my scrubby Kenji in CFJ :sad:
If it’s true about you saying insults about the U.S. and them only being provinces of japan it’s no wonder people dislike you and have mixed feelings about you representing the U.S.
N-ken if ppl want to go to japan let them, their choice if they love sf that much and are able to go then more power to them IMO.
I don’t know enough about this subject to say much more, good luck pyro and frankie but if you don’t like the U.S i personally would rather have someone that does see themselves as repping the U.S and the skill that we have here instead of someone who would thinks badly of us and rather be the adoptive son of japan than stand up for where you came from.
Not trying to diss you but if there has been a lack of respect between you and the U.S players i hope you can bury it and move on.
Joe R vs Jumpee right now. I’m getting play by play action on the phone with, Triforce. Justin vs Sanford is next. Desmond lost to Jumpee 2-0 I believe. Isaac is out as well.
Everyone get your money ready…
Hey, what team is Jumpee using? Thanks doggy =]
Rouge, cable, capcom. I’ll be doing play by play as much as I can in a aim chat room. My name is “DemonHyo721” on aim. Im me.
Sanford lost to Justin 2-0
whats the name of the chat room?
IM him and he’ll invite you.
Who is this Texas GGXX #R Slayer player I keep hearing about?
justin wins
“why you even playing me sanford? Get off of the game and remember who’s the champion and your teacher” LMFAO MY NIGGA JWONG
now lets get the vids up!