Southwest SBO 3S qualifiers results (9 teams competed):
1st Mike Jones (Urien) and Ryan “Fubarduck” Harvey (Chun Li) [Austin]
2nd Harvey “lled78” Chang (Urien) and Khang “ghengiskhang” Le (Alex) [Houston]
3rd Mike Lai (Yun) and Jaime (Ken) [Austin]
Garou: Mark of the Wolves
1st Justin Wong
KoF 2002 Finals:
Justin Wong vs One of the K-force dudes
Anniversary Collection (I only remembered a few finalists)
Buktooth was in finals
Jumpsuit Jesse in semifinals or so in losers
Afrocole in semifinals or so in losers
Team tournaments for MvC2 and CvS2 were still going on. Team #R was nonexistant. Tekken 5 was still goign on. Vampire Savior was cancelled. SBO CFJ and CFJ tourney hasn’t started.
Here are some random results. Javi will put the complete ones up on the T5 site.
1st. K-force
2nd. Empire
(plus they beat empire in team KOF for $50.00)
As you know with mark of the wolves Empire got first, top 4 actually. Jeron and Arturo.
Team Marvel,
1st. Empire (1 man team. Team originally was Santhrax, Justin, and Ricky; but we wanted it to be fair so we took Justin and Ricky off the team and left Santhrax to play alone. Santhrax got 33-0 (12 teams played.)
1st. JOP
2nd. Empire (ricky)
Team CVS2 is on right now, I don’t know who is going to win this but I tell you this, Nestor beat Japan two full games. Final four teams are
Empire Black
Empire White
Buktooth, Nestor, and unknown.
Oscar (The Answer) beat me first round, played Justin second round (B. Jenet mirror match if I recall right), Arturo offered to forfeit against Justin, we coerced them into playing some, although it wasnt too serious a fight. Oscar eliminated me from loser’s, then lost to Arturo in a fight I didnt see. The only one recording Garou was another K-Force guy, and I only saw him taping Oscar’s matches; the match I won in loser’s bracket wasn’t taped. No disrespect to the players, but I was disappointed there were only 6 entrants for Garou
As for AE: JumpSuit Jesse took first, with an unstoppable ST Fei Long. Buktooth took second with ST Chun. First game of that match, Jesse played ST Ryu, lost, then switched back to Fei.
Team Japan took the CvS2 team tournament. All of them played solid, but we got to see Otaku the most, and he was damned impressive. Played Rock, Hibiki, Kyo in different orders in the team tournament, and played all sorts of K groove characters in casual.
Phil “DSP” Burnell (lost double jeopardy to Jumpsuit)
This tournament was crazy…players like Alex Navarro, Flash G, and Jason Cole got peaced out pretty early on. Hell, I BEAT JASON COLE in the tournament, what the fuck? You know that shit is random.
Marvel Team tournament:
Team Matrix (Chris “Matrix” Ellis, DSP, and John from TX)
Team N.O. sorry guys, I can’t remember your names
CvS2 team tournament:
Team Japan (OTK, BAS and Kindevu)
Team Empire Black (Justin Wong, Ricky Ortiz, Keith)
Team Genital Discomfort (Nestor, Buktooth, Asian Hitler) - Nestor couldn’t paint the fence because he had to stop to stratch his balls, and Buktooth was so shitfaced during the majority of this tournament it’s amazing he remembered it was CvS2 and not AE
Team Empire White (Jeron, Arturo, Sanford)
Tekken 5:
A real Tekken player
Ricky Ortiz who abused Nina’s top tieredness through the whole tournament
who cares
I’m not sure the names of the people who qualified for the Texas team for SBO 3s.
Both CFJ and the CFJ SBO qualifiers were postponed until tomorrow due to the existing tournies for Friday running until SIX IN THE FUCKING MORNING YOU FAGS!