HAHA! Nice job Sanford, you showed them why you truly are the President. You peaced out 12 teams by yourself, and then went 33-0 to top it off, Hehe, I’m not suprised though because that’s typical for you.
Ricky, nice job getting 2nd in T5. Nina is basically the cheapest character next to steve and you were smart to abuse her. I know I would’ve. What character did the 1st place winner use?
3s results were interesting, but was that some kind of team tournament? It didn’t look like singles results.
Nice job Phil on getting top 3 in anniversary.
I’ll check back lata on to see more results, so good luck to everybody who’s there from the EC.
The ultimate combination of sleep deprivation, starvation, No-Doze and alcohol puts me into SUICIDE MODE. If you thought a normal DSP was dangerous, wait until you see MY CRAZY DELIRIOUS ASS NOW. YOU ARE ALL FUCKED.
Dam I can’t believe Oscar lost in Garou, me and Giby should have gone to this tourney. I’m as shocked as Ice and Giby are haha…I hope they did record most of the Garou and KoF matches. I was hoping more people would have entered Garou at least…there is always EVO :). Wanted to also say congrats to all the winners so far…this tourney seems to be going pretty well. Take care.
TS5 highlights so far:
-Alex Navarro making fun of TFGM’s powerglove. “Damn theres got to be something wrong with him, nobody acts like that normally! He doesn’t even fucking play games for god sake.”
-Floe racing to get a lounge seat in the lobby. “You made a fat man run, you ass!”
-Someone saying Kindevu looks like a Japanese version of Floe. “He’s got the waddle and everything!”
-Jack-in-the-Box food being 10 times better than the Macdonalds and Burger King that are the only fucking burgers on the east coast. $6 for a humongous bacon cheeseburger with all the fixings, what the fuck? And you get a large soda in a medium combo!
-CvS2 teams at 5:30 in the morning. Like Buktooth said, “after 4am, there’s no such thing as a combo!”
-Me peacing out Jason Cole in AE, then he goes up to his room, gets piss drunk, comes down and beats my ass in Tekken 5
-Arturo falling asleep while watching CvS2 teams, waking up all of a sudden scared as shit looking all around him like WHERE THE FUCK AM I!
And the #1 most controversial moment in TS5 so far:
-Nestor forfeits his SBO CFE spot in order to enter the SBO team qualifier with ME to form the ultimate Dream Team of HATE! Jeron will be taking the empty spot to make the EC team Jeron/Sanford. Nestor and I are going to take the SBO qualifier easily today.
Good luck to everyone today, the pools for everything are going to be ROUGH because there are a shitload of good people here for every game.
I heard he did pretty well at the beginning of the day agsint JWong… but utterly coughed it up during the tourney. oh well… maybe next time… if there is one. congrats to the 6 people who even entered.
Crazy results so far…hopefully people are taking pics and taping some of this…Damn Bas/OTK/Kendevu huh??? Crazy shit…all I know is if Dr.B/Buktooth/AA were on a CvS2 it could be team middle tier to save the US of A !!! Someone give a detailed report on CFJ,CvS2,and 3S…that would be dope…good luck to all the players still fighting on…
TS5 highlights so far:
-Alex Navarro making fun of TFGM’s powerglove. “Damn theres got to be something wrong with him, nobody acts like that normally! He doesn’t even fucking play games for god sake.”
so you mean alex n made him feel at home :tup: nice alex.
good shit with nestor and buktooth teaming up. that shit just sounds deadly.