Texas Showdown 5 Results

I’m looking at the marvel entry list. Why isn’t Sanford on there?


Edit: found out it wasn’t complete.

any 3s updates before i risk calling my friend while the gg tourney is going on?

Where is John Choi? I don’t see him on the rosters.

Why would you say that?

He gets like 2nd place or better in everything.

That = broken.

JWong is broken too, but I figured we already knew that.

i wouldnt call rickey broken,i would just call him queen

damn can we get some updates

I remember one day I walked into CF and headed straight to Garou. I took off some Jae Hoon player who had a few wins with Tizoc. Then this short fat kid who couldn’t have been older than 13 steps up, puts his quarter in and shone me a big ass grin. He destroyed me with Dong Hwan. As I walk away, he’s still smiling. That was the first time I met Justin Wong.

Garou was Justin’s first game to fame. I felt like sharing that with the Garou heads out there.

I beat justin wong in a money match.

It was a 1 dollar bet at paper rock scissors 2 out of 3.

The guy is real cool he actually humored me and really helped mark this day for me.

I had to go already, else i would’ve probably played him at marvel instead and prolly get beasted on.

If you’re reading this justin, thanks i know it prolly wasn’t much to you but i appreciate what you did.

So thanks

[/ what everyone will perceive as fanboyism]

Neways it was a great night, played a bunch of casuals and got to play preppy, didn’t get to play Mr. Phelps (spiderman player).

Lost pretty bad to preppy but i suck on stick so it may be different next time around.

Lots of casuals Vegita x beasted on some then it hink he was beaten in casuals by Xcutioner then i think Xcutioner was confronted with nestor… didn’t know how that turned out.

Vinny Man was beasting when i left too, drunk, cussing and beasting.

TS5 was a blast and i think TS6 will be cool too most likely.

LOL, I beat Justin in Marvel for a dollar one time… he was playing Cammy/Cyclops/Doom though.

Oh, and skisonic told me that Isaac Graham played Vegita-X for $20 and won.

And a little part of a convo I just had… concerning the Marvel tournament’s status…

BloodyCrimson7 [2:11 AM]: Who’s in top 16?
Tyranidman [2:12 AM]: Me
Tyranidman [2:12 AM]: Wong
Tyranidman [2:12 AM]: Sanford
Tyranidman [2:12 AM]: Nestor
Tyranidman [2:13 AM]: Wigfall
Tyranidman [2:13 AM]: Desmond
Tyranidman [2:13 AM]: Vinnyman
Tyranidman [2:13 AM]: Power dn
BloodyCrimson7 [2:13 AM]: Who’s Vinnyman?
Tyranidman [2:13 AM]: Jumpee
Tyranidman [2:13 AM]: Ricky from texas
Tyranidman [2:13 AM]: And some other guys

Have fun. :tup:

spoke to Issac.

Combofiend is in
As is Magneto X
Jumpeee beat Wigfall

Yup, i was going to play Justin too, didnt had money but i had one cruncy taco left over from taco bell, but he didnt take the match. Offered the taco to Ricky Ortiz for free cuz he is cool, but he wasnt hungry or either he is a vegitarian. Offered the taco to my hometown favorite Vinnyman, but homie was kinda drunk and probably wanted a corona instead of taco.

Oh and that wasnt Casuals, that was acutal matches from the round robin pool. Goes like this, Vegita X beats some scrub, Real X plays him and beats him, then Nestor plays X and beats him, then Vegita X plays Nestor and beats him. Their record in the pool were tied, and didnt follow thru afterwards. Hope Nestor and one of the X’s qualified cuz only 2 people from a pool gets to advanced.

I talked to Isaac too…

Tyranidman [4:04 AM]: Yea
Tyranidman [4:04 AM]: I got top 8 winners
Tyranidman [4:04 AM]: Beat joe reyna and combofiend
BloodyCrimson7 [4:05 AM]: Good shit, yo!!!
BloodyCrimson7 [4:05 AM]: You the shit like motherfuckin dookie!!

I don’t know about anyone else…

I’ll find out later.

“OMG, say it aint so!”

Ans - itz gonna be awefully hard come’n back into S. Cali with your shame. Hopefully you get a rematch at Evo.

The SNK turn out might have been small, but MUCH props to the people who were able to make it and congratulations to the winners. Special thanks to the peeps like Toodles for break’n the Garou news early.

Looks like there will be some VERY interesting $ matches to come at Evo2K5. Since we’re probably not gonna see MOTW pop up officially on the roster, therez a good chance it’ll be DC time (which is a somewhat different animal than the MVS or AES). Hope to see yalls there.

Keep Play’n. Peace

ST Results:

  1. Cole
  2. Justin Wong
  3. Sirlin

Watching those folks makes me realize I don’t know crap about ST. Finals were nothing but Justin’s N.Vega vs Cole’s N.Dhalsim. Great matches.

Alpha 3

  1. Kindevu
  2. BAS
  3. Ricky Ortiz

Finals were V-Akuma mirror matches, both with dark gi and white hair, so hard to keep up with at times. For quite a while, we (glad I wasn’t the only one) couldn’t really be sure who was playing on which machine.

Edit: And I just want everyone to know, those damned Halo kids can’t hold their liquor. One guy just walking out of the conference area and SPEWS all along the wall and carpet and gets some on my damn shoe. Other one was a Halo grrl puking and passing out in that smoker’s sidewalk outside.


So most of TS5 is now over. It is time for the final day of retrbution for a lot of people.

Without a doubt, the highlight of tomorrow’s gaming will be the SBO 3s qualifiers. There has been a LOT of hype leading up to this momentous event. Today, Pyrolee showed up at TS5 late, and watched the end of the 3s qualifying rounds. When Justin and Flash attempted to approach him and say whats up, he just ignored them. Justin even went out of his way to say “the hype and the negativity is all online, and it’s not even from me. I’m cool with you.”

Pyrolee’s response? He wouldn’t even talk to Justin, he just shrugged as if to say “whatever.” Flash got a similar reaction.

People say that Pyrolee’s impressions online are far different from his personality in real life. People say he’s a cool guy who is just really good at what he does…which is play 3s.

Is this “cold shoulder” the way that a person treats other highly-ranked gamers with respect?

Fuck all that.

THE BOUNTY STANDS. Whoever definitively keeps Pyrolee from going to Japan tomorrow will receive my $100. AND if someone happens to perfect him, they will receive an additional $100 bonus. So…if two people Pyro (lets say Floe and Justin both beat him) they will split the initial $100. If Justin happens to perfect him in the process, he will receive the additional $100.

REST ASSURED I will be at the front of the crowd to support my fellow “professional” gamers in their efforts to keep Pyrolee’s big mouth shut for good. So will my $100, it will be out in my hand flapping in front of Pyro’s face for all to see.


I will be taking challengers in ST and possibly CFJ for money matches. I also hear there will be a lot of other matches going on…people upset with the results of the qualifying rounds who want a taste of green for their troubles. LET THE GAMING BEGIN!

the K-Force guy was The Beast and I think he won also

Im just glad he came back to S Cali considering what could have happened while they were in TX

Goodluck to Justin and Flash in 3S. :tup:

What a jerkface. I’m sorry to hear that Pryo has to hold a chip on his shoulder over something as silly as people being morons over an online forum. He is a really player and since he’s been to Japan before, I hope he shows better sportsmanship in the end. If not though, then whatever… As much as I don’t like fat people, I hope fat people embarass him and all his nerd fans later today.

Marvel top 8 for tonight:

Wong vs desmond(winners)
Sanford vs me(winners)
Jumpee vs combofiend(losers)
Joe r. Vs chris c.(losers)