Ok, I’m about to leave for GG. I’ll be there about 2:30 - 5pm. Hope to see you guys there.

Hmm I actually hadnt thought about the non-gaming spectators. I’ll have an answer by tomorrow.

Edit: Spectators will still pay the same venue fee.

KiT is going to be the bees’ knees, fellas. Hey Jason, what days will you be at Game Galaxy this week? I think I might drive out there and do some big-time one-on-one training with you so that I can not get my b-hole turned inside out by a C. Viper at KiT. Know what I mean?

I’ll make sure you and I play first round at KiT :slight_smile: j/k of course.

Hey guys, I want to bring my level up, and a lot of you have seen me play. Any suggestions on things to work on/stop doing?

Also, do you think playing online would have a net positive or negative effect on my IRL ability?

If you play with good players consistently online and be sure to keep ur offline ability up in practice mode or offline play, I think positive.

I think there is more Negative than Positive playing Online.
The very good thing about Online (especially if your area doesn’t have a scene) is you can see what kind of shenanigans people are putting together. What types of set-ups are specific characters doing etc…etc…

However online play can really hurt your game. There are so many things people get used to online and brings you way off speed IRL. Mekkanic vs Me is a perfect example of this. Before, Mekkanic and I used to play somewhat regularly online. We had a pretty good connection. I would almost always beat him online. The last time i went over there I played vs him twice and lost every round vs him. I was trying the same shenanigans vs Mekkanic IRL that I did online but none if it worked. I really didn’t know the Chun match up anyway but i thought i had a good understanding of her. Boy was I wrong. I should have gone to training mode and used the recording shit to test stuff out. See what I can punish and what I can’t punish. I am glad to say that I’m doing much better now that I hardly play online. Most of Memphis is telling me this. That i have gotten way better. Wether thats true or not, I have no clue, but I myself feel that i have leveled up in many ways playing people IRL rather than relying on online play!!!

Most of the guys, that Hiryu is rounding up around here, are begginers. They have a basic understanding of the game and can pull off some nice combo’s. Most of these guys are online players and have no clue what to do in certain situations or they ask themselves why that can’t DP out of a string like they would online. Hopefully the few of us that go over there can train and help some of these newer guys about all this. ALso, good shit to Hiryu for hosting religiously here in Memphis every Wednesday! Sry for wall of text. But i used to love online mode. It’s good for non serious practice only IMO!

Play locally if you can get away with it. If you have consistent access to good players with various styles with various characters, that’s great.

Otherwise, online is what you have. G1 is much better than G2 for meeting good players, that’s a fact. Come to GG this week, at least a few of us should be there in the afternoons. I could use some good Honda practice. Riot, we should get some online games in… tonight?

Thanks, I’d take you up on that offer, but all I have is PC version (GFWL)

I would love to get together with you soon, Cody, and play some Guile/Viper matches. I hate that matchup, it is one of Guile’s worst and when you couple that with the fact that I have next to no experience against Viper (not to mention that you are very good with her) I have a really hard time. I wish, in retrospect, that I hadn’t switched to Rufus after you 3-1’d me in the tourney. I know it’s winnable for Guile, but I just need matchup experience with her so badly. You should meet me at GG some time this week and get in some practice. I will love you for it. Know what I mean? — I am talking about you and me — becoming a couple of gays — sexually…

I also have the PC version. ShawnMcCool is my gamertag.

… I have… ALL versions… mwahaha

If you’re running Windows 7 make a folder and name it:



I will send the first early wedding gift. A brand new, couples, leather bean bag! So both you you can enjoy naked, sweaty, intense, SF4 and Tekken sexually!!!lololololol!:rofl:I never want to sit on your bean bag, Cody.

I will be at Game Galaxy Tues-Friday 10-4pm or so.

Friday I should be there longer because of the tournament.

If Sanford is coming he’ll win SF4 easily. If someone here could beat him, that would be HUGE. He’s on a higher skill level than I am at the game and should be on another level than anyone else at the tournament…if you guys wanted to see a crazy player in real life play SF4, that would be him, but I would not put it past a bad matchup of unfamiliarity against anyone. Cammy has some bad matchups and Akuma gets hit hard, so you never know…

I would LOVE to see someone step up and challenge him, but it will not be easy…

Count me in.

I’d be thrilled to test my skill on him.




Wanna see this guy play, but gonna miss KiT. Bah. :bluu:

Hey guys, I just wanted to announce my next tournament. It’s coming up on the last Saturday of February here in Chattanooga. Here’s the thread…


Looking forward to seeing you guys this weekend at GG and KiT! This should be an awesome event!

I’ll be at GG 2:30 or 3PM till 5 or 5:20pm tomorrow. Bring your skills I’m training hard as I can.

wat skillz olol

Woah…this colour scheme reminds me of an angsty high schooler’s blog on xanga.

So Chris/Cookeville Crew, I’ll be in Cookeville all day Wed and Thursday, instead of driving back and forth from Knoxville, so I would really like to get some SF4 practice in so I can do at least decent at the tournament, let me know if you want to practice (I’ll need a stick thought)
