Sanford Kelly will be coming to KiT with some other guys. Big news for Street Fighter players?
Eugene - a casual setup for Marvel is fine. I just won’t be running a tournament for the game.
Sanford Kelly will be coming to KiT with some other guys. Big news for Street Fighter players?
Eugene - a casual setup for Marvel is fine. I just won’t be running a tournament for the game.
Uh Oh… :wasted:
well i wanted a rematch anyway
SF4 Tennessee Team Qualifier @ KiT
So, it has been established that both Lil Majin and 300lb Eugene have spots on the Team already. I think the fairest way to determine the other 3 spots goes as follows…
Spot 3. Highest ranking player in the Major SF4 tourney. Ofcourse if Eugene or Lil Majin place higher, then the person under that will automatically get the third spot!
Spots 4 and 5. Depending on time frame, setups and entrants we will either do a traditional style qualifier tournament or a Round Robin. Hopefully we will have time to do a Round Robin with 2 pools. The one we just did in Memphis for Tekken didn’t even take a full 2 hours thanks to TiO! So if there is a problem or concern with this format please speak up or forever hold your tounge! Idea’s are always welcomed and acknowledged!
I think we should all just say fuck it and go eat some sandwiches.
punishing a whiffed special move such as a dragon punch or a flash kick: You can do crouching fierce into hk LL --> mk LL --> roundhouse sweep combo. Or cr. jab, cr. jab, standing jab, fierce combo. Or if you don’t wanna do all of that crap you can just throw
the daigo vs sabin $ match is bananas
You guys have your little “tournaments” me, richard, and the other Giefs are gonna get sandwiches and butt sex.
Hey man. Thanks! Cool that you appreciate some of the stuff I was doin =) Is there anything you want me to show ya or maybe help with?
I’ve been playing tourneys on my TE for the past few months because around here we normally mix tourneys between 360 and PS3, and that’s the only dual-mod’d Jap-stick that I have. TEs are great, so I’m not blaming them whatsoever, but they feel really loose and “plastic”-y to me and it really makes it awkward for me to pull off things like clutch ultras or clutch FFF combos in the middle of a tourney. It’s still a great stick, but inconsistent for ME. For KiT, I’m going back to my HRAP1 (which I’ve dubbed “Godstick” cuz it feels so awesome to me haha) and will hopefully see tighter execution on all that crap that I was missing yesterday. Vs Cale (Honda player) I missed 3 ultras in 2 matches–didn’t whiff them, but instead didn’t even get them to come out. When I was playing vs Mike’s Bison in that team tourney and baited his ultra at the end of a round I tried to super jump, BK after he whiffed and that would have ended the rounded–instead, Viper chose to just sit there cuz I missed the u/f direction lol. That, on top of lots of other eff-up’s, cost me at least a handful of rounds against multiple opponents.
Anyway, enough salt. Ranbats are just for nerve cutting anyway. And there were a LOT of people on top of their game.
I’m all over this ice cream thread like sprankles.
Next Sandwich/Zangief support group Friday at 6pm, hot topics of discussion will be “Three punch buttons and you” and “Hoagies and Grinders 101”
5 dollar door charge and 5 dollar sandwich cover. See ya there!
Hey again guys, it’s almost that time of the week. If you are going to KiT, and want to get some SF4 casuals in before the big day, you might want to attend my fight night this week. We had a great turnout last week, hopefully we can keep the attendance going.
If you are in the Cordova/Bartlett/Wolfchase area in Memphis I’m hosting an open freeplay session for SF4, Wednesday night, at Powerplay Videogames, from 7:00-9:00 PM.
We’ll be on 360, and bringing your own controller or stick is recommended. However, I will provide a Fightpad and classic controller for public use. If you play on PS3, and you are willing to bring your setup, please do. I’ll have to ask permission to get a second setup going, but the venue had no problem with it last time.
The venue is located at 841 N. Germantown Pkwy in Cordova, beside the Outdoors, Inc.
Good sportsmanship is expected, and please keep the salt to a minimum, as we are going to be in a public area. Format will be announced on-site, and will depend on the number of players who attend.
If you have any questions, you can email me at, or check my blog at You can also reply to me here, and I’ll do my best to answer promptly. Thanks for your interest, and I hope to see some of you there tomorrow night! Thank you.
DISCLAIMER: I am not employed by PowerPlay, Nor do I have any other affiliation with them. I’m simply working with them as they were willing to provide a venue for the event, and I’m trying to get more community events going.
Don’t know if this matters but…
Doubles tournament rules:
2 DIFFERENT CHARACTERS PER TEAM (you can not have 2 Sagats, 2 Balrogs, etc)
whooops…so much for “team thunder thighs”…
Well to be fair you were the only ‘real’ Chun Li on the team lol. Thanks for teaming up with me though. You did great by single handedly beating the team that ended up winning the whole thing!
It’s ok, you can always come join “Team Cuban Missle Crisis” Now accepting applicants!
Huh, when’s the team tourney? I have been out of it a while.
Also, what’s the TN special SF even in KiT?
ggs mang.
I assume the answer is yes, but asking anyway:
Do non-gaming spectators have to pay the door fee?
I don’t even know what we placed but we did OK I think. Thanks for reppin the thigh though :china: and teaming up with me.
I need some serious training though. I can combo all day, but my knowledge of zoning and baiting need a lot of work. Same Seattle Bison(Mike) that I beat 3-0 the first time in Teams came back and beat me 3-0 lol…he zoned/out-footsied me, used his pokes well and knew exactly where to jump in on me. I need more patience…and less mashing EX legs out. I need to:
-Stop mashing out EX legs in block strings (omg) and just BLOCK.
Max pointed out some cool things that I was not doing and I plan to use all of that information in my game:
-Use standing fierce more
-Air throw more (jason has told me this 100’s of times lol but I use roundhouse as my AA, instead of fierece punchx2 , which Max says is way better, and I agree)
-Don’t 100% rush down with chun
I was curious about this as well. Wanted to invite some non-competitive fighting game friends but it’s a hard sell to pay money to watch people play games, lol.
Yeah man I agree 100%. You started air throwing me more and I had to change things up a bit. I also agree with using dbl fierce more. That move is too good.