Ok, Memphis players going to KIT. I need your help. I no longer have access to my car this weekend and I need to know if anyone is going down Sat morning and coming back Sat evening. If so I need a ride and have no problem posting up gas money. Thanks in advance.
Had fun getting my ass kicked all day guys. Mike from Seattle, your bison is sick, the perfect blend of spacing, pokes, and punishing combos. I wish I could have pulled my weight a little bit more for the teams tourney. Cody I didnt talk to you much but your Viper is sick. I cant do all that complicated shit in real matches yet. Training mode its no problem but in a real match i just do everything too fast.
A couple things before the tournament to please keep in mind:
We will have food and drinks for sale at the venue itself - stuff to snack on like chips and cookies as well as hot dogs and hamburgers so support if that appeals to you. There are some fast food places a couple miles from the venue as well.
I would also like to reiterate we will not be tolerant of lateness. If you know you are running late please call while you are on the way. I will post up my phone number in this thread on Friday. If you show up late with no notice and the bracket is made and the tournament is started, you will not be allowed to enter. This will be an efficiently run tournament, so don’t hold us down!
Here is the schedule of events for Saturday
10 AM - PS3 setup, if bringing a PS3 please arrive at 10 if possible
11 AM - Tournament Registration begins
1 PM - T6 and SFIV start promptly
2 PM - BlazBlue starts
4 PM - Guilty Gear Starts
7 PM - All main tournaments end, registration for T6 3v3
7 PM - TN Special events for T6 and SFIV
8 PM - 3v3 tournament starts for T6
11 PM - All tournaments and events end
12 AM - Vacate venue
Posted this in the tournament thread as well. The “special” events for TN are the Memphis vs Knoxville T6 challenge (run by me) and the SFIV Final Round qualifier for Team TN (run by Orel). The SFIV qualifier is open for free to anyone who lives in the state of TN who plans on going to Final Round in March.
Im trying to go, gotta trade with someone for the day off or call in. I know i wont do well, but fuck it why show up and not enter? Ill have fun getting my ass beat then have fun chillin’ and Im especially wanting to watch some top GG players go at it since thats my favorit game of all time.
Oh and BY THE WAY, if anyone at game galaxy yesterday was sick with a sore throat, fuck you, you got me sick lol. I got home then about 2 hours later I could tell I was getting one. Then I wake up this morning feeling like shit and spitting out unmentionable horrors.
I’m afraid of change, I just hate it. GG’s to everyone Saturday, wish I would’ve been able to play you Neoblood and it was good to see you Mike. Can’t wait for KiT, I probably won’t do incredibly well but I’m gonna practice my ass off for this.
Thanks for the games DTR. You’re one of the first people I’ve played since my 2 week sabbatical. Can’t wait to get back on the horse. I’ve got some new tricks that I’m trying to work into my game, but I was just trying to keep up, tonight.
GGS Shawn, I would have played longer but I have bandaids on two of my fingers and a THIRD started bleeding…this weather dries my skin out and cracks my cuticles and skin…Street Fighter loves me.
SDouble - ggs yesterday on xbl,… I’m really working on Chun and hopefully she’ll be up to par soon… I just need to watch out for Sagat’s ultra… that really hurts!
Mekkanic - I’m having trouble with knowing what to do if I get a dizzy and/or punish opportunity and don’t have meter… whats my best option???
I have a couple announcments thus far. This past Saturday was an interesting weekend for Memphis. We did a Round Robin for Team Memphis in Tekken 6. There wer 2 spots needed on the team and BOY was it Hype!!! Not only was he RR hype, but it was ran efficiently thanks to everyones efforts and cooperation. Thanks to Ernie for Hosting!!!
Team Memphis----Tekken 6 BR
Lil Majin
Big Majin
Professor (Gene)
Spots 4 and 5 were the ones that had to be determined by the RR! The rest of Memphis is ranked as follow in this order
6. Bishop
7. Thriller Man
8. Tommy
9. Dominus
10. Samson
11. Flymike
12. Lycan
13. Beyon Dark
14. Outlaw Star…Memphis, Please be aware that from now on, stats will be tracked!!! Hence the position you stand in. Until you show up to a Ranbat, Round Robin, Tournament, gathering etc…etc… Please don’t BS about being on a Team or anything of the like! GET HYPED 4 KiT!!!