Which videos? Hopefully not from this Saturday cuz I didn’t take any.
That is the shit
I’m in Nashville all week man, but if something changes and I’m in Cookeville I’ll let you know. Andrew, Graham, Charlie, Cale, Hunter, and co should be in town though.
Get yo ass down here.
Hey man you are more than welcome to come by my place and play, if you need a place to stay I’ve got a ton of beds and shit. Seriously I’m sure we’ll all get together over the next few days to play some games and we’d all love it if you came down and played. I’ll pm you my number and we’ll get together.
Sanford is easily the 2nd best player in the US right behind Wong. His Akuma (2nd only to maybe Ed Ma ) and Cammy are probably the best in the U.S. Also, he mains Sagat now sooo… Yeah. His offense and execution are just disgusting. If he shows, he’s going to take it for basically free, I think. If someone here beat him, it would be fucking insane.
Shawn: Cool man, I’ll add ya.
DTR: Take Sanford out for us, will ya?
Count me in… you guys got my number right?
Ya man, when we get together I’ll let you know.
I’m trying to get something together at my house 6pm - 10pm Thursday. Hopefully you guys can make it. I’ll have 3 setups going on lag free TV’s.
I think that Grand Viper and I will both be at GG 2:30-3 till 5-5:30 today. Hopefully others will be able to join.
If some people wanna come up Wednesday for some games I’d be happy to host some games, just PM if you want to.
guess what’s out today?
Bayonetta, wooo Hideki Kamiya!
Dark Void in 10 days… woo Capcom!
Also… 11 days until David Cage’s Heavy Rain comes out… Man… it’s gonna be a good January.
YES. BAYONETTA! SO HYPE, AHHHHH! But yeah that game is going to own. After KiT I’ll be playing it on the side as I continue to practice fighters. Oh, and Hideki Kamiya is the shit.
Man lemme know how Dark Void is Shawn. That game looks cool so I’ve stayed away from any media on it. Any word on a demo?
Demo is out tomorrow on 360, baby.
Jason, you need to enter KiT and beat Sanford Kelly. Everyone wants you to do it. You know it’s the right thing! C’mon, man!
Agreed man! I think you can do it! There’s enough match vids out there where you can study his “style” of play…
Also, I posted up some more vids on my youtube channel if anyone is interested… if you play me on xbl and I have my camera ready you’ll eventually be on there! Arson theres some matches vs another Akuma player - WestAB,… VERY sick… rivals any other akuma I’ve played as the best…
Also check the last match of this vid w/ lolpenguinlol,… not sure HOW the ultra came through, but still was good stuff!!! [media=youtube]79tXVMif514[/media]
krayzee record us sometime so i can watch my low tier ness lol. good shit on your channel man.
Good Games to everyone at Game Galaxy today. I’m feeling pumped. You guys feelin pumped?
yo will peeps be at game galaxy tom? if shit is not frozen down my way i’ll roll out and be there at like 2ish.
Someone call a translator.