Hey my company is doing you a favor. I would have just gotten a higher placing with Eddy to prove my point about Baek/Eddy anyway. Be thankful I have to work.

Lol, it’ll be like pocket fighter.

KiT in a couple of Days!!! WOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOO!!!


Sooo…You get to pick between two ultras now.

Zangief has an anti-air grab, Ryu has the Shin Shoryuken, and Fei Long has tapped into his inner Kenshiro. :rofl:

DreamTR. I’m thinking of driving down for Galaxy’s pre-KiT event. What time does registration close?

iPlayWinner strikes again:

Edit: More from iPW:
http://www.ustream.tv/channel/unity-events - SSFIV stream from CES
http://iplaywinner.com/news/2010/1/7/mago-sagat-vs-choco-blanka.html - Top female SFIV player in Japan fighting mago
http://iplaywinner.com/news/2010/1/7/new-super-street-fighter-4-videos-cody-ryu-ken-adon-ultras.html - Cody, Ryu, Adon, Ken new ultras and gameplay footage.

ZInac: The tournament for Friday BEGINS at 6pm. No later.

SSFIV stream now! New ultras, characters, everything. It’s up to the whim of a bunch of arbitrary jackasses, though, so whether or not you see something worthwhile is kind of a crapshoot.

SSFIV stream now! New ultras, characters, everything. It’s up to the whim of a bunch of arbitrary jackasses, though, so whether or not you see something worthwhile is kind of a crapshoot.

Edit: So far, I’ve seen Rufus’s, Deejay’s, and Cody’s second ultras. Rufus’s is retarded, but probably useful.

Jacob: Thanks for coming out man. Wish the weather wasn’t crazy so that it would have been more than just the two of us. But, I feel like I got some really good experience out of that.

Dream Theater: The more I play the Gouken match the more I think it’s 6.5-3.5. However, I can definitely see now how it’s winnable. We’ll have to play some when you get back. I was playing with my little girl in training mode when you sent your invite. Get this… she likes playing as Gouken O_o… I think she’s trying to counter-pick me…

that stream was hype, bisons new ultra is bad ass. fei has a counter ultra like blue nocturne from 3s LOL. remy hotness. balrog has a shitty command grab one. the new ultras seem to do no damage if they are a grab one, except t hawk. zangiefs did none on the stream but idk if it was full ultra or what.

Dans ultra was fucking sick. Hopefully it allows for some nice shedanigans.

Most of the new ultras were cool. Vega’s was nice, and if he can combo into it then sweet. Akuma’s… Was okay. I’m not sure I liked how it looked, and Raging Demon is just too good. I don’t think it will be replacing Demon anytime soon. It does good damage, though. I doubt you can combo into it, because Akuma doesn’t need that.

combo into full ultra! Yes!!!

I agree about Akuma’s new one… not so sure about the whole spinning kick through the animation… looks kinda cheezy…

Honda’s did a good little chunk.

Yeah seriously man. “Hey guys, we have a chance to play this awesome game before everyone else and see the new characters and ultras, but fuck that shit, let’s pick the same niggas/ultras we can pick at home.”

at least iPW is still on point with the coverage. Haunts is the fuckin man. Gameplay vids with new ultras:

I haven’t seen Abel’s, Sagat’s, or Blanka’s yet. Guy’s and Bison’s were fucking boss though. I also second that Rufus’ looks pretty dumb, but very useful. Looks like you can’t cross him up when he has ultra. And from the stream you’d think it was unblockable, lol. I think it hit every time someone did it.

I’ll be at Game Galaxy around 2:30 today until after the RanBan. Bring your balls, today is the final day of practice.

I haven’t heard of any MM’s going on in here. Is anyone planning on MM, say ATL in SF4?

I’ll be at game galaxy about 130, LETS GO BABY!!