Thursday at Shawn’s isn’t looking so great for the C-Ville crew. Weather is supposed to be pretty shitty. 1-3 inches of snow doesn’t sound good.
Edit: I actually pretty much need to stay Thursday-Saturday in Nashville so I’ll almost certainly be there, even if I do have to drive through the snow. Hopefully everyone else from Cookeville can make it.
I really hope you guys CAN make it. I haven’t REALLY had some good time to play Arson’s badass Akuma and I need to get some time in with Max as well. crosses fingers Feel free to show up around 5:30, hoping to wind things down around 10:30pm. Time’s a bit flexible, but you know =)
As painful as the matchup is (the most painful in the game, in my opinion) I also hope I’ll be able to get some chun li practice with Mekkanic (not with shittons of lag online) before the tourney. I’m sure there’ll be some Chuns there.
I WON’T be at Game Galaxy tomorrow afternoon, I know… sadness. =(
Hiryu: Good games tonight man. Overall turn out was decent given the weather issues and KIT being around the corner. I should be there next week as well.
O: Too bad you couldn’t make it today. Mike and I got some great Tekken practice in and I pulled out my Eddy and got an 8 win streak with him. Not too bad for one day of use.
Jan/Mike and everyone else from Memphis making it to KIT good luck.
NO, the opposite… The first number is Sim, the second is Rufus.
Also, a big shout-out to everyone that helped me train today.
Special thanks to grand viper for helping me in one of my worst matchups, Togo Oppocoat(sp?) for helping me in my ABSOLUTE worst matchup, and Dream Theater for helping me with Rufus.
It’s 11:20 and I have playing a retarded amount of Street Fighter today and by now it shows, so I think I’ll call it a night and recharge my batteries.
Dream Theater, with Togo’s help we have figured out the Sim vs Gouken matchup quite a bit more! Exciting news, I thought it was hopeless… We studied the match for damn near an hour.
Yeah GGs to everyone at GG (lol) this week. We are getting some good KiT prep in, I love it. I’ll be up there again tomorrow, but i vote (depending on the number of people there) that maybe we move to 2/3 games. It’s hard to adjust and learn when you only get one game at a time with people.
Also, Ian, what’s the verdict on non-gaming spectators? And shoot me a text so I can get your number.
God dammit, I’m behind. Car broke down Monday and I just got it fixed. I’ll be up at GG early tomorrow and maybe Friday, if anyone still wants to cram.
Beat Bayonetta, though, so I don’t feel too bad about the last few days.