Tekken Revolution FAQ

No but it will hurt a lot.

i’m not the only one with this opinion, T6 & TTT2 are slow and it’s well known, have you measured the frames yourself between input and onscreen movement? you can feel it’s not optimized, the photorealistic graphics put a strain on the system which are most likely not helping them, when you’ve been playing Tekken for 17 years you tend to notice these things…

Call me when you have a real answer.

supposedly there’s a bit of input lag and the console is stressed bringing this [TTT2] from arcades but that’s about it afaik.

Tataki, you know as well as we all do that Harada said console Tag 2 has input lag. No need to be so mean.

I will agree that the pace of the game seems quicker, but movement seems nerfed somehow? Not quite sure how that’s adding up in my brain.

I am LOVING the visual improvements, especially on character intros and some of the blockier looking parts of the stages and models.

Menu music is also sweet. :smiley:

Good evening Harada-san. I have a question regarding offline mode in the home version. After playing in T6 practice mode, I went into the TTT2 practice mode, and clearly felt some lag. I’ve heard that there might be intentional lag in the offline mode, but what is the reason for this?

In truth, the home version of T6 was faster than the arcade version. The arcade version had a JV board in the circuit, so the game was delayed X(秘 frames*. In addition, even though the HDMI output is the same as the home version, the Noir Monitors would lag about one frame when it finished rendering to the bottom right. TTT2 is the same as the arcade version

This free to play model needs some work but for a first attempt this is actually done pretty well imo. It does a really good job of making me want to try tag 2, the netcode is just so amazing.

If done correctly, I can see free to play being the way to go for fighting games as long as you have the ability buy the full game with little to no restrictions.

I do not understand the statement who say that TR is a lesser TTT2. They’re pretty different. I hate the tag and bound system. And they’re not in Tekken R. Plus I feel that you have less posibility to juggle the opponent on their wake up, is it me or ?

I like TR better than TTT2. Way way better. Fuck the business model though.

You can’t relaunch backrolls anymore. Which is bad because reducing the risk on backrolling only makes waking up simpler, and reduces the momentum a knockdown leads to.

Not to mention it completely ruins characters like Lili who was known for her awesome oki.

Relaunch backroll allowed fuckfest in TTT2, and that’s partialy what make me drop TTT2. That and the “Bound” that allow to do even more juggle than before. And we all know how exciting juggles are in the eye of an average player ^^

As an average player who do not have that much time and do not want to invest hours and hours learning a video game, Tekken R fits me perfectly. But I can understand why pro or good player despite it.

What upset me with Tekken R is the coin system. I thought you could defend your credit online, and play on it until you loose. This is not the case. Win or loose, your credit is lost. Complain material.

as long as you keep on winning you can keep on playing via use of your ticket, however if you lose your ticket, you can revert to coins which win or lose the coin is lost. Basically, once you have your ticket, don’t lose and there shouldn’t be a problem

They’ve removed daily tickets which gives less incentive to play now, and kinda corners you into buying coins

that is unfortunate

Harada says the game has been downloaded 1.000.000 times. Exp, Gift bonus and 1.000.000 Gold to everyone who logs tomorrow!

Oh, and Jin and Xiaoyu are coming! :slight_smile:


Shit, I deleted it because I went back to TTT2…

If Ling’s in it, I’m going to have to download it again tonight.

Thanks for the update.

You’re welcome but I think we have to unlock Jin and Ling with Gift points, like the other 4 extra characters.
And there’s no problem if you deleted the game. Your progress is always saved in the cloud in this game. :wink:

Yeah, I know. It’s fine, I don’t mind doing it, nor do I mind unlocking them. I’d play if I can play as Ling. She’s my favorite character in Tekken as a whole. If I could do Ling / Lee, I’d be 1000% satisfied.

Ling is really bad… :frowning:

Watch out for dem lasers! XD

