okay Steve, b+1 hold back is steves most important button its a 13 frame high that gives a combo on counter hit, what makes the hold back so important is it transitions him into flicker (b+3+4) stance which you can cancel into his sways, or downback (probably best option) then you return to standing by holding back thus making b+1 safe (-14 on block without flicker cancel). b+2 (-11 on block) is a mid that slightly high crushes that causes a crumple on normal hit (follow ups are extremely limited). Ducking 1 (f+3/4, 1) is a safe, normal hitting mid that allows you to get a ff+2 follow up. Extended ducking 1 (f+3/4 Hold, 1) is +2-3 on block. ff+2 is an okay footsie tool, its kinda bad (-13 on block) but if it hits a standing opponent, you get a free db+2. 3, 1, 1 is a natural combo that wall splats and is a somewhat hitconfirmable move -13 on block, but if you want a safe mid poke use 3, 1, f+1. b+1+2 is a punch parry that gives a combo if it connects (extremely limited). qcf+1 is a extremely useful mid that wall splats from a million universes away, and you can cancel into flicker stance by holding back.
d+2, 1~f+3/4, db is probably one of his most important lows, the cancel into duck into downback makes it safe. db+3,2 is again, one his most important lows, 16~17 frames, db+3 by itself if +1 on hit. d+1 is an okay low, leaves him in crouch and is +1 on hit, -13 on block. full crouch d+1 is pretty good and leaves him in peekaboo stance (f+3+4) after full crouch d+1 a peekaboo 2 is pretty much uninterruptable, peekaboo 2 if it connects, another peekaboo 2 is uninterruptable, peekaboo 2 is a counterhit launcher, a punch parry, and a homing move all in one. since i dont want to flood the faq with a 20 page double spaced essay on steves stances, his options from his strings, and wall game (which im sure wasnt the appropriate place to put it anyways). im gonna end with punishers, and if there isnt a ttt2 steve thread yet on srk, i guess ill start one soon. But this should be good enough for basics.
From Standing:
10f: 1,1,2 or 1,2
12f: 2,1 (at least im pretty sure)
13f: b+1,2 or df+1,2
14f: df+1+2
15f: ff+2 (youâre probably never going to use this)
16f: db+3,2
17f: b+2
lol everything past this point
23f: uf+4
From Crouching:
10f: db+1
11f: ws+1,2
15f: ws+2 (useless)
17f: ws+1+2