I might be able 2 do something this evening dave could probly come ill see about sham ill let u know

Monday/Tuesday im off from work believe it or not… come get some games in then… Mike/Brandon will be down for them im sure as well…

In case you haven’t yet, everyone should check out the trailer Li made:

DVD will be out pretty soon (read:whenever I get it done), getting the kinks worked out.

ok I havent been on the mvc seen 4 awhile I see that there are a couple of new people who play mvc2 in richmond so I want see what these people are made of. I havent played any new people in awhile but then again I havent played in about 8 months. So any1 who wants the King of richmond come talk 2 me I’ll be happy 2 serve ya ass. So please if any1 is intrested please reply. And please if u do play me dont play me once or twice and leave. Step up 2 the challenge and remember this IS MY CITY AND ALWAYS WILL BE

These players in Richmond that just atarted playin arent at competition level yet Omar… so save ur breath… they jsut stated playin recently, and are lookin to get better…

Its still good 2 talk some shit if they wanna get good they should play people who are better. Talkin shit gets the soul wanting 2 play these kids need 2 have the ric drama gotta start when there young. I was hopeing that 1 of them would post and ask 2 play guess not though

How many people can be at nnpp 2morrow me and sham can be down there after 5 if its worth it

So did we all die or what? I know I’ve made it down a couple times for CvS2/CFE/3rd Strike with Billy/Kevin/Robin, but I see like, no one else. Guess its the break. A few things:

We should arrange a big ‘game night’ somewhere just to chill before school starts, but after pretty much everyone is back in Richmond.

Omar is right, the new MvC2 blood needs to get punked a few times. One of two things will happen: They’ll quit marvel, or they’ll get scads better. Lets hope its the latter. I don’t play marvel, I can’t react to any of that shit at all, but I know Mike is pretty keen on improving, and RedRover, while not Richmond specific, would show up for a game night and bust on some marvel.

As far as goes, I’ll have the place up and running pretty soon, just got finished with first day of work in DC. Woke up at 6, left at 6:30, got there at 8… left at 5:30, grabbed a bite, got home at 8. Though I probably won’t be working there again for awhile (I’m in a temp agency, but I’m trying to get placed in a longer term position at Quantico, I think its a year or so, and thats like 15 minutes from my house versus FUCKING DC). So yeah, this was a one day deal, but the money is good.

Anyone here play smash brothers melee thats on here? :clap: lookin for better competition that lives near the campus pm me or im me at zer0xazn0 i live at grc. Also play alpha 3, street fighter 3, guilty gear x reloaded, CvS2, and MvC2 <~~~ rusty at that though, but can pick it up fast.

emails @

Signing up a friend.

John Ram
aim: darkrainer
interests: MvC2, CvS2, 3s

Go Team Light Kick!!! :clap:

TLK! That’s whats up!


Good Games at Kevin’s last night. I’m fallin behind in 3s due to lack of competition up in Fredericksburg, but I guess practicing my ass of will be the only way I even come close to you guys now.

Marvel was decent. I still have some stuff to learn in that (read: Everthing) but the game is fun.

I’ll bring the converter next weekend. I’m still not sure if I’m going or not, but I’ll try and get that to you. I’ll also wire up a ps2 pad for JB’s stick with quick disconnects; hopefully he’ll know enough to be able to hook it up without me. If not I guess I’ll have to do it for him.

By the way: Who was the guy with the Naruto GC game at Kevin’s? Sad to say I was still hung over and had a horrible headache, so I kind of forgot his name. I’m going to buy that game now, it was incredibly fun.

Anywho, I’m definately doing GTR. Not sure on Fayetteville, but we’ll see.

Robin: You need to show me where you get your Ownz Jooce from. If possible, I’d like to get some for cheap, maybe even ‘for free’.

Virginia Mid Atlantic Video Game Championships in Richmond!

Damn, you mean people actually play Naruto: Gekito Ninja Taisen 3 around here? I’ve been looking for comp forever in that game. If anyone else is into this hit me up

What thread are you guys posting in now? :stuck_out_tongue:

NC is having a console tournament June 18th and we’re trying to keep it growing. It’s the 5th tournament at this location in about 9 months and the turnout has gotten progressively larger. Last time T5 had 65-70 entrants, along with around 20+ for 3rd Strike and CVS2 with the turnout being mostly NC (Fayetteville, Charlotte, Durham, Greensboro) along with some of yall. We are also distrubuting a flyer around cities in our areas to try to bring some new people into things and help ensure a good turnout. We’re really trying to improve on getting the out-of-state comp.

Tourney thread:

View the flyer here:

VCU was fun, and it’s been good to meet you guys at some of the past NC tournaments and we thank you for your support. Hopefully we’ll see everyone there. Peace. :tup:

Heh. THanks alex. This thread’s been pretty dead for awhile. but… we’ll see what’s up. we don’t post a whole bunch anymore.

Haha, whatsup Rob? And yeah, I noticed :stuck_out_tongue:

See whats up with the 18th though, we’d definately like you guys to make it. I posted up in some other North and South threads, so hopefully the interest is going to be popping up near tourney time.