Hey guys, I am in a hurry and on my lunch break. I found this thread doing a search for Richmond and Xbox

I’m having a party /slash/ xbox lan this saturday if anyone who lives in Richmond would like more details hit me up on AOL IM: ErkDog

That’s awesome, Erkdog. Alot of us who play mostly fighting games will be in Vegas this saturday. However, there are some Xbox/Lan players in the VCU video game club. You can contact some at

Member profiles will usually say if they like halo/ or other lan games. give them a message or make a thread there.

Hi, freshman at VCU here. I attended the last tournament you set up, Robin.

I play pretty much all fighting games, but I really like 3s.

When’s the next meet?

When/Where do people get up to play 3s. Yes, I’m a tekken player, but have recently picked up 3s. Need some comp. I’ve got thursday off this week and want to play, so holla

Sup rob. Lots of us play 3S. Namely me (Chun Li) , Moose (Ken), Aaron (Dudley) (whom I believe is 10X here), and ken (Makoto). There are some other players too, but we’re the best Richmond 3S players.
Contact me AIM Hydraburnt or Billy AIM Moosehummel for more info on games.

Hello all, this weekend event is going to be great!

Events to include:

Street Fighter 3: Third Stike, Double Elim Tourney

25$ Cash First prize!

Super Smash Brothers Tourney!

Prize: 20$ Gift Card for EB Games

Dr Mario (NES) Tourney!

Mario Kart (SNES) Tourney!

As well as any games you want to bring and play!

Show up around 330 PM at the West Broad Street Apartments Community Room.

The address is:

Ackell Hall
1100 W. Broad St.
Richmond, VA

It is on the corner of Harrison and Broad, but the entrance/community room is closer to Hancock street.

Parking is a pain, but try marshall, or just try to park in the decks.

Hope to see everyone there!

Donations of systems/TV’s are NEEDED!

Please RSVP directly to me or on http://videogame.meetup. com/104

When you RSVP with me, please inform me which tourneys you want to participate in and any supplies you can provide.



Oh shit, forgot this thread existed…

omg a post!

Any thoughts on the last video game club meeting at west broad?

I thought it was pretty good. I need to learn how to play something other than 3s though…

Video game meeting… wtf… what u talkin about… :xeye:

ummm yeah.:xeye:

Fighting game fans in VA?

Hey Im looking for people who like playing fighting games in VA, Where do you guys play at and what games? I want to join up with a group of people to play and get better as well.

I’ll be flying in to RIC in two weeks. (March 24th, Friday) Will anybody be able to hook me up with a ride from the airport? I need a ride to my girlfriend’s place on Grove Ave. I don’t know exactly where it’s at, but I don’t think it’s that far from the music division of the VCU campus. (she walks to class everyday, and says it takes minutes)

Jive Out!

Do people still play in Richmond D:

I’m flying down on Monday for Spring Break, wondering if there are any arcades and people to play? I visited the VCU Arcade last time I was down there, it was pretty nice anyone want to meet there maybe? Mainly play CvS2,3s,MvC2 but I can pretty much play anything decently.

Jive: Airport’s like 20-30 minutes away. If i’m not working or otherwise scheduled, I’ll see if I can do it. give me a PM w/ your cellie.

Trophy. Plenty of people that play games, but VCU arcade is closed during Spring Break, i think. Give me a PM about where you are staying and such. Glad to play some capcom games.

Cool, and done.

If Renegade get’s caught up with work, is there anybody else who might possibly be available as well? Trying to get as many options as I can.

Jive Out!

Yooooooooooo is it wayyyyyy 2 late to join your group? Sadly right now in the Pg/Petersburg area there’s no comp and i cant get better beating up on scrubs…so whens the next meet? I need 2 play People Better than me

Do you guys got Kof 11 in your arcade?..Sorry for the super late post i just found this thread and its kool that theres folks in Vcu that still play 3s…

wow TEAM VCU??? sounds like we gotta play 4real i jus hope yall not on scrub status!


Got some shocking late breaking news to all the Richmond players that have been in the scene for at least a few years, like when MvC2 and CvS2 first came out: Jarreau Garrett (pronounced Jerrow), one of the earlier Richmond MvC2 players, is no longer with us. He died January 1, 2006 of cysts in his brain. He never joined SRK at all.

He used to play with us in Marvel vs. Capcom 2 when Putt Putt, Fun Company at Chesterfield Town Centre, and VCU Break were the ideal spots for competitive action.

Gawd I miss him already, I still got a old VhS tape of our old casual Dreamcast MvC2 matches in 2002. Haha there were those days, Omar and Shamy used to hate on his playing style. Most of the time he also got his ass beat alot by Andrew “BLT” Ward. when’s the last time y’all heard THAT name? Gawd it’s been that long…

Oh and one last thing, I have his Neo Geo CD system.