Check your PMs, billy.

So um. Yeah. Robin, you mind if I show up early on friday for some games before the party? I also need to meet up with Li/Rick (Found out his real name when I called his house… isn’t that akward?) to transfer some files, so we’ll see where he’s good to meet at. Anywho, see you on friday, old man.

Actually, I work on friday until 10. I don’t leave until 6 or so… but that sorta precludes early gaming, unfortunately.

mvc2 anyone?

Hey robin what time and where is your grad party

10pm on friday at my house, 1837 w grace #2

If only you had went…I was there and waiting…
Someday soon we shall cross paths…
Be prepared to pay the Devil his due…
as fayetville already has…

Holla back Dave, im always down… so is Strider/Doom Mike… just post up and let us know when u wanna play… :tup:

don’t forget moose’s scrubby rouge tron team :clap:

How many vcu kids play mvc2 now? I’d like to play, but with more than 1 or 2 people

Lets see… Who plays? We’ve got…

And when Redrover drives up he plays.

I suck. I’m still trying to learn the game and I get stomped by everyone on this list. I haven’t seen Robin touch marvel in awhile, but I’m sure he can still use team Big Guys halfway decently. Mike plays a solid Strider/Doom, Billy is actually pretty decent at the game (At least last I saw… I wasn’t concentrating very hard on the game, was dead tired/dicking with computer shit). Brian, of course, plays the low tiers only, pretty much. HAY BRIAN USE CYC INSTEAD OF GIEF AS YOUR 3rd CHARACTER. YOU CAN STILL DO THE DAMN CURSE INFINITE AND CYC DOESN’T SUCK COCK ON POINT. JB doesn’t play as much anymore, but he was throwing down some good sent stuff if I recall correctly, and I’ve only seen Redrover play like, once. But he was pretty good.

On a side note, did anyone get that waitresses number at Applebees? She was pretty fine.

Come to Newport News putt putt on saturday night for games… T5… MvC2… 3RD strike… and whatelse is there… a buncha people ogin… :tup:

Hey guys, I’m gonna be coming down to the Richmond area from the 22-28th and was wondering where to go to play some games? Maybe meet up with some players from that area because I’ll probably be moving up there for college after I finish up this year in HS.

I play A3, GGXX, MvC2, CvS2, SF3s, CFE, and a little T5 I’m still learning that one though because I’ve never really played Tekken til recently.

Hey man. My name is Robin. Give me a call when you get in town, we’d love to have some new comp. 400-0744.

Sorry about flaking last night guys, my mom wouldn’t let me go since I just barely got into town I can play today though for sure gimme a call on my cell if you want 702-306-6645 or leave a message on my aim Paran0ia EviL

Hopefully we can organize some sort of meeting today or later in the week. Once again sorry for last night.

Btw anyone know where a T5 machine with card system is in Richmond? I wanna buy some before I go back to overpriced 5 dollar cards in Vegas :lame:

Hey Robin, do you know anything about this guy that stole your AV, copied your name(Reneg4de) and posted the non-fucking scenes of a porno in GD? He got banned instantly.

Is anyone here into SNK games at all? KOF 98, Garou, Maximum Impact…?

Heh… Charles… No, I don’t know anything about him. Didn’t know I made anyone mad recently… but knowing me and my gaming days and as a Tourney Director, quite a few people don’t like me, imagine that.
What was the video of?

Ace: I play Garou a little. I like Hotaru. That games pretty good, I can actually do moves.

Yeah, really the only SNK game any of us play is Garou. I’m all about Tizoc and B. Jenet myself.

I didn’t see the video but apparently it’s a clip of a woman post-sex with semen over her face.

EDIT: I can get into Garou. I’d most likely play Kevin if K.R. Heinlein isn’t playable.